Last Updated: Friday, 19 May 2023, 07:24 GMT

Inter-American Court of Human Rights (IACrtHR)

The Inter-American Court of Human Rights, which is an autonomous judicial institution of the Organization of American States established in 1979, and whose objective is the application and interpretation of the American Convention on Human Rights and other treaties concerning this same matter.  Website:
Showing 1-10 of 20 results
Case of the "Las Dos Erres" Massacre v. Guatemala

24 November 2009 | Judicial Body: Inter-American Court of Human Rights (IACrtHR) | Document type: Case Law | Topic(s): Children's rights - Criminal justice - Disappeared persons - Freedom from torture, inhuman and degrading treatment - Internal armed conflict - Reconciliation - Right to family life - Right to life | Countries: Guatemala

Case of Dacosta-Cadogan v. Barbados

24 September 2009 | Judicial Body: Inter-American Court of Human Rights (IACrtHR) | Document type: Case Law | Topic(s): Criminal justice - Death penalty - Effective remedy - Freedom from torture, inhuman and degrading treatment - Right to life | Countries: Barbados

Case of Valle Jaramillo et al. v. Colombia

27 November 2008 | Judicial Body: Inter-American Court of Human Rights (IACrtHR) | Document type: Case Law | Topic(s): Freedom from torture, inhuman and degrading treatment - Freedom of assembly and association - Freedom of expression - Housing, land and property rights (HLP) - Human rights activists - Right to family life - Right to liberty and security - Right to life - Rule of law / Due process / Procedural fairness | Countries: Colombia

Caso Valle Jaramillo y otros vs. Colombia

27 November 2008 | Judicial Body: Inter-American Court of Human Rights (IACrtHR) | Document type: Case Law | Topic(s): Freedom from torture, inhuman and degrading treatment - Freedom of assembly and association - Freedom of expression - Housing, land and property rights (HLP) - Human rights activists - Right to family life - Right to liberty and security - Right to life - Rule of law / Due process / Procedural fairness | Countries: Colombia

Caso Escué Zapata vs. Colombia

Sentencia de 4 de julio de 2007.

4 July 2007 | Judicial Body: Inter-American Court of Human Rights (IACrtHR) | Document type: Case Law | Topic(s): Criminal justice - Freedom from torture, inhuman and degrading treatment - Indigenous persons - Right to justice - Right to liberty and security - Right to life | Countries: Colombia

Case of Escué-Zapata v. Colombia

Order of the Inter-American Court of Human Rights.

4 July 2007 | Judicial Body: Inter-American Court of Human Rights (IACrtHR) | Document type: Case Law | Topic(s): Criminal justice - Freedom from torture, inhuman and degrading treatment - Indigenous persons - Right to justice - Right to liberty and security - Right to life | Countries: Colombia

Case of Goiburú et al. v. Paraguay

22 September 2006 | Judicial Body: Inter-American Court of Human Rights (IACrtHR) | Document type: Case Law | Topic(s): Criminal justice - Freedom from torture, inhuman and degrading treatment - Right to liberty and security - Right to life - Rule of law / Due process / Procedural fairness | Countries: Paraguay

Caso de las Masacres de Ituango vs. Colombia

1 July 2006 | Judicial Body: Inter-American Court of Human Rights (IACrtHR) | Document type: Case Law | Topic(s): Children's rights - Freedom from torture, inhuman and degrading treatment - Housing, land and property rights (HLP) - Internally displaced persons (IDPs) - Right to liberty and security - Right to life - Rule of law / Due process / Procedural fairness | Countries: Colombia

Case of the Ituango Massacres vs Colombia

1 July 2006 | Judicial Body: Inter-American Court of Human Rights (IACrtHR) | Document type: Case Law | Topic(s): Children's rights - Freedom from torture, inhuman and degrading treatment - Housing, land and property rights (HLP) - Internally displaced persons (IDPs) - Right to liberty and security - Right to life - Rule of law / Due process / Procedural fairness | Countries: Colombia

Case of the Pueblo Bello Massacre v. Colombia

31 January 2006 | Judicial Body: Inter-American Court of Human Rights (IACrtHR) | Document type: Case Law | Topic(s): Children's rights - Children-at-risk - Criminal justice - Freedom from torture, inhuman and degrading treatment - Gross, systematic and large-scale - Right to liberty and security - Right to life - Rule of law / Due process / Procedural fairness | Countries: Colombia

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