
Budding Ukrainian game designer draws inspiration in Romania

Isolated from her friends and hundreds of miles from home, Kate dreams of connection. But, with the uncertainties of the Ukraine war, her dreams have taken new form.

22 Jul 2022

Rohingya and Bangladeshi teachers pair up to tackle education hurdles in camps

Teaching together creates understanding between Rohingya refugees and local Bangladeshis.

20 Jul 2022

UNHCR's Grandi urges more support as Chad confronts multiple crises

With nearly 600,000 refugees and 400,000 internally displaced people, Chad remains a major host country despite facing its own socio-economic, political and security challenges.

16 Jul 2022

War uproots Ukrainian widow from lifelong home in Mykolaiv

After the house she built with her late husband went from sanctuary to bomb shelter, 83-year-old Svetlana left her beloved garden behind to seek safety as a refugee.

14 Jul 2022

For many displaced people in Latin America, new lives start in the kitchen

In a new cookbook, refugees and displaced people in the Americas and the Caribbean share their stories and the flavours of home – past and present.

12 Jul 2022

UNHCR video game lets pupils experience a refugee's perilous journey

A Syrian refugee game developer, an award-winning Austrian company and UNHCR teamed up to create game that reveals the life-or-death decisions that refugees face.

8 Jul 2022

Ethiopian families struggle to survive amid record drought

UNHCR is supporting local authorities in the Somali Region of Ethiopia to provide urgent aid to thousands forced to leave in search of water during worst drought for 40 years.

28 Jun 2022

Yazidi women box their way to recovery

A boxing project implemented by an NGO Innovation Award winner is empowering displaced Yazidi women and girls in the Kurdistan Region of Iraq.

23 Jun 2022

'I just can't stand aside if I know that I can help'

Disability rights activist Tetiana Barantsova escaped the war in Ukraine in a wheelchair. Now she's helping others with disabilities to do the same.

22 Jun 2022