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Security Council resolution 171 (1961) [The Palestine Question]

Publisher UN Security Council
Publication Date 9 April 1962
Citation / Document Symbol S/RES/171 (1962)
Reference 1962 Security Council Resolutions
Cite as UN Security Council, Security Council resolution 171 (1961) [The Palestine Question], 9 April 1962, S/RES/171 (1962), available at: [accessed 17 May 2023]

171 (1962). Resolution of 9 April 1962


The Security Council,

Recalling its resolutions 54 (1948) of 15 July 1948 and 93 (1951) of 18 May 1948,

Having considered the report[1] of the Chief of Staff of the United Nations Truce Supervision Organization in Palestine on the military activities in the Lake Tiberias area and in the demilitarized zone,

Having heard the statements of the representatives of Syria and Israel,

Being deeply concerned over developments in the area which have taken place in violation of the Charter of the United Nations and of the General Armistice Agreement between Israel and Syria,[2]

Recalling in particular the provisions of Article 2, paragraph 4, of the Charter and article I of the General Armistice Agreement,

Noting with satisfaction that a cease-fire has been achieved,

1. Deplores the hostile exchanges between Syria and Israel starting on 8 March 1962 and calls upon the two Governments concerned to comply with their obligations under Article 2, paragraph 4, of the Charter by refraining from the threat as well as the use of force;

2. Reaffirms its resolution 111 (1956) of 19 January 1956 which condemned Israel military action in breach of the General Armistice Agreement, whether or not undertaken by way of retaliation;

3. Determines that the Israel attack of 16-17 March 1962 constitutes a flagrant violation of that resolution, and calls upon Israel scrupulously to refrain from such action in the future;

4. Endorses the measures recommended by the Chief of Staff for the strengthening of the Truce Supervision Organization in its tasks of maintaining and restoring the peace and of detecting and deterring future incidents, and calls upon the Israel and Syrian authorities to assist the Chief of Staff in their early implementation;

5. Calls upon both parties to abide scrupulously by the cease-fire arranged by the Chief of Staff on 17 March 1962;

6. Calls for strict observance of article V of the General Armistice Agreement, which provides for the exclusion of armed forces from the demilitarized zone, and annex IV of that Agreement, which sets limits on forces in the defensive area, and calls upon the Governments of Israel and Syria to co-operate with the Chief of Staff in eliminating any violations thereof;

7. Calls upon the Governments of Israel and Syria to co-operate with the Chief of Staff in carrying out his responsibilities under the General Armistice Agreement and the pertinent resolutions of the Security Council, and urges that all steps necessary for reactivating the Mixed Armistice Commission and for making full use of the Mixed Armistice machinery be promptly taken;

8. Requests the Chief of Staff to report as appropriate concerning the situation.

Adopted at the 1006th meeting by 10 votes to none, with 1 abstention (France).


1 Ibid., documents S/5102 and Add.1.

2 Ibid., Fourth Year, Special Supplement No. 2.

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