If you are fleeing from Ukraine as a result of the war
Financial support – If you have been granted Temporary Protection in Hungary (you already have your plastic card), you may be entitled to financial assistance. The amount is HUF 22,800 per month per adult, and HUF 13,700 per month per child. You can request the assistance at the Labour Authority of the locally competent Government Office, showing your plastic card to the authorities. At the same time, you will be requested to register for employment. You will no longer be entitled to support once you start working. You may find a list of the relevant Government Offices here.
Did you know? If you are a refugee from Ukraine, your children may still be entitled to free meals at kindergarten or school!
- If you have applied for or received Temporary Protection or you are a Hungarian national previously resident in Ukraine, and you are caring for a minor child, your child is entitled to receive free meals at nursery, kindergarten or school for at least 6 months.
- For the first 6 months, you only have to request the free meals as a refugee from Ukraine, showing your documents as Temporary Protection applicant or status holder (or, if you are a Hungarian national, proof of your previous residence in Ukraine). Please ask the nursery, kindergarten or school that your child attends for more information about how to apply for the free meals. Usually you have to submit a request either to the nursery, kindergarten or school, or the local municipality.
- If the 6 months of free meals has already expired, your child is entitled to receive free meals if your income in the family does not exceed HUF 200,564 per person per month (including adults and children in your family).
- Please consult with the nursery, kindergarten or school about requesting the continuation of free meals for your child. You will have to submit the request either at the nursery, kindergarten or school, or the local municipality. In this case, you will need to fill out a form, please see the English translation of the form and information about calculating your income here. Important: please fill the form that you receive from the kindergarten/school/municipality in Hungarian, and use the English translation provided here to assist you.
- In case you have further questions or challenges with requesting free meals, you can reach out to us via our helpline: +36 80 984 583
For people with refugee or subsidiary protection status
If you have refugee or subsidiary protection status you have the same rights as Hungarian citizens and you are entitled to mainstream social benefits and assistance Hungarian citizens in similar situation have.
Please check the following opportunities depending on your needs to get help with finances for specific issues:
Family allowance
Family allowance – családi pótlék (Hungarian name) is a monthly allowance that is granted after each child from birth up until they are 20 years old and still attend school/higher education (or 23 years old in case of children with special needs). This is a universal allowance, meaning that you will receive it regardless of your financial or economic situation.
Please see more information about it in Hungarian on this site.
Regular Child Protection Benefit – Rendszeres Gyermekvédelmi Kedvezmény (Hungarian name) is a form of in-kind and financial social support for families with children in need, consisting of free school / school holiday meals, and twice a year financial support.
Please see more information about it in Hungarian on this site.
Support for mothers – Anyasági támogatás (Hungarian name): a one-time financial support after each childbirth (including still birth) regardless of one’s financial situation.
Please see more information about it in Hungarian on this site.
Childcare support allowance/Childcare benefit – Gyermekgondozást segítő ellátás /GyED (Hungarian names): a monthly allowance and benefit after each child up until 2 years of age (in case of twins its 3 years) / until 3 years of age (in case of twins until they go to school) based on certain pre-conditions.
Please see more information about it in Hungarian on this and this sites.
Jobseeker benefit – Álláskeresési járadék (Hungarian name): a monthly benefit for jobseekers for up to 90 days with certain conditions.
Please see more information about it in Hungarian on this site.
Other types of assistance
There are some forms of non-financial (in-kind) social assistance (food, school meals, materials) that can be usually requested from the municipalities, where your permanent address is registered, such as exemption from paying for prescribed medication (free or cheaper medication), free or discounted institutional child meals and free holiday meals for children, and one-time in-kind child protection support (support for textbooks and educational materials, takeover of tuition fee etc.)
For assistance with the above social support opportunities, please turn to:
- Menedék Association’s at their site in English or
- Kalunba Charity by emailing at [email protected].
If you need personal ID documents, address card or travel document, you can request them at the “Government windows” = Government Customer Services (Kormányablakok in Hungarian).
A list and a map of Government Customer Services is accessible in Hungarian at this site.
List and a map of Government Customer Services in Budapest is available in Hungarian at this site.