Statelessness Determination in Italy
If you are stateless – you do not hold a nationality because you are not considered a national by any State, you have the right to apply for stateless status determination in Italy.
In case you are a stateless asylum seeker or a stateless refugee, even if you already benefit from a form of international protection, it is important that you also seek stateless status determination. Such protection may cease in the future but you may still do not hold any nationality and need assistance and protection as a stateless person.
In case you need more information on the statelessness determination procedures in Italy, help to obtain qualified legal support, or advice on access to rights and services as a stateless person, feel free to contact UNHCR MCO-Italy or Tavolo Apolidia, a network of NGOs and experts working on statelessness in Italy facilitated by UNHCR.
Important: Neither UNHCR or the member organizations of Tavolo Apolidia take money for any services. Their help is always free of charge. You should not be asked, at any point, to pay for any of the services provided.