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Query Responses

Query responses are replies to focused queries or requests for Information that are submitted in the course of the refugee status determination process.
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Syria: 1. Country Advice SYR39739 of 20 January 2012, states that that the Syrian government had recalled reservists in the wake of the Syrian uprising. However, this 2011 recall reportedly had mixed success with ‘credible evidence' suggesting that the regime was 'unable to call back more than 60 per cent of its reserves', according to a December 2011 report by Michael Weiss titled Safe Area for Syria: An Assessment of Legality, Logistics and Hazards. What were the reasons behind the government's inability to call back 60 per cent of its reserves? For example, were the reservists inaccessible or had they intentionally evaded the recall? 2. Is there any information to suggest that reservists have faced punishment or illtreatment for failing to respond to the government's recall of its reservists?

21 February 2012 | Publisher: Australia: Refugee Review Tribunal | Document type: Query Responses

Syria: Please provide information on Taher Ahmed el-Asaad, the party or group he represents, and the government's attitude to his associates

3 February 2011 | Publisher: Australia: Refugee Review Tribunal | Document type: Query Responses

Syria: 1. Please provide some background information on the demographics, economics and politics of Syria. 2. Please provide information on "Palestine Camp" in Damascus. Please provide information on "Rukneddin" in Damascus. 3. Please provide information on the level of political freedom and freedom of speech in Syria. 4. Please provide information on Mr Abdul Halim Khaddam. Please provide information on Mr Khaddam's politics, his portfolio and any controversies he may have been associated with. 5. Did Mr Abdul Halim Khaddam quit the Baath party or was he dismissed? What were the circumstances of his defection/dismissal and were there controversies associated with that? 6. Was Mr Abdul Halim Khaddam dismissed from the Party because he was the only Sunni Muslim? 7. Is there any information on whether Mr Abdul Halim Khaddam was declared a traitor, and that he wanted to cooperate with the Americans? 8. Please provide information on the present status and circumstances of Sunni Muslims in Syria. 9. Deleted. 10. Deleted. 11. Please provide information on the "Political Intelligence" or other security or intelligence agencies in Syria, including their political activities and whether they extend to harassment, detention, and torture of suspected political opponents. 12. Please provide information on the interrogation methods used by security police and agencies in Syria. Do they use "rubber tyre torture"? 13. Deleted. 14. Deleted. 15. Please provide information on whether someone who claims to have been arrested as an opponent of the ruling regime in Syria would be expected to experience difficulties or delays in obtaining a Syrian passport. 16. Please provide information on measures taken by the Syrian government to prevent political opponents or people it suspects support the opposition from leaving Syria. 17. Please provide information on whether opponents of the governing regime in Syria would be likely to be permitted entry to Jordan and general information on the procedure for the entry of Syrian nationals to Jordan. 18. Please provide information on the level of corruption in Syria and whether there are any reports of prisoners paying large bribes to secure their release from prison in Syria.

24 November 2010 | Publisher: Australia: Refugee Review Tribunal | Document type: Query Responses

Afghanistan: 1. Please provide some information about Maydan Shahr and Markazi Bihsud districts in Wardak province. 2. [Deleted]. 3. Please provide information about whether anyone who is, or is not, affiliated with the Nasr party/Hezb-i Wahdat Khalili would be likely to face ill-treatment or other adverse consequences.

17 February 2010 | Publisher: Australia: Refugee Review Tribunal | Document type: Query Responses

India: 1. Please give me relevant information about Dera Sacha Sauda and practices followed by its adherents. Please also give me any information about its founder. 2. Is there any information about incidents of social unrest involving Dera Sacha Sauda in May 2007, particularly in the town of Jalandhar? 3. Is there information about clashes between Dera Sacha Sauda and the Sikh Youth Federation? 4. Is there information about the authorities in Punjab failing to protect adherents of Dera Sacha Sauda from attacks or about those authorities taking volunteers of the organisation into custody and torturing them?

28 May 2009 | Publisher: Australia: Refugee Review Tribunal | Document type: Query Responses

Turkey: 1. Please provide any information about the ill-treatment of Kurds in the Gaziantep area. 2. Please provide information about the Kurdish Democratic Party (DTP). 3. Please provide any available information about penalties/ill-treatment in Turkey for the promotion of the Kurdish language or production of literature in the Kurdish language

2 March 2009 | Publisher: Australia: Refugee Review Tribunal | Document type: Query Responses

Malaysia: 1. Please provide information on the treatment of Hindu/Indians in Malaysia. 2. Please provide any reports of Indian/Hindus not receiving state protection. 3. Please provide any reports of interference in the police by politicians. 4. Please provide any reports of instances of forced conversion to Islam. 5. Please provide information on torture in Malaysia. 6. What is the legal status of religious freedom in Malaysia?

7 March 2007 | Publisher: Australia: Refugee Review Tribunal | Document type: Query Responses

China: 1. Are there any reports confirming that medical testing has been carried out at the No. 93 Hospital of the People's Liberation Army? 2. Is it probable that the authorities would pursue someone who revealed/spoke of information such as this? 3. Ten times is a considerable amount to have been questioned by the police. Is this usual in these type of situations? 4. Is it possible to have a valid passport issued after this amount of police interest?

22 September 2006 | Publisher: Australia: Refugee Review Tribunal | Document type: Query Responses

Mongolia: What is the situation regarding Christians in Mongolia?

23 December 2005 | Publisher: Australia: Refugee Review Tribunal | Document type: Query Responses

Pakistan: 1. When did the MQM join the coalition currently in power in Pakistan? 2. How many seats do the MQM have in the Sindh provincial government? 3. How many seats do the PML(N) have in the Sindh provincial government? 4. In 2004 the US Department of State reported that the MQM political leadership has renounced violence. When did it renounce violence? 5. Are there any reports of the activities of the MQM since it has denounced violence? 6. In 2004 the US Department of State reported that opposition parties charged that MQM kidnapped and tortured their activists during the March 28 local government by-elections and the May 12 provincial and national assembly by-elections in Karachi. Are further details available (eg what opposition parties' members were kidnapped)? 7. Did the PML(N) take part in the March 28 and May 12 elections? 8. What were the results in the local government by-elections in Karachi in March 28 and the May 12 provincial and national assembly by-elections? 9. Are there any other reports of the MQM kidnapping or torturing members of opposition political parties? 10. Is there any evidence to suggest that the present government and the MQM are working together to restrict political activity? 11. The PML(N) reportedly has 19 seats in the National Assembly. Are there any recent reports detailing any political activities of the PML(N) in particular in Karachi? 12. Research Response PAK16871 of July 2004 provides reports of action taken by the Musharraf government against political activists. Can you provide an update, covering the treatment of members of the PML(N) by the Musharraf government? 13. The MQM(H) reportedly claimed that security forces acting on behalf of the MQM routinely held its activists incommunicado. What is the relationship between the MQM and the Musharraf government? 14. Is there any evidence to suggest that the MQM and the Musharraf government are targeting members of political parties who oppose the present government?

5 September 2005 | Publisher: Australia: Refugee Review Tribunal | Document type: Query Responses

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