Grant opportunities for organizations led by displaced and stateless people


UNHCR introduces new grant agreements that will allow us to get engaged with organizations led by displaced and stateless people in Indonesia as our partners. These new grants aim to create a simple mechanism to provide financial support to these organizations in order to assist them in realizing their projects and building their capacity; they will also allow us to work directly with the people we serve without having to use intermediaries.

Who can apply for the grant?

The grant agreements target non-profit, grass-root organizations whose activities are based primarily on volunteer efforts and provide advocacy, protection and assistance services at community level. The organizations should be entirely established and led by refugees, asylum seekers, internally displaced people, returnees, stateless people or any other person that UNHCR serves who should constitute more than 50% oof leadership and decision-making positions.

Legal status of the PoC-Partner for eligibility:

  • Organisation is legally registered in Indonesia.
  • Organisation is registered in another country and authorised to operation in Indonesia.
  • Organisation is not registered but has legal status under the laws of Indonesia that allows organisation to conclude contracts in its name.
  • Individual representing the organisation has legal status Indonesia.

Amount of the grant

Each selected organization can receive up to USD 4,000 per grant/project and up to USD 12,000 for three separate distinct grants/projects in total funding per year.

Number of grants:

Each PoC-Partner can receive a maximum three separate grants/projects per financial year.

Payment of Grant:

The RLO or a key individual in the organization should have a bank account to receive the payment.

How to apply:

You can submit your proposal (template available in this page) in word format to [email protected]

Registration in UN Partner Portal

Similar to other organizational partners, PoC-Partners are required to register on the Partner Portal and may register as CBOs. The Organization interested in partnering with UNHCR may approach UNHCR through email [email protected]  or log-in at UN Partner Portal. Thereafter the user will be guided through simple steps.

For any questions, do not hesitate to email us at [email protected], please write “Grant opportunities for Refugee Led Organizations (RLOs)” in the email’s subject.

Relevant documents:

POC-Led Organization Grant – Project Proposal Template – June 2021