
Monitoring actors

Children Rights Commissioner

The Flemish Office of the Children’s Rights Commissioner is an independent body that monitors whether children’s rights are adhered to in Flanders by the central and local governments and by private organizations in education, childcare, child welfare and health care. It detects (warning) signs from children, young people, their immediate environment and professionals. It mediates, investigates complaints and provides policy advice – always with a view to compliance with and the application of children’s rights in Flanders. More information on the Children Rights Commissioner can be found on their website.

The Children Rights Commissioner has established a hotline for children, parents and professionals working in the field of children’s rights, more information can be found here.

General Delegate for Children’s Rights

The General Delegate for Children’s Rights is the counterpart of the Flemish Children Rights Commissioner competent for the French Community (Wallonia-Brussels Federation). The mission and tasks of the General Delegate are similar to the ones of the Children Rights Commissioner.

More information on the General Delegate for Children’s Rights can be found on the website.

Federale Ombudsman – Médiateur Fédéral

See general services. They monitor the actions of federal administrative bodies working with children.  

For unaccompanied children

The Belgian guardianship service

The guardianship-service, which falls under the Federal Public Service Justice, is responsible for the identification of unaccompanied children who arrive in Belgium without their parents/caretakers, for organizing medical tests in case of doubt on their age, for ensuring that they are accommodated in centres which are adapted to their specific needs and for appointing guardians to them.

The guardian’s tasks consist in representing and accompanying the child in all administrative and legal procedures, ensuring that a durable solution is identified for the child, ensuring the child’s rights are respected, establishing trust and managing his/her assets.

More information can be found on its website (Dutch) and (French).

Plate-forme Mineurs en exil

La Plate-forme Mineurs en exil is a national, bilingual platform of 55 organizations that coordinates the actions of professionals working directly with unaccompanied children and children with their parents in precarious or undocumented stay in Belgium.

More information on services for children in Belgium as well as their contact details can be found on their website (in Dutch/French).


Yapaka is an abuse prevention programme established on the initiative of the Wallonia-Brussels Federation and has a hotline for children (103) and adults (107). Additionally, an online tool compiles all organizations that can offer help to children, adolescents, parents and families. Find it here (in French only).

Manorea Helpdesk

The Manorea Helpdesk is a bundling of expertise of the organizations Minor Ndako and Mentor Escale, focusing on providing information regarding the guidance of unaccompanied and separated children. The Manorea Helpdesk focuses primarily on those involved in guiding unaccompanied children on their path to independence, and answers all questions of an administrative, social, legal, or other nature regarding this guidance.

More information on the Manorea Helpdesk, as well as their contact details, can be found on their website.

See also

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