Asylum-seekers and refugees have different rights and obligations. Choose the category that fit your situation:
As an asylum-seeker…
- You have the right to receive information about your asylum application, your rights and duties in a language you understand.
- You have the right to access basic assistance, including accommodation in one of the Reception Centres, food (three meals per day), personal and hygiene supplies. If necessary, you will also receive footwear and clothes.
- If you have your own money, you can also seek accommodation outside the Reception Centre, but you must first obtain permission from the Ministry of the Interior.
- After spending 25 days continuously in a Reception Centre you are entitled to a monthly cash allowance of HRK 100.
- You can legally live in Croatia until the asylum authority and court have decided on your asylum case. This means you cannot be returned to another country, including your country of origin, against your will, while you wait for the final asylum decision. For detailed information on your situation, please contact a legal counselling organisation.
- You have the right to employment after nine months from the date of your submission of an asylum application with the Ministry of the Interior.
- Your children have the right to primary and secondary education.
- You have the right to emergency medical assistance, necessary treatment of illness and serious mental disorders. Children below 18 have the same right to health protection as national children. For detailed information, please contact the Ministry of the Interior or MdM (see below).
- You have the right to practice your religion.
- You are entitled to the reimbursement of public transport costs for the purposes of the procedure for granting asylum.
- You can visit people in other parts of Croatia but with approval of the Ministry of the Interior (please see below under Obligations).
- You must respect and follow the law of the country; breaking national laws may result in the suspension of your rights as an asylum-seeker as well as criminal proceedings.
- You are obliged to cooperate fully with the Croatian authorities.
- If you have an adequate standard of living you must contribute to payment of costs of accommodation in the Reception Centre. An adequate standard of living means that you have a regular income from employment, items of value or any other monthly source of financing (exact amount is calculated based on the social welfare legislation and subject of change; the Ministry of the Interior will inform you about the exact amount).
- You must inform the asylum office immediately every time your address changes.
- You must stay in Croatia. If you leave without permission to another European country while your asylum application is still pending in Croatia, the authorities of that country have the right to return you to Croatia.
- If you wish to leave the Reception Centre for more than 24 hours and for a maximum of 15 days, you must obtain approval of the Ministry of the Interior. In that case, the assigned room in the Reception Centre and your personal belongings will be kept. For an absence longer than 15 days, you must submit a request with the Ministry of the Interior and register your residence at your new address.
For further assistance, please contact:
Ministry of the Interior
Asylum Department
Sarajevska cesta 41, Zagreb
[email protected]
[email protected]
Refugees and foreigners under subsidiary protection
As a refugee (asylum beneficiary) or a foreigner under subsidiary protection…
- residence in the Republic of Croatia
- accommodation
- employment
- health care
- education
- freedom of religion
- free legal aid
- social welfare
- family reunification
- assistance for integration into the societ
- ownership of property,
- acquisition of Croatian citizenship, according to the legislation regulating the acquisition of citizenship
- respect the Constitution, laws and other regulations of the Republic of Croatia
- register place of residence within 15 days from the service of the decision approving asylum
- always carry a residence permit with you and show it to the authorized person if requested
- attend a Croatian language, history and culture course