Information for new arrivals

Who do I contact if I want to apply for asylum?

UNHCR conducts registration for people seeking asylum and determination of whether they are refugees. UNHCR partners help us do this registration. You can find information on asylum in Pakistan here. Please note that there is currently a considerable waiting time for the interview appointments to be made.  If you have an urgent protection issue in the interim, please call the Protection Helpline in your area.

Does Pakistan have a resettlement program?

UNHCR is aware that many Afghans face a very difficult situation in Pakistan and desire to be resettled to another country.  However, due to the extremely limited number of resettlement places available, only a small number of individuals may be considered for resettlement. UNHCR will identify cases for consideration based on the available information pertaining to the case and in line with the established criteria.  Self-referrals for resettlement will not be considered. Please do not approach UNHCR or partner agencies seeking resettlement consideration. UNHCR will contact you if you might qualify.

Resettlement is free as are all services provided by UNHCR or its partners. If someone has asked you for money in exchange for resettlement or other services, please report this to UNHCR at:

Country Office Islamabad: [email protected] / +92 304 111 1437  (Telephone and WhatsApp)

Sub Office Quetta: [email protected] / +92 331 111 0237 (Telephone)

Sub Office Peshawar: [email protected]  / +92 300 054 4700 (Telephone and WhatsApp)

UN Inspector General’s Office (IGO): [email protected] / +41 22 739 8844 /

Any information you share with UNHCR will be treated confidentially.

Please note that if you are facing serious risks and/or vulnerabilities that you believe require support from UNHCR or one of our partners, you can contact us at:

Country Office Islamabad: [email protected] / +92 304 111 1437 (Telephone and WhatsApp)

Sub Office Quetta: [email protected] / +92 331 111 0237 (Telephone)

Sub Office Peshawar: [email protected] / +92 300 858 5600 (Telephone and WhatsApp)

I have heard about special programs set up by other countries to help Afghans who worked with or for those countries to travel to those countries. Can UNHCR Pakistan help me access these programs?

Some countries have recently announced opportunities for Afghan nationals who have worked or been affiliated with those countries to apply for permission to travel to those countries. These programs are established by those countries and UNHCR does not refer people to the programs or process applications.

There may be more programs that are now or soon to be available to support Afghan people in or outside of Afghanistan. UNHCR will try to keep up to date with announcements as we become aware of these State-sponsored programs. Details of them can be found on the websites set up by the particular state. Please check information on our Afghanistan page for the latest information and links to those government websites.

Some programmes include the following:

🇺🇸 United States of America 🇺🇸

The United States recently announced opportunities for Afghan nationals who have worked or been affiliated with the US government, military, NGOs, or media. Please visit the following sites from the US State Department for details:

🇨🇦 Canada 🇨🇦

The Canadian program is available for Afghan nationals whose “employment involved a significant and/or enduring relationship with the Government of Canada”, including interpreters for the Canadian military and local staff who work or worked for the Canadian Embassy. Please visit the following site for details:

🇬🇧 United Kingdom 🇬🇧

The UK has established two programs for current and former locally employed staff in Afghanistan. Please visit the following sites for details:


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