The following organizations offer services to asylum seekers and refugees who are survivors of human trafficking.
CoMensha is the national Coordination Center against Human Trafficking. They are committed to defend the interests and rights of survivors of human trafficking in the Netherlands and those who may be at risk of human trafficking, as well as survivors of sexual exploitation, labour exploitation, criminal exploitation and forced organ removal.
You can contact CoMensha at 033 448 11 86 or [email protected], and find more information on their website.
FairWork assists survivors of modern slavery and human trafficking in the Netherlands. FairWork offers assistance in situations where employees are exploited by their boss, employees are forced to do dangerous work, employees are forced to hand in their passports, employees do not get paid sufficiently, or do not receive any salary at all.
If you are a survivor of human trafficking or forced labour/labour exploitation, you can find more information on FairWork’s website, for example the answers to frequently asked questions. The website is available in 18 different langauges. You can contact FairWork at 020 760 08 09 or at [email protected]
Fier / Centrum Kinderhandel Mensenhandel (CKM)
The Fier counseling line is available 24 hours a day. They can help you in case you have seek advice or help about human trafficking. It is possible to remain anonymous during the conversation.
You can call Fier at 088 2080 000. Additionally, you can contact them at [email protected], or use their chat service. More information can be found on their website and the website of CKM.