Last Updated: Thursday, 25 May 2023, 07:30 GMT

Canada: Immigration and Refugee Board of Canada

The Immigration and Refugee Board (IRB) is Canada's largest independent administrative tribunal, responsible for making well-reasoned decisions on immigration and refugee matters efficiently, fairly and in accordance with the law. It consists of three divisions: the Refugee Protection Division; the Immigration Division; and the Immigration Appeal Division. The Refugee Protection Division decides claims for refugee protection made by people already in Canada. Website:
Selected filters: Senegal Forced marriage
Showing 1-3 of 3 results
Senegal: Prevalence of forced marriage, including among educated women living in urban areas, and within the Fulani ethnic group; protection available to women who refuse to marry and resources available to them (2010-September 2013)

13 September 2013 | Publisher: Canada: Immigration and Refugee Board of Canada | Document type: Query Responses

Sénégal : information sur la fréquence des mariages forcés, y compris parmi les femmes éduquées et vivant en milieu urbain, ainsi qu'au sein du groupe ethnique Peul; protection offerte aux femmes qui refusent de se marier et ressources à leur disposition (2010-septembre 2013)

13 September 2013 | Publisher: Canada: Immigration and Refugee Board of Canada | Document type: Query Responses

Senegal: The situation of women of the Toucouleur ethnic group, including whether they are subjected to forced marriages; if so, whether this practice applies to educated women; the risk incurred by a woman who refuses such a marriage; the attitude of the government authorities toward forced marriages; the possible recourse and state protection available to women subjected to forced marriages (March 2004)

2 April 2004 | Publisher: Canada: Immigration and Refugee Board of Canada | Document type: Query Responses

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