Accommodation for Asylum-Seekers

Please be aware of current accommodation shortages and risks of homelessness. On 24 January 2023, the Department of Children, Equality, Disability, Integration & Youth announced that it could not provide accommodation to adults arriving at the Citywest transit hub as it has reached capacity and there is a severe shortage of suitable accommodation nationwide.  The International Protection Accommodation Service (IPAS) will continue to provide accommodation for families with children. Any asylum-seekers who are not provided with accommodation upon arrival or when applying for International Protection at the IPO will have their contact details taken and be contacted as soon as accommodation becomes available. If you are currently without accommodation, please email [email protected] and ensure to include your email address. 

Please note that the Citywest transit hub remains operational for processing permissions and accommodation for Temporary Protection Beneficiries (people fleeing Ukraine). 

Otherwise, when an asylum-seeker is offered accommodation they will most likely be housed in a centre in Dublin for a period of around 14 days for the purposes of orientation, information provision, voluntary health screening, needs assessment and assistance with the first stages of asylum applications, before being dispersed to various centres around the country depending on individual circumstances and centre capacity. The centres are basic and will provide you with a place to stay and food. You will be entitled to apply for a medical card which gives you access to medical services free of charge.

If you have somewhere else to live in Ireland such as with a friend, spouse or family member you may do so.

Residents of Direct Provision receive a weekly allowance of €38.80 or €29.80 for a child from the Department of Social Welfare. Other assistance from the Department, such as bus fares to attend appointments, are available at the discretion of the local community welfare officer. In order to avail of these supports you must obtain a Personal Public Service (PPS) Number. You should attend your nearest PPS registration centre (a full list of centres is available on the Department of Social Welfare’s website with the necessary documentation in order to obtain a PPS Number). This documentation includes a passport or Certificate of Registration with the Department of Justice and Equality (Immigration Card), evidence of your address and, if available, supporting documentation of either birth, work, unemployment, residency, tax liability or education history. You must also be prepared to explain why you need a PPS number i.e. in order to claim your weekly allowance.

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