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Query Responses

Query responses are replies to focused queries or requests for Information that are submitted in the course of the refugee status determination process.
Showing 1-8 of 8 results
Pakistan: 1. Are there any examples of members of the Turi tribe being targeted for harm in Pakistan's major cities? Please provide recent, relevant information concerning the relocation of Shi'ite Pashtuns from FATA/NWFP to other parts of Pakistan

14 January 2011 | Publisher: Australia: Refugee Review Tribunal | Document type: Query Responses

Afghanistan: 1. Please provide information about whether in 1989 or 1990 there was trouble in Afghanistan whereby Hazaras were being killed by the Pushtuns, Tajiks and Uzbeks? 2. Is there evidence to confirm Afghan Hazaras escaped to Pakistan around this time? 3. Please provide further information about property disputes in Afghanistan back to the 1980's. 4. Please provide information on the treatment or protection of illegal Afghan Hazara Shia Muslim refugees, especially those who moved into Pakistan around 1989 or 1990, by the Pakistani authorities. Is the treatment of those who moved then any different to the treatment of those who moved more recently? 5. Please provide information about the Wahabis and Sunni Muslims and the Baloch targeting the Hazaras in Pakistan. 6. Is there information indicating that Hazara people in Quetta are unable to go out freely at night or that they are found dead in the streets? 7. Please provide information on the treatment of the Hazaras of the Shia Muslim religion in Afghanistan and whether they face serious harm in Afghanistan. 8. Please provide information on whether the authorities in Afghanistan, most of whom are not Hazara, can actually protect Hazaras.

15 April 2010 | Publisher: Australia: Refugee Review Tribunal | Document type: Query Responses

Pakistan: 1. Have hundreds of Hazaras been killed in Quetta in recent years?

30 March 2010 | Publisher: Australia: Refugee Review Tribunal | Document type: Query Responses

Pakistan: 1. Please provide information, if any, on Rokhana Seema - when it was established, where, by whom, its aims, etc. 2. Has this organisation been targeted by TNSM? 3. Are there any reports suggesting that TNSM has harmed individuals or groups advocating and/or defending women's rights? 4. What has been the extent of TNSM's activities after it was banned in 2002? 5. What has been the extent of TNSM's activities outside of NWFP?

21 March 2006 | Publisher: Australia: Refugee Review Tribunal | Document type: Query Responses

Afghanistan: 1. Are there any reports of harm or mistreatment towards supporters of Haji Qadir in Kabul, particularly in Surobi District of Kabul province? 2. Are there any reports of harm or mistreatment towards anti-Taliban Pashtuns in Kabul, particularly in Surobi District of Kabul province?

16 September 2005 | Publisher: Australia: Refugee Review Tribunal | Document type: Query Responses

Afghanistan: 1. With regard to Sebze Sang Jeghto village in Wardak province, can you indicate on a map where this is? 2. What is the general security situation and control there by the government now, and is it an area marked by Taliban activities? 3. Are there independent assessments available to indicate whether the security situation at present is improving, stable or deteriorating? 4. What is the situation there for Pashtuns? 5. What is the situation there for Sunnis? 6. What is the situation there for Ghalji tribe members? 7. What is the situation there for functionaries of the Karzai government and their families? 8. Is there any evidence of people being targeted by the Taliban or by members of the Northern Alliance in Sebze Sang Jeghto village in Wardak province?

18 August 2005 | Publisher: Australia: Refugee Review Tribunal | Document type: Query Responses

Afghanistan: 1. Has Afghanistan generally been traditionally, and does it remain, a society divided deeply between mutually antagonistic tribal/religious/political groupings? 2. What is the general security situation and control by the government now? 3. Are there independent assessments available to indicate whether the security situation at present is improving, stable or deteriorating? 4. With regard to Khankhail, Saidkaram, Paktia, can you indicate on a map where this is? 5. What is the general security situation and control there by the government now, and is it an area marked by Taliban activities? 6. Are there independent assessments available to indicate whether the security situation at present is improving, stable or deteriorating? 7. What is the situation there for Pashtuns? 8. What is the situation there for Sunnis? 9. What is the situation there for functionaries of the Karzai government and their families? 10. With regard to Ghardez, where is it (please include map)? 11. Are there indications the Taliban are active there? 12. Are there reports of retribution having being taken, and still being taken, against people (and their family members) associated with the former Najibullah government? 13. Is there any evidence of people being targeted by the Taliban generally, or in Khankhail, Saidkaram, Paktia, for having come from, or being associated with, Australia?

3 August 2005 | Publisher: Australia: Refugee Review Tribunal | Document type: Query Responses

Pakistan: 1. Any information on the movement Khatm-e- Manshiat would be of assistance. 2. Any information on the newspaper Sahar would be of assistance. 3. What information is available on the "Afridi clan" and any connections with narcotics trafficking?

14 February 2005 | Publisher: Australia: Refugee Review Tribunal | Document type: Query Responses

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