Your report will be treated with discretion and be kept strictly confidential.
Your report will be treated with discretion and be kept strictly confidential.
Misconduct is “any failure by a staff member to comply with his or her obligations under the Charter of the United Nations, the Staff Regulations and Staff Rules or other administrative issuances, or to observe the standards of conduct expected of an international civil servant.”
All assistance and protection services offered for refugees and asylum seekers are FREE OF CHARGE. Please be aware that you do not have to pay any money, or accept any favour or trade, either physically or materially (including money, or any other object or services) for any UNHCR or any partner services.
You can confidentially report any violation of this to UNHCR. To report fraud, corruption, sexual abuse or exploitation, or other misconduct contact UNHCR Inspector General Office:
UNHCR Libya complaint boxes are located in Serraj Office. The complaint procedures allow asylum seekers or refugees who believe they have been the victim of serious misconduct by UNHCR staff, interpreters, or guards to bring information about the wrongful behaviour to senior management of UNHCR. The UNHCR complaints system addresses instances of serious misconduct or procedural unfairness of a UNHCR staff member, interpreter, or security guard.
To initiate a complaint please share your complaint in the sealed complaints box. Only the most Senior UNHCR staff member in Libya has access to the complaint box and will treat your complaint in a confidential manner.
Please remember that UNHCR and its partners have ZERO TOLERANCE policy when it comes to fraud, corruption, sexual exploitation, harassment, and mistreatment/abuse.
All assistance and protection services offered to refugees and asylum seekers are FREE OF CHARGE. Please be aware that you do not have to pay any money or provide any favours to get assistance from UNHCR or our partners. You can confidentially report any violation of this to UNHCR. To report fraud, corruption, sexual abuse or exploitation, or other misconduct contact UNHCR Inspector General Office:
UNHCR Libya complaint boxes are located in Serraj Office. The complaint procedures allow asylum seekers or refugees who believe they have been the victim of serious misconduct by UNHCR staff, interpreters, or guards to bring information about the wrongful behaviour to senior management of UNHCR. The UNHCR complaints system addresses instances of serious misconduct or procedural unfairness of a UNHCR staff member, interpreter, or security guard.
To initiate a complaint please share your complaint in the sealed complaints box. Only the most Senior UNHCR staff member in Libya has access to the complaint box and will treat your complaint in a confidential manner.
Please remember that UNHCR and its partners have ZERO TOLERANCE policy when it comes to fraud, corruption, sexual exploitation, harassment, and mistreatment/abuse.
Any act including misrepresentation and/or concealment of material facts that knowingly or intentionally mislead, or attempt to mislead, to obtain a benefit, whether directly or indirectly, whether for oneself or for a third party. Examples of fraudulent acts include:
Please report any concerns or suspicions of fraud and corruption committed by refugees and asylum seekers to [email protected] All reports are treated with strict confidentiality.
You can confidentially report any violation of this to UNHCR. To report fraud, corruption, sexual abuse or exploitation, or other misconduct contact UNHCR Inspector General Office:
To initiate a complaint to UNHCR Libya, please share it in the sealed complaints boxes at Serraj Registration office. Only the most Senior UNHCR staff member in Libya has access to the complaint box and will treat your complaint in a confidential manner.
All assistance and protection services offered to refugees and asylum seekers are FREE OF CHARGE. Please be aware that you do not have to pay any money or provide any favours to get assistance from UNHCR or our partners.
Our position is clear and has been reiterated on several occasions by our High Commissioner:
If you are aware of, or have concerns or suspicions about a possible case of sexual exploitation and abuse by a UNHCR, UN or NGO staff member, please report this directly to the Inspector General’s Office (IGO) at UNHCR Headquarters:
For more information, you can visit UNHCR – Reporting sexual exploitation and abuse (SEA).
It is essential for you to provide truthful and complete information to UNHCR. Please include the below information to the best of your abilities:
Please indicate if you have any supporting evidence to corroborate your allegation, that you could share.