Applying for Asylum

Asylum-seekers are persons who seek international protection because they fear returning to their country of origin where they are at risk, and where they do not benefit from the State authorities’ protection. Any foreign national or stateless person in Trinidad and Tobago may seek asylum regardless of their age, sex, gender, nationality, country of origin, race, religion or political opinion.   

Changes to the UNHCR Registration Centre from 24 April 2023

April 24th, 2023

From 24 April 2023, if you are applying for asylum for the first time, you can visit the UNHCR Registration Centre, corner Keate and Pembroke Streets, Port of Spain, from Monday to Thursday between 8:00 am and 4:00 pm.

Please be reminded that Living Water Community will no longer be registering asylum seekers from 1 April 2023.

How to renew your UNHCR card (expired, lost or stolen cards)?

If you need to renew your UNHCR Card, you can visit the UNHCR Registration Centre when it reopens from Monday to Friday between 8:00 am and 4:00 pm.

What to do if you have a UNHCR certificate (paper document) and remain to be registered?

If you have a UNHCR certificate (paper document), you can email [email protected] to request a registration appointment.

Discontinuation of Registration Hotline number from 21 April 2023:

Effective 21 April 2023, UNHCR will not accept calls/messages on the numbers above, +1 868 280 4022; +1 868 339 2016; +1 868 280 4306. The UNHCR Registration Centre will resume normal office hours from 24 April 2023.

Discontinuation of Asylum seeker Pre-registration and Registration at Living Water Community: Effective 1 April 2023, Living Water Community will no longer pre-register or register asylum seekers. All other services currently provided by Living Water Community will continue as normal. All requests for asylum can be made directly to UNHCR.