If you would like to seek free legal assistance or legal representation regarding the below topics, please consult the Hungarian Helsinki Committee’s website (information in Hungarian, Ukrainian, Russian, English, Arabic, Farsi, Pashto, Russian, Spanish, Urdu).
- Protection for persons fleeing Ukraine, temporary protection,
- Refugee / subsidiary protection status (asylum procedure),
- Protection for stateless persons,
- Naturalization (= how to get Hungarian citizenship),
- Family reunification procedure (= reuniting with direct family members, such as minor children, wife/husband, parents from the country of origin or other countries),
- Status review (= in case the authority decides to review your refugee / subsidiary protection status, or it is reviewed under mandatory periodic review),
- Ill-treatment, violence, abuse by authorities (like the immigration authority, police, security guards),
- Hate crimes (= when you are attacked physically or verbally because of your actual or perceived belonging to a social group, such as a religious, ethnic group or being a refugee, etc.).
If you would like to seek free legal assistance regarding the below topics, please consult Menedék Association’s website in English.
- Legal questions other than in relation to the asylum, immigration, or criminal procedure,
- Visa and residence permit,
- Social rights (= right to social support, labour rights, right to education etc.).
Next Step Hungary Association can also offer legal assistance in the above topics, you can contact them at their website in English.