๐ Emergency services โ toll-free phone numbers: ๐
- General number for emergency services: 112
- Ambulance: 104
- Police: 107
- Firefighters: 105
In case you have experienced trauma (excessive violence, torture, or other form of traumatic event), and would like to receive psychological or mental health support, you can turn to:
- Cordelia Foundation primarily through this email address: [email protected] and on the phone in Hungarian/English: +36 1 349 1450
If you are a survivor of sexual/domestic harassment, abuse, violence, and need support with accommodation, you can call:
- The National Crisis and Information Provision Phone Service on a free number 24-hours a day in Hungarian: +36 80 20 55 20
If you are a woman or a child survivor of sexual violence, domestic abuse, or trafficking, you can turn for help to:
- NANE (Women for Women against Violence) at this phone number in Hungarian/English free of charge between 18.00-22.00 on Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays, Fridays and between 12.00-14.00 on Wednesdays: +36 80 505 101
For free legal aid in case of sexual / domestic abuse, violence, contact:
- Patent Association, at their website in English/Hungarian by messaging through Facebook, or by emailing [email protected] or at [email protected]