Financial assistance

UNHCR uses cash-based interventions to provide protection, assistance, and services to the most economically vulnerable asylum-seeker and refugee families in Iraq.

All assistance is free of charge.
Do not pay for any services
Do not accept any deduction from the cash amount you are entitled to.

Reporting Fraud and Corruption

Some services may be temporarily unavailable due to Coronavirus (COVID-19) health measures.

What is Multi-Purpose Cash Assistance?

Multi-Purpose Cash Assistance helps refugees and asylum-seekers meet a variety of basic needs, including access to food, water, healthcare, shelter, and livelihood support through existing local markets.

What is Seasonal Cash Assistance?

In certain years, where funding is available, UNHCR provides seasonal cash assistance to asylum-seekers and refugees during specific times of the year. Seasonal cash assistance is a one-time payment aiming to help vulnerable asylum-seekers and refugees meet urgent needs as the cold season begins. Seasonal cash assistance is not always available, and UNHCR will inform you if you and your family will receive such assistance.

What is COVID Cash Assistance?

In 2020, COVID cash assistance was provided as an exceptional measure in response to the emerging COVID-19 pandemic. COVID cash assistance was a one-time payment, aiming to help vulnerable asylum-seekers and refugees meet urgent needs in response to restrictions caused by the pandemic.

Is UNHCR increasing the amount of assistance to refugees in Iraq?

Cash assistance is provided via either Zain Cash or Asia Hawala through e-wallet or iris payment technology.

Short text messages (SMS) will be sent to your registered mobile number along with the instructions on where and how to receive your cash assistance.

How does UNHCR identify and select families for multi-purpose cash assistance?

Economic vulnerability is generally defined as an inability to financially cover basic household needs (such as food, healthcare, and rent, among others) due to a variety of factors that may include chronic medical conditions or disabilities, past history of violence or exploitation, or other circumstances.

Beginning in 2021, UNHCR is applying a new model for determining eligibility: Given limited funding, and recognizing the acute financial situation of many asylum-seekers and refugees, UNHCR uses metrics that prioritize assistance to families most in need of cash support for their survival and basic needs. Such metrics draw directly from information provided by all asylum-seekers and refugees to UNHCR at the time of registration or renewal of registration. The resulting vulnerability determination maximizes the number of benefiting families while prioritizing those of greatest need.

I need cash, how can I enrol myself and my family for cash assistance?

Asylum-seekers and refugees cannot enrol themselves and their families for cash assistance or request a home visit to determine economic vulnerability. Instead, you should inform UNHCR at its Reception and Registration Centers about changes to your family’s situation, including phone numbers, address in Iraq, family composition (births, marriages, deaths, or departures from Iraq), medical situation, economic situation, etc.

How and when will I know if I am selected to receive multi-purpose cash assistance?

UNHCR will send a monthly SMS informing newly selected families that they will receive assistance. Families who will no longer receive assistance will also be informed by SMS.

My family has been selected to receive assistance. What are my responsibilities?

Asylum-seekers and refugees selected to receive cash assistance must:

  • Ensure that their iris scans with UNHCR are registered and work, and possess two (2) forms of valid documentation (the 1st can be any ID issued by the Iraqi government, and the 2nd is a valid UNHCR certificate)
  • Attend an e-wallet registration organized by Zain Cash.
  • Timely withdraw/cash out your assistance through Eye-Pay or e-wallet.
  • Timely inform UNHCR about any changes in phone numbers, address, or family composition.

Be Aware! Your assistance may be cancelled in the event of any misuse of assistance, misrepresentation, or any act of fraud, including but not limited to:

  • Selling or gifting your SIM card/e-wallet to another family or person to grant unauthorized access to cash assistance.
  • Preventing other family members from benefitting from the assistance.
  • Providing false or misleading information about your family or situation to UNHCR.

I have been selected to receive assistance. How do I withdraw my cash?

You will be registered for a Zain Cash e-wallet and Eye Pay, a mobile application to authenticate identity using Iris Scan. Each monthly dispersal should be timely withdrawn via these applications. We do not recommend that you accumulate your monthly payments in the E-wallet.

Be Aware! Do not pay extra service fees, charges, or deductions when withdrawing. All humanitarian assistance and services are available to you in Iraq for free. Any person demanding commissions, fees, or other charges in exchange for your cash assistance should be reported to the Iraq Information Center hotline (80069999) or hotlines provided by Zain Cash.

Can someone withdraw on my behalf if I am unable to withdraw it on time due to medical circumstances, travel, or other unavoidable situations?

Cash assistance is provided on behalf of an entire family. Any family member above age 18 and in possession of valid documentation or iris scan can withdraw assistance on behalf of the family. Any person not included in the file issued by UNHCR will not have.

Why has my family been discontinued from cash assistance?

UNHCR uses cash-based interventions to provide protection, assistance, and services to the most economically vulnerable asylum-seeker and refugee families in Iraq. In line with UNHCR’s 2021 review of all asylum-seekers and refugees in Iraq to determine eligibility, your family may not have been found eligible for assistance this year. You should inform UNHCR at its Reception Centers about any changes to your family’s situation, including phone numbers, address in Iraq, family composition (births, marriages, deaths, or departures from Iraq), medical situation, economic situation, etc.

Will my registration with UNHCR be affected by whether I receive cash assistance?

No. Inclusion or exclusion from cash assistance does not affect your registration status with UNHCR or your access to other humanitarian assistance.