Resettlement is one of the existing tools to provide protection and support to some particularly vulnerable refugees. For more information on the resettlement process, please consult the dedicated page on UNHCR website.
Resettlement to Italy
The decision on the resettlement of refugees in Italy lies with the Italian Government. UNHCR is in no way involved in the final selection of refugees included in the Italian resettlement programme. Refugees cannot directly apply for resettlement. Refugees considered eligible for resettlement are contacted directly by the Office in the country where they are located. If you are a refugee or asylum seeker already in Italy or the EU you are not eligible to be considered for resettlement to Italy.
Resettlement from Italy to other Countries
UNHCR Italy does not process cases of refugees recognized in Italy for resettlement to other countries.
Humanitarian Corridors
The Humanitarian Corridors are a private sponsorship project, resulting from the collaboration of a number of Italian faith-based associations – Comunità di S. Egidio, Federazione delle Chiese Evangeliche, Tavola Valdese and Conferenza Episcopale Italiana – Caritas Italiana – and the Italian authorities (Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Ministry of Interior).
The project foresees that the organizations identify in the country of first asylum (currently for refugees and asylum-seekers in Lebanon, Ethiopia, Niger and Jordan), refugees or persons in need of international protection with serious vulnerabilities to be legally transferred to Italy, where they are received by the same organizations and supported by them in the integration process. If you are present in Italy, you cannot be considered for a humanitarian corridor to Italy.
Once in Italy, the people selected by the associations apply for asylum to the Italian authorities, to be recognized as refugees. In the meantime, the beneficiaries of the project are housed in accommodation managed by the organizations, which take care of their sustenance and integration process.
UNICORE – University Corridors for Refugees
The UNICORE – University Corridors for Refugees – project, launched in 2019, is promoted by Italian Universities with the support of UNHCR, Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation, Caritas Italiana, Diaconia Valdese, Centro Astalli and other partners.
The project aims to increase opportunities for refugees currently residing in Ethiopia to continue their University education in Italy. If you are a refugee in Ethiopia, more information on how to apply can be found here.
If you are a refugee or asylum-seeker already in Italy, you are not eligible for the UNICORE programme. For information on how refugees and asylum-seekers in Italy can access university programmes and scholarships please see the information on Education in Italy.
Progetto Mediterraneo
The Mediterranean Project is a project promoted by the Luiss Guido Carli University of Rome – in partnership with UNHCR, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Ministry of the Interior – which has made available 23 scholarships for refugee students – 10 from Jordan, 10 from Morocco and 3 from Malta – who wish to pursue a degree in Italy after completing their high school studies. If you are a refugee or asylum-seeker already in Italy, you are not eligible to apply for this programme. For information on how refugees and asylum-seekers in Italy can access university programmes and scholarships please see the information on Education in Italy.
If you are outside of Italy, more information on how to apply can be found here.
Progetto Pagella In Tasca
The project “PAGELLA IN TASCA – Channels of study for refugee minors“, promoted by INTERSOS, with the participation of UNHCR and other partners, is aimed at creating a legal and safe channel of entry for 35 unaccompanied refugee children in Niger, so that they can have the opportunity to come to Italy to study. For more information on this initiative, visit the project website.
If you are a refugee or asylum-seeker already in Italy, you are not eligible to apply for this programme. For information on how refugees and asylum-seekers in Italy can access education opportunities, please see the information on Education in Italy.