
In order to support education and/or employment opportunities for the refugees, UNHCR Rwanda seeks to update the current refugee education and occupational information included in the registration database. Refugees are requested to self-update this information here.

You will need an internet connection to access the form from the link and to submit the form. Before submitting the form, ensure all mandatory (*) fields are completed. You are requested to provide true information, which will be verified later. Note that this is part of continuous registration, and there is, therefore, no deadline for this process. If you need any clarification, kindly contact us at [email protected]

Refugees and asylum-seekers can have access to inclusive education at all levels in Rwanda.  The Rwandan government allows refugee children and youth to attend public primary, secondary and tertiary education on the same conditions as nationals. UNHCR, along with partners, supports the Government to enhance the inclusion of refugees and asylum-seekers in the national education system where refugee and host community children attend school together. The Ministry of Education (MINEDU), Rwanda Education Board (REB), and Ministry in Charge of Emergency Management (MINEMA) are closely collaborating with UNHCR and other education stakeholders to ensure full integration of refugees in the national system at all levels.

Refugee youths can access tertiary education through scholarships opportunities at university and Technical, Vocational Education and Training (TVET) levels. Tertiary education is supported through scholarship programmes sponsored by different donors and organizations.

  • DAFI (Albert Einstein German Academic Refugee Initiative) scholarship programme, is largely supported by the Government of Germany and private-sector partners and foundations. UNHCR manages implementation of the DAFI programme, in partnership with Government and an NGO who facilitate the implementation of the programme. Currently, the Adventist Development and Relief Agency (ADRA) in Rwanda is facilitating the implementation of programme.
  • Other scholarship opportunities are through Maison Shalom, Kepler, Impact Hope African Leadership University (ALU) and GIZ who are providing scholarship opportunities ranging from secondary schools through TVET to university level studies.

Call for application for scholarship opportunities is announced on open platforms and posted in places accessible to refugees and asylum-seekers. In addition, information on the opportunities will also be widely disseminated in the community through existing community structures including Alumni clubs. You can also find information on scholarships offered to refugees at UNHCR’s Opportunities for refugees site.

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