As well as completing the survey yourself, please consider promoting it further by sharing and helping those around you to fill it in. Working together we can link individuals and communities to our work and be stronger together.
Some members of your family, community, or workplace may need help filling out this survey for many reasons. If they need help, offer to assist as a facilitator and then ask for instructions on how to assist. Here are some general guidelines:
- Please read the above information to the respondent
- Confirm verbal confirmation of consent
- Set aside enough time to go through the survey and let them set the pace
- Conduct the survey in a private setting if possible, to allow for privacy
- Choose the most appropriate language for them
- Read the survey clearly, slowly and in the correct order
- If they are unsure of their answer, leave the question blank. Facilitators should not answer for them
- Facilitators should respect the answers given without trying to influence them
- Do not be afraid to remain silent; people might need to think before reacting
- The facilitator should help the person who is answering the survey to understand any questions or answers which are unclear
Definitions of terms used in the survey:
Country of origin: Your home country, where you were born.
Stateless person: A stateless person does not have the nationality of any country.
Gender identity: Gender identity is the personal sense of one’s own gender. Gender identity can correlate with a person’s assigned sex or can differ from it.
Asylum seeker: An asylum-seeker is someone whose international protection claim has not yet been finally decided on by the country in which the claim is submitted.
Refugee: A refugee is someone who cannot return to their country because they have a well-founded fear of persecution there for reasons of race, religion, nationality, membership of a particular social group or political opinion.
Refugee status/Asylum: Refugee status/asylum is the form of protection that is granted to people who meet the definition of a refugee.
Subsidiary protection: Subsidiary protection is complementary to refugee status. It means that someone cannot be returned to their country of origin or habitual residence because they face a real risk of serious harm. Serious harm means (i) the death penalty or execution; (ii) torture or inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment; (iii) serious and individual threat to a civilian’s life or person by reason of indiscriminate violence in a situation of international or internal armed conflict.
International protection: is a commonly used phrase in EU law which refers to both refugee and subsidiary protection statuses. A person who claims asylum in Ireland is seeking international protection from persecution or serious harm in their home country.
Permission to remain: If someone is not found to be entitled to refugee status or subsidiary protection, the Minister considers whether to grant permission to remain in Ireland for another reason such as family or personal circumstances.
Programme refugee status/ refugees under the resettlement programme with the Irish Refugee Protection Programme (IRPP) and UNHCR: Resettled refugees are transferred from an asylum country outside of the EU to another State that has agreed to admit them. Ireland mainly resettles refugees from Lebanon and Jordan. Resettled refugees have already been determined by UNHCR to meet the 1951 Refugee Convention definition of a refugee, so they are not required to apply for refugee status once they reach Ireland.
Relocation from Greece: Relocation refers to the movement of asylum-seekers or refugees from one EU Member State to another. Relocation is an expression of internal EU solidarity and responsibility-sharing, particularly with those countries at the borders of Europe that receive a high number of refugees. Ireland has primarily received refugees relocated from Greece.
Visa Waiver after the Afghanistan crisis: A humanitarian visa which was issued to facilitate travel to Ireland after the crisis in Afghanistan.
Temporary Protection: Temporary protection is a status given under the EU Temporary Protection Directive which was triggered in response to the war in Ukraine.
Family reunification: To bring family members to Ireland to join you, through the International Protection Act 2015, a long stay (join family) visa or a Government scheme (e.g. IHAP).
Syrian Humanitarian Admissions Programmes (SHAP):
In 2014, the Irish Government introduced a once-off private sponsorship scheme in response to the deteriorating crisis in Syria: the Syrian Humanitarian Admission Programme (SHAP). SHAP allowed Irish citizens of Syrian birth and Syrian nationals lawfully resident in Ireland to apply to bring family members in Syria, or displaced from Syria in surrounding countries, to Ireland. The scheme is now closed.
The Irish Refugee Protection Programme Humanitarian Admission Programme (IHAP):
The IHAP programme was established in 2018 to provide humanitarian admission for 530 eligible family members of Irish citizens and those with protection status in Ireland. The proposed beneficiaries had to be nationals of ten specified countries and be residing in that country, a neighbouring country and/or be registered with UNHCR. The programme is now closed.
Afghan Admissions Programme (AAP):
In 2021, the Government launched the Afghan Admission Programme. This programme enabled current or former Afghan nationals living legally in Ireland to apply for a residency permission in Ireland for up to four close family members living in Afghanistan or who had fled to territories bordering Afghanistan since 1 August 2021. The programme is now closed.
Naturalised Irish citizen:
Naturalisation means becoming a citizen of another country, usually because you have been living there for a number of years. To apply for naturalisation in Ireland, you must have been physically resident in Ireland for a certain length of time.
NGOs: Non-governmental organisations (NGOs) campaign to change government policies and share information to encourage people to improve things. Some examples of Irish NGOs are the Irish Refugee Council, Nasc, Doras, Amnesty etc.
Humanitarian organisation: Humanitarian organizations aid people who are suffering, particularly victims of armed conflict, famines, and natural disasters.
Consultations: Facilitated conversations between UNHCR and the people we serve.