❗️ Extension of the validity of temporary protection residence permits ❗️
Please be informed that, after temporary protection was extended in the whole European Union for one more year (until 4 March 2024), the Hungarian government has now extended the validity of the temporary protection residence permits until 4 March 2024.
What does this mean for me if I have temporary protection?
This means that your residence permit card is now valid until 4 March 2024, contrary to the validity date physically displayed on the card (4 March 2023).
What do I need to do at this point?
According to the National Directorate-General for Aliens Policing (NDGAP), you do not need to take any action for now. The validity of the card has been extended by law. Please keep an eye on the website of the NDGAP for more information.
In case somebody questions the validity of your residence permit, for example, your employer, or any service providers (healthcare, education), please inform them about the extension and demonstrate to them the law ensuring that the plastic card is valid until 4 March 2024.
What is the exact legal provision I can refer to, in case the validity of my residence permit is questioned?
▸ The new law is Government decree 58/2023 of 28 February 2023, however, it is only an amendment of Government decree 86/2022 of 7 March 2022, which introduced the EU form of temporary protection.
▸ Therefore, the correct legal reference is Section 5(3) of Government decree 86/2022 of 7 March 2022. In Hungarian, with link: 86/2022. (III. 7.) Korm. rendelet 5. § (3) bekezdés.
In case you have more questions or need assistance, please call our Refugee Helpline at +36 80 984 583 or contact us at [email protected].
What is Temporary Protection?
Temporary Protection is a protection status for persons fleeing Ukraine which is available in the European Union. It gives you residency rights; access to shelter if you need it; social welfare assistance; medical care; legal guardianship and safe care for unaccompanied children under 18; access to education for children under 18 and access to the labour market without a work permit. Temporary Protection will last until 4 March 2024 but may be extended.
Please note: if you do not have a biometric passport and you are admitted to the territory of Hungary, you will receive a temporary residence certificate (“ideiglenes tartózkodásra jogosító igazolás” in Hungarian). It is NOT the same as Temporary Protection. It only lets you stay legally for 30 days in Hungary and may give you access to some assistance, but it DOES NOT give you the same rights as Temporary Protection.
You can watch our explanatory video about Temporary Protection in English (below), Ukrainian, Hungarian and Russian. You can also consult the Hungarian Helsinki Committee’s FAQs on Temporary Protection. In case you would like information on travelling back to Ukraine or to other countries within Europe as a Temporary Protection applicant or beneficiary, please consult the information provided by the European Union: in English, Ukrainian, and Russian.
Am I entitled to temporary protection?
You are entitled to Temporary Protection in Hungary if you were residing in Ukraine before 24 February and you crossed to the European Union on or after this date, and you are a Ukrainian citizen, a refugee or a stateless person recognized previously in Ukraine, or a family member of a person belonging to these categories. Family members here refer to: spouse, domestic partner, dependent child below the age of 18, dependent relative living in the same household.
Please note that if you are a Hungarian national, you are not entitled to temporary protection, but you are entitled to the same rights and services as beneficiaries of temporary protection.
Temporary Protection grants you the following rights, among others:
Residency – You will have the right to reside in Hungary until 4 March 2024, which period may be extended. When you apply for Temporary Protection, you will receive a humanitarian residence permit valid for 60 days (also referred to as “laminated card”). When the asylum authority grants you Temporary Protection, you will receive a residence permit (also referred to as “plastic card”). The granting of your Temporary Protection status (and receiving your plastic card) may take up to two months. IMPORTANT: if your humanitarian residence permit is due to expire soon, and you have not yet received your plastic card, you should contact the immigration authority for information. In case you experience problems with applying for Temporary Protection, and need legal assistance, please contact the Hungarian Helsinki Committee.
Healthcare – As an applicant for Temporary Protection and as a Temporary Protection status holder, you are entitled to free healthcare in Hungary. The general practitioner (family doctor) covering your residency area will be able to help you. In case of urgency, you may seek specialized care or go to the hospital. Make sure to bring your documents with you, as the doctor might request them. In case you experience difficulties accessing healthcare, and need counselling or legal help, please contact Menedék Association.
Education – As an applicant for Temporary Protection and as a beneficiary of Temporary Protection, you have the right to benefit from nursery care for your child, and have an obligation to enroll your child into kindergarten (age 3-6) and school (age 6-16). Public education institutions (nurseries, kindergartens, elementary and high schools) are free to attend, but you need to formally enroll your child. In case you need assistance with this, please contact Menedék Association.
Shelter – In case you do not have a place to stay, you are entitled to state-provided accommodation as an applicant for Temporary Protection and as a beneficiary of Temporary Protection, for the entire duration of your stay in Hungary. In case you need accommodation, the National Directorate-General for Disaster Management can help you, you may find them at BOK Sportcsarnok transit center in Budapest 1146 Budapest, Dózsa György út 1.) You may also contact the Charity Council organizations and Menedék Association for help.
