Title | Comparative Overview of the Implementation of the Directive 2003/9 of 27 January 2003 Laying Down Minimum Standards for the Reception of Asylum Seekers in the EU Member States |
Publisher | Odysseus - Academic Network for Legal Studies on Immigration |
Publication Date | 2007 |
Country | Austria | Belgium | Cyprus | Czech Republic | Germany | Spain | Estonia | Finland | France | United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland | Greece | Hungary | Italy | Lithuania | Luxembourg | Latvia | Malta | Netherlands | Poland | Portugal | Slovakia | Slovenia | Sweden |
Topics | Reception |
Related Document(s) | Council Directive 2003/9/EC of 27 January 2003 Laying Down Minimum Standards for the Reception of Asylum Seekers in Member States |
Cite as | Odysseus - Academic Network for Legal Studies on Immigration, Comparative Overview of the Implementation of the Directive 2003/9 of 27 January 2003 Laying Down Minimum Standards for the Reception of Asylum Seekers in the EU Member States, 2007, available at: https://www.refworld.org/docid/484009fc2.html [accessed 24 May 2023] |
Comments | This report is no longer confidential. It has been made public by the European Commission, together with the national reports at the basis of it, on the Commission's website. UNHCR actively contributed to this Study. Most of UNHCR's offices throughout the EU firstly helped the national rapporteurs to gather the necessary factual information about the implementation of the Directive in practice, and secondly sent comments on the draft national reports as well as the present Comparative Overview. |
Disclaimer | This is not a UNHCR publication. UNHCR is not responsible for, nor does it necessarily endorse, its content. Any views expressed are solely those of the author or publisher and do not necessarily reflect those of UNHCR, the United Nations or its Member States. |