The 2020-2021 Regional Refugee Response Plan for the DRC situation is covering the inter-agency response in the countries of asylum for Congolese refugees neighbouring the DRC: Angola, Burundi, Republ...
Publish date: 6 March 2020 (3 years ago)
Create date: 5 March 2020 (3 years ago)
The 2020-2021 Regional Refugee Response Plan for the DRC situation is covering the inter-agency response in the countries of asylum for Congolese refugees neighbouring the DRC: Angola, Burundi, Republ...
Publish date: 6 March 2020 (3 years ago)
Create date: 5 March 2020 (3 years ago)
UNHCR and UNDP join forces to find sustainable solutions for Congolese refugees and host communities.Within the framework of the 2019-2020 Regional Refugee Response Plan (RRRP) for the DRC situation, ...
Publish date: 16 January 2019 (4 years ago)
Create date: 16 January 2019 (4 years ago)
The 2019-2020 Regional Refugee Response Plan for the DRC situation presents the biannual inter-agency effort to capture the needs of Congolese refugees in the region. By the end of 2019, at a first st...
Publish date: 11 December 2018 (4 years ago)
Create date: 11 December 2018 (4 years ago)
The report reflects the milestones in the response to the DRC situation, challenges and remaining gaps, in seven countries of asylum in the region: Angola, Burundi, the Republic of the Congo (ROC), Rw...
Publish date: 30 April 2019 (4 years ago)
Create date: 30 April 2019 (4 years ago)