Reporting misconduct by Humanitarian workers

What is misconduct?

The United Nations defines misconduct as “any failure by a staff member to comply with his or her obligations under the Charter of the United Nations, the Staff Regulations and Staff Rules or other administrative issuances, or to observe the standards of conduct expected of an international civil servant.” In particular, fraud, corruption and sexual exploitation and abuse are considered misconduct, whether by UNHCR personnel or partner staff.

If you are aware of, or have concerns or suspicions about a possible case of misconduct related to UNHCR, please report this directly to the Inspector General’s Office (IGO) at UNHCR Headquarters:

  • Email[email protected]
  • Confidential fax: +41 22 739 7380
  • Mail: UNHCR, 94 Rue de Montbrillant, 1202 Geneva, Switzerland

Your report will be treated with discretion and kept strictly confidential. For further information, please see this page.

What is fraud?

Fraud is any act with the objective of intentionally misleading another in order to obtain a benefit.

All UNHCR services are free of charge. Do not trust anyone or any organization asking you to pay for the services of UNHCR or its partners. Report fraudsters who are offering you resettlement, financial or other kinds of assistance, fake documents or fake claims in exchange for money or other favors.

What is corruption?

Corruption is an act of offering, giving, receiving or soliciting (directly or indirectly) anything of value to influence improperly the actions of another party.

All UNHCR services are free of charge. Do not trust anyone asking you to pay for the services of UNHCR or its partners. If any form of favors (including of sexual nature) is requested from you, please report it to UNHCR immediately.

What is sexual exploitation?

Sexual exploitation means any actual or attempted abuse of position of vulnerability, differential power, or trust, for sexual purposes, including but not limited to, profiting monetarily, socially, or politically from the sexual exploitation of persons of concern.

Sexual exploitation is unacceptable behavior and prohibited for all United Nations and NGO partners’ staff members.

Respective concerns should be reported immediately!

What is sexual abuse?

Sexual abuse means the actual or threatened physical intrusion of a sexual nature, whether by force, or under unequal or coercive conditions.

Sexual abuse is unacceptable behavior and prohibited for all United Nations and NGO partners’ staff members.

Respective concerns should be reported immediately!