The support of individual donors and the private sector in general is essential to UNHCR’s work in Italy, as in the rest of the world.
The generosity of the people who support the organization through a regular contribution allows us to better plan our resources and organize our response in support of refugees in the most effective and efficient way possible. Thanks to regular donations, we can ensure protection and assistance to the people we care for in Italy and around the world. They are the “Angeli dei Rifugiati”, Refugee Angels, ordinary citizens who make themselves bearers of a positive message of solidarity and welcome within Italian society through tangible actions, financial and otherwise.
Likewise, companies, foundations and philanthropists are key actors in the response to humanitarian crises not only in mobilizing resources for refugees but also in pursuing the objectives of the Global Compact on Refugees by offering opportunities for refugees and their host communities, including professional training and education.
Global appeal Update 2021 English
Supporters Service Contacts:
- Email: [email protected]
- Toll free number: 800.298.000 (From Monday to Friday 9 am – 8 pm)
- Mail address: Supporters Service, UNHCR – Agenzia ONU per i Rifugiati – Via Leopardi, 24 – 00185 Roma