St. Andrew’s Refugee Services (StARS)

Protection Services

Unaccompanied & Separated Children services

StARS provides child protection services to unaccompanied & separated children and youth (UASCY), including emergency response; educational services (focusing on academic and social-emotional learning); psychosocial support, counseling, emotional support, psychological first aid; group activities, focusing on psycho-education; and housing support. This is in addition to legal counseling for cases scheduled for registration and RSD interviews.
Arabic, English, Tigrinya: 01033348659
Arabic, English, Somali, Amharic: 01064400281
For other languages including Bilen, Tigre, Amharic, French, and others, we return calls as soon as possible.

Legal counselling for clients called to be scheduled for remote RSD interviews
Arabic, English, Oromo, Amharic, Somali: 01029842820

Education Services

Offers various educational programs, including preschool, primary, secondary, and high schooling utilizing the Sudanese curriculum in English. StARS also offers a range of skills courses, including various levels of English, Arabic, and IT to adult refugees and vulnerable migrants. Several vocational courses are also available for adults, including sewing, handicrafts, and henna.

Childhood Education 01033315544

Adult Learners 01090686538


Arabic, English, Oromo & Amharic: 01033316644
Arabic, English, and Somali: 01033316655
Arabic, English & Tigrinya: 01033316677
All languages: 01050227388

 StARS Facebook page