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Decree (Nationality)

Publisher National Legislative Bodies / National Authorities
Author Andorra
Publication Date 7 April 1970
Reference AND-210
Cite as Decree (Nationality) [],  7 April 1970, available at: [accessed 18 May 2023]
Comments This is an unofficial translation. The Decree was dated 7 April 1970.
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We, the Pro-Vicar General of the Bishopric of Urgell, Permanent Delegate for Andorra of His Excellency the Episcopal Co-Prince;

We, the prefects of the Eastern Pyrenees, Permanent Delegate for Andorra of His Excellency the French Co-Prince;

In view of the request presented by a certain number of citizens of the 1st and 2nd generations, born in Andorra, asking for the extension of political rights to all persons born in the Valls;

In view of the vote taken by the M.I. General Council of the Valls on May 13, 1966;

In view of the Reform Plan adopted May 31, 1866;

In view of the Decree of June 17, 1939;

In view of the decision of the Permanent Delegates, dated March 3, 1958;

In view of the Decree of March 24, 1958;

In view of the interpretative texts adopted by the Permanent Delegations;

Considering that Andorra has experienced a notable economic expansion in recent times, and that, due to the increasing tourist and commercial traffic, the transportation and communication facilities, and the volume of migratory currents, it is experiencing a considerable demographic growth;

Considering that a new situation has resulted from the above-mentioned facts, one which cannot be compared with the past, and which demands an adaptation of the traditional structures of the Valls to modern social conditions - an adaptation that will be equitable, just and useful to everyone, and that therefore, while respecting the traditions, uses, and customs of Andorra, it is necessary that the legislation respond to the country's current needs, so that a broader section of the populace may participate in public affairs;

Considering that the current legal applicable in matters of nationality are not in accord with the new situation and that, taking into account the general and higher interest of the country, it corresponds to the Co-Princess to gradually and prudently adapt the legal texts to each situation;

Considering that the obliged adaptation, referred to in the preceding paragraph, and which counsels the concession of the condition of Andorrans to certain persons born in the Valls, while carrying, by virtue of this our Decree, a special norm concerning the exercise of a right of option at the age of twenty, does not imply the modification of Andorran custom and law in that which concerns legal majority and other effects;

By common accord

We decree:

Article 1

The following persons will be able to acquire the condition of Andorrans with full political rights, which they may exercise when they reach the age required by Andorran law:

(1)The children, born in the Valls, of a foreign father and an Andorran mother not an heiress, who has retained her original Andorran nationality, in accordance with Article IV of the Decree of June 17, 1939.

(2)The children, born in the Valls, of a father also born in Andorra, that is to say, second generation children born in Andorra.

Article 2

In those persons referred to in Article 1, the following conditions must be verified:

(1)That parents and children have maintained and do maintain permanent residence in the Valls.

(2)That in regard to the affairs of the country they satisfy the conditions established by Article V of the Decree of June 17, 1939, and by Article I of the Decree of December 26, 1941.

Article 3

Those persons referred to in the preceding articles may choose, within a period of six months after having reached the age of twenty-one, the father's nationality. This formality will be carried out, according to custom, by a statement signed before a notary, and registered at the Syndicature, which will then communicate it to the Permanent Delegations.

Article 4

The right of option envisaged in Article 3 does not belong to children of the second generation born in Andorra, when the father has acquired by decree the condition of first generation Andorran.

Article 5

As a transitional concession, all persons who have passed the age indicated in Article 3 and who unite the conditions of Articles 1 and 2 are granted the space of one year, beginning with the publication of the present Decree, to request the granting of Andorran nationality with full political rights.

Article 6

A foreign woman married to a first generation Andorran will have the right, if she requests it, to an Andorran passport, by the same right as her husband.

Article 7

In all cases the rights created by the present Decree may not be acquired except by means of the procedure established by custom and by the above-mentioned texts.

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