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Security Council resolution 786 (1992) [Bosnia and Herzegovina]

Publisher UN Security Council
Publication Date 10 November 1992
Citation / Document Symbol S/RES/786 (1992)
Reference 1992 Security Council Resolutions
Cite as UN Security Council, Security Council resolution 786 (1992) [Bosnia and Herzegovina], 10 November 1992, S/RES/786 (1992), available at: [accessed 18 May 2023]

Resolution 786 (1991)

The Security Council,

Reaffirming its resolution 781 (1992) of 9 October 1992,

Taking note of the report of the Secretary-General of 5 November 1992 (S/24767 and Add.1) and his subsequent letter of 6 November 1992 (S/24783) submitted pursuant to resolution 781 (1992),

Considering that the establishment of a ban on military flights in the airspace of Bosnia and Herzegovina constitutes an essential element for the safety of the delivery of humanitarian assistance and a decisive step for the cessation of hostilities in Bosnia and Herzegovina,

Taking into account the need for a speedy deployment of monitors on the ground for observation and verification purposes,

Gravely concerned at the indication in the Secretary-General's letter of 6 November 1992 of possible violations of its resolution 781 (1992) and of the impossibility of corroborating the information on such violations by technical means presently available to the United Nations Protection Force,

Determined to ensure the safety of humanitarian flights to Bosnia and Herzegovina,

1. Welcomes the current advance deployment of military observers of the United Nations Protection Force and the European Community Monitoring Mission at airfields in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia and the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia (Serbia and Montenegro);

2. Reaffirms its ban on military flights in the airspace of Bosnia and Herzegovina, which applies to all flights, whether of fixed-wing or rotary-wing aircraft, subject to the exceptions contained in paragraph 1 of its resolution 781 (1992), and reiterates that all parties and others concerned must comply with this ban;

3. Endorses the general concept of operations described in the Secretary-General's report and calls on all parties and others concerned, including all Governments operating aircraft in the area, to cooperate fully with the United Nations Protection Force in its implementation;

4. Calls upon all parties and others concerned henceforth to direct all requests for authorizations of flights pursuant to paragraph 3 of its resolution 781 (1992) to the United Nations Protection Force, with special provisions being made for flights of the United Nations Protection Force, and all other flights in support of United Nations operations, including humanitarian assistance;

5. Approves the recommendation in paragraph 10 of the Secretary-General's report that the strength of the United Nations Protection Force be increased, as proposed in paragraph 5 of the report, in order to permit it to implement the concept of operations;

6. Reiterates its determination to consider urgently, in the case of violations when further reported to it in accordance with its resolution 781 (1992), the further measures necessary to enforce the ban on military flights in the airspace of Bosnia and Herzegovina;

7. Decides to remain actively seized of the matter.

Adopted by the Security Council at its 3133rd meeting, on 10 November 1992

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