Title The situation in Afghanistan and its implication for international peace and security : report of the Secretary-General
Publisher UN Security Council
Publication Date 20 June 2012
Country Afghanistan
Topics Security situation
Citation / Document Symbol A/66/855-S/2012/462
Reference 67th Year
Other Languages / Attachments Arabic | Chinese | French | Russian | Spanish
Cite as UN Security Council, The situation in Afghanistan and its implication for international peace and security : report of the Secretary-General, 20 June 2012, A/66/855-S/2012/462, available at: https://www.refworld.org/docid/5118c1152.html [accessed 27 May 2023]
Comments Submitted pursuant to General Assembly resolution 66/13 and Security Council resolution 1974 (2011)1974 (2011); provides an update on the activities of the UN in Afghanistan since the previous report (A/66/728-S/2012/133) dated 5 Mar. 2012.