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Query Responses

Query responses are replies to focused queries or requests for Information that are submitted in the course of the refugee status determination process.
Showing 1-10 of 12 results
Pakistan: 1. Are Shiite Hazaras targeted by extremist groups in Quetta? 2. Are there any areas in Pakistan where Hazaras form the majority or live in relative peace? 3. Is state protection available for Hazaras in Quetta? 4. Is state protection available for Hazaras elsewhere in Pakistan? 5. Are there any reports of extremists demanding ransoms from well-known wealthy businessmen in Pakistan?

3 May 2011 | Publisher: Australia: Refugee Review Tribunal | Document type: Query Responses

Afghanistan: 1. Please provide information about whether in 1989 or 1990 there was trouble in Afghanistan whereby Hazaras were being killed by the Pushtuns, Tajiks and Uzbeks? 2. Is there evidence to confirm Afghan Hazaras escaped to Pakistan around this time? 3. Please provide further information about property disputes in Afghanistan back to the 1980's. 4. Please provide information on the treatment or protection of illegal Afghan Hazara Shia Muslim refugees, especially those who moved into Pakistan around 1989 or 1990, by the Pakistani authorities. Is the treatment of those who moved then any different to the treatment of those who moved more recently? 5. Please provide information about the Wahabis and Sunni Muslims and the Baloch targeting the Hazaras in Pakistan. 6. Is there information indicating that Hazara people in Quetta are unable to go out freely at night or that they are found dead in the streets? 7. Please provide information on the treatment of the Hazaras of the Shia Muslim religion in Afghanistan and whether they face serious harm in Afghanistan. 8. Please provide information on whether the authorities in Afghanistan, most of whom are not Hazara, can actually protect Hazaras.

15 April 2010 | Publisher: Australia: Refugee Review Tribunal | Document type: Query Responses

Pakistan: 1. Have hundreds of Hazaras been killed in Quetta in recent years?

30 March 2010 | Publisher: Australia: Refugee Review Tribunal | Document type: Query Responses

Afghanistan: 1. Please provide some information about Maydan Shahr and Markazi Bihsud districts in Wardak province. 2. [Deleted]. 3. Please provide information about whether anyone who is, or is not, affiliated with the Nasr party/Hezb-i Wahdat Khalili would be likely to face ill-treatment or other adverse consequences.

17 February 2010 | Publisher: Australia: Refugee Review Tribunal | Document type: Query Responses

Afghanistan: 1. Is there any information on Haji Abdul or Haj Abdul, and who he is and what his background is? Is he a powerful warlord in Afghanistan? 2 [Deleted.]. 3 Please provide general information about what the Nasr Party is, what they stand for, and who they are affiliated with. Do they have anything to do with the Taliban? 4. Can you provide information on whether Shia Muslims of Hazara identity are likely to experience ill-treatment more than any other ethnic group in Afghanistan? 5. Please provide general information about the incidence of private land disputes between neighbours in Afghanistan and what approach the authorities take in maintaining law and order in land disputes?

16 February 2010 | Publisher: Australia: Refugee Review Tribunal | Document type: Query Responses

Afghanistan: 1. In which areas of Afghanistan are the Taliban currently active, in particular in Jaghori or nearby? 2. How far away is Angori from the nearest Pushtun areas? 3. Which political party or group currently controls Jaghori, in particular the Angori region? 4. Please briefly describe the background to the formation and current status of the Wahdat and Harakat parties. If Wahdat is in control, do its members target Harakat members? 5. What is the current situation in the Angori region of Jaghori for people who are members of the Harakat party? 6. What is the latest country information on the treatment of Westernised returnees to Afghanistan? 7. Is there any evidence that a Shia Muslim who no longer believes in religion would face harm in Afghanistan generally, and in the Angori region of Jaghori and in Kabul in particular? 8. Is the Taliban currently active in Kabul? Does the Taliban or any other group currently target adversely Hazaras in Kabul? Please detail. 9. Is there any effective state protection in Afghanistan generally and in Kabul in particular? 10. Is there any information regarding the prospects of an unsuccessful asylum seeker obtaining employment in Kabul?

7 June 2007 | Publisher: Australia: Refugee Review Tribunal | Document type: Query Responses

Afghanistan: 1. What is the position now in Afghanistan generally, and in particular for Hazaras in Kabul and Mazar-e-Sharif? That is, has the removal of the Taliban from power been durable, and stable? 2. Please provide information about Commanders Zeya and Shafi Deewana. 3. What is the present role of Wahdat in Afghan politics? 4. Can a Hazara safely return to Kabul and/or Mazar-e-Sharif directly (e.g. by plane), or do they have to return through occupied and/or dangerous areas? 5. How are persons who have been Westernised treated in Afghanistan, Kabul and Mazar-e-Sharif?

16 August 2006 | Publisher: Australia: Refugee Review Tribunal | Document type: Query Responses

Afghanistan: 1. Can you provide any information about the current or recent situation in Char Bagh, which used to be in Shibarghan district of Jawzjan province but, from the AIMS maps, is now in Sar-e Pol district of Sar-e Pol province? Can you confirm or otherwise the claim that most of the Hazaras there (it was mainly a Hazara village) have been driven out by Tajiks, Uzbeks and Pashtuns from neighbouring areas, because they're Hazara and Shi'a and/or no protection is given to them because of their ethnicity and religion? 2. Please provide recent information on the control and security situation in Sar-e Pol province generally. 3. Please provide recent information on the control and security situation in Sar-e Pol district. 4. Please provide recent information on the situation of Hazaras in Sar-e Pol district and province now. 5. Please provide any evidence of experiences of Hazaras who have returned to Sar-e Pol district or province

23 August 2005 | Publisher: Australia: Refugee Review Tribunal | Document type: Query Responses

Afghanistan: 1. Where is Taitoop, Behsood, Wardak, and can you provide a map? 2. What is the situation in Taitoop, Behsood, Wardak for Hazaras? 3. Do you have any information on Haji Yenoos?

15 August 2005 | Publisher: Australia: Refugee Review Tribunal | Document type: Query Responses

Afghanistan: 1. Where is Dahah Karizak, Torkman, Parwan and can you provide a map? With regard to Kabul, and also Dahah Karizak, Torkman, Parwan: 2. In Dahah Karizak, Torkman, Parwan, what is the situation for Hazaras? 3. In Dahah Karizak, Torkman, Parwan, what would be the situation for someone identified with the Najibullah regime, in particular the communist youth organisation Sazman-i-Jawanan? 4. In Dahah Karizak, Torkman, Parwan, what is the situation for someone who has abandoned Islam, or is thought to have done so? 5. In Kabul, what is the situation for Hazaras? 6. In Kabul, what would be the situation for someone identified with the Najibullah regime, in particular the communist youth organisation Sazman-i-Jawanan? 7. In Kabul, what is the situation for someone who has abandoned Islam, or is thought to have done so? 8. Is there any support for the claim that Mullahs have issued fatwas against Hazaras living in Australia?

15 August 2005 | Publisher: Australia: Refugee Review Tribunal | Document type: Query Responses

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