Financial support – If you have been granted Temporary Protection in Hungary (you already have your plastic card), you may be entitled to financial assistance. The amount is HUF 22,800 per month per adult, and HUF 13,700 per month per child. You can request the assistance at the Labour Authority of the locally competent Government Office, showing your plastic card to the authorities. At the same time, you will be requested to register for employment. You will no longer be entitled to support once you start working. You may find a list of the relevant Government Offices here.
How do I apply for Temporary Protection?
All Ukrainian citizens and people who were living in Ukraine as recognized refugees or stateless persons and their family members can apply for this status at the National Directorate-General for Aliens Policing (“Országos Idegenrendészeti Főigazgatóság” in Hungarian) offices around the country. You can find more information about the asylum authority on their website in Hungarian, Ukrainian and English.
If you are not a Ukrainian citizen or you were not a recognized refugee in Ukraine, or their family member, or for general legal aid with regard to Temporary Protection, please seek legal advice from the Hungarian Helsinki Committee at this email address: [email protected] or at Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/helsinkibizottsag/.
You can submit your application at the following client services of the asylum authority:
- Budapest: 1117 Budapest, Budafoki út 60. “A” building; Mon-Thu: 08.00-14.00/ Fri: 08.00-11:30
- Miskolc: 3526 Miskolc, Hatvanötösök útja 2. Mon-Tue: 7.30-16.00/ Wed: 7.30-18.00/ Fri: 7.30-14.00
- Nyíregyháza: 4400 Nyíregyháza, Szent István út 9. Mon. / Wed: 10.00-15.00
- Debrecen: 4033 Debrecen, Sámsoni út 145. Mon: 7.30-13.00/ Tue: 7.30-16.00/ Thurs: 12.00-17.30/ Fri: 7.30-12.00
- Eger: 3300 Eger, Grónay Sándor u. 3. Tue/Thurs: 9.00-15.00
- Balassagyarmat: 2660 Balassagyarmat, Kossuth u. 43. Mon: 8.00-16.00, Wed: 8.00-18.00
- Szolnok: 5000 Szolnok, Baross u. 45-51. Tue/Thurs: 10.00-15.00
- Kecskemét: 6600 Kecskemét, Irinyi u. 17/B. Mon: 9.00-17.00, Thurs: 9.00-16.00, Fri: 9.00-12.00
- Békéscsaba: 5600 Békéscsaba, Kétegyházi út 10. Tue/Wed: 8.00-16.00, Thurs: 7.30-17.00, Fri: 8.00-11.00
- Szeged: 6724 Szeged, Bakay Nándor u. 3/A Mon-Wed: 7.30-16.00, Thurs: 7.30-17.00
- Pécs: 7623 Pécs, Csend u. 3. Mon: 8.00-18.00, Tue: 8.00-16.00, Thurs: 8.00-16.00, Fri: 7.30-12.00
- Szekszárd: 7100 Szekszárd, Szent István tér 23. Tue: 12.00-16.30, Thurs: 9.00-15.30
- Kaposvár: 7400 Kaposvár, Széchenyi tér 3. Mon: 9.30-16.30, Wed: 9.30-15.30, Fri: 9.30-12.00
- Veszprém: 8200 Veszprém, Levendula u. 1. Mon: 8.00-16.30, Tue/Thurs: 8.00-15.30
- Székesfehérvár: 8000 Székesfehérvár, József Attila u. 38. Mon: 7.30-17.00, Tue-Thurs: 7.30-16.00, Fri: 7.30-13.00
- Tatabánya: 2800 Tatabánya, V, Győri út 13. Mon: 8.00-16.30, Tue/Thurs: 8.00-15.30
- Győr: 9026 Győr, Szövetség u. 17. Mon/Wed: 7.30-12.00 – 12.30-16.00, Tue: 7.30-12.00, Thurs: 7.00-12.00 – 12.30-17.00
- Szombathely: 9700 Szombathely, Kisfaludy S. u. 1. Mon: 9.00-16.00
- Zalaegerszeg: 8900 Zalaegerszeg, Mártírok útja 42-44. Tue: 9.00-15.00, Thurs: 9.00-14.00
You may also submit your application at any Government client service (listed here) if you register yourself in advance through the Menedékes application or the Enter Hungary website. Please note that even if you register your data online, you still need to go to the Government client service in person to finalize your application.
What happens if I arrived before 24 February?
If you are a citizen of Ukraine and you arrived before 24 February, you do not qualify for Temporary Protection in Hungary. However, since you cannot be returned to Ukraine, if you apply for Temporary Protection, you will receive so-called tolerated status (“befogadott” in Hungarian). It is not the same as Temporary Protection, but it permits you to stay in Hungary and grants you some rights.
- The tolerated status is reviewed by the immigration authority on a yearly basis.
- You are entitled to stay in the reception facilities and receive care for 30 days after receiving the status.
- If you do not have social security (free public health care) on other grounds, you are entitled to free care by the local practitioner (doctor), and to certain limited health care services, such as emergency care, and pandemic prevention.