Honduras Protection Analysis Update


This Protection Analysis Update is the result of an exercise led by the Protection Cluster, together with the Areas of Responsibility for Gender-Based Violence (GBV) and Child Protection, in Honduras, with the purpose of analyzing the context and identifying the main risks faced at the national level. 

The first part of the report addresses the multiplicity of factors that condition the protection space and that influence the guarantee of the population’s rights. Specifically, Honduras is impacted by poverty, inequality, discrimination, violence, impunity, climate change, including the consequences of hurricanes and drought, as well as the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic.

In the second part, protection risks are identified and prioritized, considering the impacts of widespread violence, forced displacement and the disproportionate and differential effects associated with age, gender and diversity; as well as the challenges framed within mixed movements. Issues such as internal displacement, extortion, conflicts over territories, gender-based violence, and the use and recruitment of boys, girls and adolescents are analyzed. 

The report also includes recommendations from the Protection Cluster, promoting actions aimed at consolidating a favorable protection environment through strengthened response capacities and complementarity between humanitarian and development actors.