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Attica updates on service provision following COVID-19 pandemic

Municipal Services

  • Athens Municipal call center: 210 52 77 000

Monday – Friday, 8am – 8pm – No interpretation available

  • Psychosocial support: 210 3637365, No interpretation available.
  • First Aid support: 210 3638049, No interpretation available.

ACCMR – Athens Coordination Center for Migrant and Refugee issues.

  • Measures and interventions taken by the City of Athens to protect public health (14 measures) protect-public-health.html?art=1

  • Active Services & Activities for vulnerable groups (including migrants and refugees). Service mapping available here:
  • Information on Coronavirus preventive measures for community workers and beneficiaries

Hospitals in Attica Region

All hospitals in Greece are currently functioning on an on-call basis (εφημερία) and as such all regular appointments booked prior to COVID-19 outbreak are cancelled. Persons facing urgent medical conditions should proceed to the emergency room of the nearest on-call hospital.

Persons experiencing COVID-19 symptoms (fever, cough or shortness of breath) should call the National Organization for Public Health (EODY) 24h helpline at 1135 (available in Greek and English).

National Public Health Organization (EODY):

Athens Arsis street work activities for homeless unaccompanied children

ARSIS continues street work activities to provide kits that include hygiene items, sleeping bag, clothes and solar charger to homeless unaccompanied children. Any person below 18 years old who is not accompanied by mother or father and is currently homeless in the area of Athens can reach out to ARSIS street work team at  (+30)6941410777 (landline and on line applications viber, whats app, IMO) and via email at [email protected].

GCR Online help desk

For asylum seekers and recognized refugees who do not have an open case with GCR. GCR has launched a Help Desk on FB to which individuals can send their queries through messenger, in their language. GCR will assess the nature and the urgency of the query and refer it either to Legal or Social Services Unit. If case is undertaken, individuals will be in contact with the professional that follows up their case through email. GCR kindly asks individuals who wish to address their question to the organization to provide in their initial message the below information: 1) Which is your location in Greece?, 2) What do you need (what is your request)?, 3) Which is your speaking language?

Greek Council for Refugees- Helpdesk

Network for Children’s Rights Helpline

Hotline for unaccompanied children who live under precarious housing conditions in Athens and are in need of psychosocial and legal support.

Farsi 6940580338, Arabic 6940580531, Urdu 6940580367 available in applications imo, Viber, WhatsApp. and Skype.


Sexual and Gender-Based Violence Support Services

As part of the measures to prevent and limit the spread of COVID-19 in Greece, Center Diotima has adapted its operation to the new context, enabling its staff to work remotely.

Thus, Diotima continues to provide remote psychosocial and legal aid services to refugee survivors of gender-based violence.

Contact details:

 telephone: 2108816405 (10.00-17.00)


[email protected] (for psychosocial support)

[email protected] (for legal aid)

Other applications such as viber and whatsApp are also available:

Farsi: 6988587846

French: 6988587809


Sorani: 6988528460