Last Updated: Thursday, 25 May 2023, 07:30 GMT

Query Responses

Query responses are replies to focused queries or requests for Information that are submitted in the course of the refugee status determination process.
Showing 1-10 of 10 results
Israel: 1. Please provide background on the demographics of Israel with particular detail on the major religions in Israel and the relative proportions of the population who are considered to be followers of the main religions. 2. Please provide information about the acceptance and rejection or tolerance generally of Christianity in a Muslim culture. Is Israel a "Muslim culture"? 4. Is there information to suggest that Muslim Bedouin families are any stricter in their observance of Islam, and less tolerant towards Christianity than other Muslim families? 5. What is the consequence, from the perspective of Islam as a religion and Islamic doctrine, of turning away from Islam and becoming a Christian? 6. What is generally required to occur for a person to become a Christian? 7. Please provide information on the consequences of an Arab Muslim man having a de facto relationship with a non-Muslim woman, from the perspective of the religion of Islam? 8. Please provide information on what are considered the essential requirements/practices/rituals for a person to be considered to be a practising Muslim. 9. Please provide information on whether Muslim parents might force their son to marry a Muslim woman against his wishes. 10. Is there information or any relevant Christian doctrine which would either support of rebut the claim that a Christian convert would be treated differently to someone born into Christianity in Israel? 11. Please provide information on whether photos of those who have turned away from Islam or who have denounced the Islamic faith are posted on mosque walls in Israel or published in the local newspaper in Israel and if so what is the purpose and consequence of this action? 12. Please provide information on any generally accepted standards (if they exist) that might be applicable whereby through the compliance thereof a person would be regarded as being a Christian. 13. Please provide information on any reports on incidents in Israel where a Muslim family has harmed a child who converted to Christianity. 14. Please provide information on the effectiveness of the Israeli Police authorities in protecting Israeli citizens and especially Muslim converts to Christianity from religious discrimination and religious based violence. 15. Is there any information to suggest that some places within Israel are more tolerant of people who have converted from Islam to Christianity than other places? 16. Please provide information on whether the Christian community in Israel provides protection for converts to Christianity from Islam.

28 March 2011 | Publisher: Australia: Refugee Review Tribunal | Document type: Query Responses

Israel: 1. Please provide background on the demographics of Israel with particular detail on the major religions in Israel and the relative proportions of the population who are considered to be followers of the main religions

28 March 2011 | Publisher: Australia: Refugee Review Tribunal | Document type: Query Responses

Egypt: 1. Please provide information about how marriages between Coptic Orthodox and other Christian denominations are viewed generally; also marriages between a Copt and a foreigner. 2. Are marriages recognised by the Coptic Church? If not, what are the legal consequences of this lack of recognition? 3. Is there any evidence of honour killings being carried out in Upper Egypt in d circumstances where a male marries without his family's consent when a marriage has already been arranged for him? 4. Would the police provide protection in such circumstances?

22 March 2011 | Publisher: Australia: Refugee Review Tribunal | Document type: Query Responses

Zimbabwe: 1. Please provide information about "kuripa ngozi" (or virgin pledging) - the customary practice of offering a young girl or grown women as compensatory payment in inter-family disputes as well as in the appeasement of avenging deceased spirits. Is it widespread? 2. Is "kuripa ngozi" referred to in Zimbabwe's Domestic Violence Act? Please provide the relevant clauses or section. 3. Is there information that the police do not uphold the laws relating to domestic violence? 4. At what age is a woman considered an adult in Zimbabwe? 5. At what age can a woman marry in Zimbabwe? 6. Deleted. 7. Deleted

16 September 2010 | Publisher: Australia: Refugee Review Tribunal | Document type: Query Responses

Zimbabwe: 1. Can a woman be forced into marriage with her brother-in-law when her sister has died? 2. Are the following factors likely to make a difference: if the brother-in-law has AIDS; if the brother-in-law is known to be abusive; if the woman is educated and/or independently wealthy; if the woman has been living overseas? 3. Could a woman receive assistance from the authorities if she does not wish to remarry in these circumstances? 4. What is ZANU-PF?

14 January 2010 | Publisher: Australia: Refugee Review Tribunal | Document type: Query Responses

Malaysia: 1. Muslim to Christian converts; 2. Non practising Muslims; 3. Disabled children. Is there any evidence in support of the following? 4. Forced female circumcision; 5. Christian females being forced to marry Muslims; 6. Children being removed if not being raised as Muslims; 7. Anything else of relevance

27 March 2008 | Publisher: Australia: Refugee Review Tribunal | Document type: Query Responses

Ghana: 1. Is there any information on the village of Sefwi Bekwai? 2. How prevalent is female circumcision in Ghana? 3. Please provide any relevant information on this practice. 4. Is there a Muslim population in Ghana? Where is this population geographically located? 5. Is there any information on arranged marriages between Muslim men and young non Muslim women from remote or rural areas of Ghana? 6. What protection would be available to women if they complain to state authorities about forced marriage and forced circumcision? 7. What is the level of corruption in the police? 8. What is the level of corruption in the judicial system? 9. Is it feasible for a young girl to relocate to Accra or any large town area without the support of family members? 10. Are there any services available to assist young women in these circumstances?

3 May 2007 | Publisher: Australia: Refugee Review Tribunal | Document type: Query Responses

United Kingdom: 1. What measures have been adopted by the British authorities to combat domestic violence, particularly in the South Asian community? Have these measures been effective? 2. What measures have been adopted by the British authorities to fight against crimes of honour and to punish the perpetrators (please refer to criminal law provisions, if any)? Have these measures been effective? 3. Are holders of British passports entitled to enter, reside and work in any of the other European Union countries?

2 February 2007 | Publisher: Australia: Refugee Review Tribunal | Document type: Query Responses

Mongolia: 1. Please provide demographic background on Kazaks in Mongolia. 2. Is there a custom of a widow being required to marry her husband's brother? Does it persist today? If so, what is the geographic or social spread? 3. Is any such custom enforced, and if so how? 4. Do the Mongolian authorities provide protection for women affected by such customs?

24 October 2006 | Publisher: Australia: Refugee Review Tribunal | Document type: Query Responses

Uganda: 1. Can you provide information on the Sebei - in particular. cultural practices? 2. Can you also provide information on the legal position in Uganda vis-à-vis female circumcision and forced marriage? 3. Can you provide information on services/assistance available to women in Uganda who fear forced marriage to a man of Sebei ethnicity or are required to undergo female circumcision?

27 May 2005 | Publisher: Australia: Refugee Review Tribunal | Document type: Query Responses

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