Mine action is a specialized protection activity that cuts across all spheres of humanitarian action. Explosive hazards inhibit freedom of movement, put civilian infrastructures at risk and limit access to food, water, schools, hospitals and shelter, and ultimately, they jeopardize the safe and dignified return of refugees and internally displaced persons.
Mine action reduces danger and protects people from the physical and psychological harm caused by explosive hazards. Mine action is a vital component of humanitarian responses.
The Approach
OUR VISION: A world in which boys, girls, men and women living in humanitarian emergencies are protected from explosive hazards and where the rights of victims are recognized and respected.
OUR MISSION: The Mine Action Area of Responsibility (MA AoR) of the Global Protection Cluster is a coordination platform that supports relevant global, regional and local actors and advocates for mine action in humanitarian settings to be timely, coordinated effectively and held accountable.
OUR STRATEGY: Our members and coordinators have agreed on a strategy to protect people from explosive hazards in humanitarian emergencies and promote inclusive, local and durable solutions. It has five goals:
1. Offer reliable coordination for humanitarian mine action in emergencies to accelerate and deliver more impactful interventions.
2. Build and strengthen strategic partnerships.
3. Enhance and transfer capacity: strengthen the meaningful participation, representation and leadership of local and national actors in humanitarian coordination structures.
4. Promote equality, diversity and inclusion in operations and workforce.
5. Contribute to sustainable solutions in collaboration with peace and development actors.
The Primacy of Protection
2023 Facts and Figures
People in Need of Mine Action in 15 Countries
People Targeted by Mine Action
Funding Requested (US$) by some 188 mine action Organizations
Funded Still Required
*This figure represents the cumulative number of people deemed to be in need of mine action assistance in 2023 Humanitarian Needs Overviews; for further details on the amount of people targeted with assistance and interventions, please see the Humanitarian Response Plan of a respective country or territory.
**The boundaries and names shown and the designations used on this map do not imply official endorsement or acceptance by the United Nations and the Mine Action Area of Responsibility.
Page Last Updated: 16 June 2023
AoR Partners
Mine Action Global Coordination Team
Mr. Bruno DONAT
Global Coordinator, Mine Action Area of Responsibility (MA AoR)Chief, UNMAS Geneva
Phone Number: +41 22 917 1779
Mail: unmasgeneva@un.org
Ms. Hannah Rose HOLLOWAY
Co-Coordinator, Mine Action Area of Responsibility (MA AoR)Humanitarian Disarmament and Peacebuilding (HDP) Coordinator – DRC Geneva Representation
Phone Number: +41 79 191 4784
Mail: hannah.holloway@drc.ngo
Ms. Christelle LOUPFOREST
Deputy Global Coordinator, Mine Action Area of Responsibility (MA AoR)Liaison Officer, UNMAS Geneva
Phone Number: +41 22 917 4741
Mail: loupforest@un.org