Last Updated: Monday, 05 June 2023, 10:55 GMT

Chronology for Palestinians in Israel

Publisher Minorities at Risk Project
Publication Date 2004
Cite as Minorities at Risk Project, Chronology for Palestinians in Israel, 2004, available at: [accessed 6 June 2023]
DisclaimerThis is not a UNHCR publication. UNHCR is not responsible for, nor does it necessarily endorse, its content. Any views expressed are solely those of the author or publisher and do not necessarily reflect those of UNHCR, the United Nations or its Member States.
Date(s) Item
1800 - 1900 Zionists first begin to settle in Palestine.
1867 Laws are passed enabling foreigners to purchase land in Palestine. Zionists begin to purchase large tracts of land. 1917: In the Balfour Declaration the British assert that they "view with favor" the idea of establishing a Jewish national homeland in Palestine.
1920 During World War One Palestine was captured from the Ottoman Empire. In 1920, the British mandate over Palestine was approved by the League of Nations.
1936 In protest over British policies regarding Jewish immigration and land purchases, the Arabs of Palestine begin a violent revolt which takes the British authorities 18 months to quell.
1947 - 1948 The UN calls for a partition of Palestine in which 54% of the land would become a Palestinian state and 46% would become a Jewish state. The Israeli Defense Force launches "Plan D" in which various Palestinian populations who resided in areas of strategic value would be subject to small scale massacres in an effort to encourage them to leave their places of residence. Approximately 300,000 Palestinians became refugees as a result. Israel declared its independence and was attacked by its Arab neighbors. During the war of 1948, the new Israeli state acquired vast new territories designated to be Arab lands. In the process approximately 725,000 more Palestinians fled to Jordan and Lebanon where they constituted 50% and 10% of the population respectively.
1964 The Arab League forms the Palestinian Liberation Organization.
1967 In the War of 1967 Israel conquers the West Bank and Gaza. Strip sending 355,000 refugees to Jordan.
1967 - 1987 The Palestinians of Israel lived under Israeli occupation without providing any serious resistance.
1987 The Palestinian Intifada (uprising) against Israeli occupation erupts in the West Bank and Gaza Strip.
Jul 1989 During the month of July, 14 Palestinians were killed and one general strike was called.
Jul 19, 1989 The Israeli Parliament (Knesset) approved a plan for local Palestinian elections.
Jul 22, 1989 In the West Bank, over 200,000 Palestinians elementary school students returned to schools that had been closed since late 1988.
Jul 27, 1989 In an interview Yasser Arafat outlined a four point Palestinian Israeli peace plan. 1) Temporary Israeli withdrawal from the territories during the elections: 2) The elections themselves: 3) Palestinian repatriation: and 4) Palestinian independence:
Aug 1989 During the month of August, 38 Palestinians were reported killed, over 170 were reportedly arrested, and 5 were deported.
Sep 1989 During the month of September, some 31 Palestinians were killed and over 1,000 Palestinians prisoners went on a hunger strike to protest prison conditions.
Sep 14, 1989 The Council of (Israeli) Settlers submitted a plan to Prime Minister Shamir calling for the establishment of 10 new settlements in the West Bank.
Oct 1989 During the month of October 26 Palestinians were killed, 1 general strike was called, the territories were sealed once, and 4 Mosques were temporarily closed by the IDF.
Oct 16, 1989 Israeli police and Palestinians clashed in Jerusalem on the Temple Mount following the Laying of a cornerstone by the Temple Mount Faithful who's aim is to rebuild the Jewish Temple where the Dome of the Rock Mosque now stands.
Nov 11, 1989 Abu Nidal's Fatah Revolutionary Council was split by an internal power struggle in which 150 members were killed including at least 20 leaders. The split had occurred because of different ideas on the part of Abu Nidal and Atif Abu Bakr concerning possible political doors opened up by the Palestinian Intifada.
Dec 1989 During the month of December 16 Palestinians were killed.
Dec 27, 1989 The Israeli Government extended the emergency regulations in the Occupied Territories by two years.
Dec 29, 1989 Police broke up a peace march by some 3,000 Palestinian, Israeli, American, and European women.
Dec 30, 1989 In an event sponsored by the Israeli organization "Peace Now", 30,000 people formed a human chain around Jerusalem's Old City.
Jan 1990 During the month of January, 9 Palestinians were killed. Palestinians set fire to 2 Israeli buses during this month.
Jan 14, 1990 Israeli Prime Minister Shamir asserted that Israel would have to retain the Occupied Territories in order to have the space necessary to resettle the expected influx of Soviet immigrants.
Feb 1990 During the month of February, 15 Palestinians were killed. Palestinians killed 8 Jewish tourists. Twenty five Palestinians high schools were closed by the IDF.
Mar 1990 During the month of March, 3 Palestinians were killed, and two general strikes were called.
Apr 1990 During the month of April 9 Palestinians were killed.
May 1990 During the month of May 20 Palestinians were killed.
Jun 1990 During the month of June 8 Palestinians were killed. A bomb was detonated on 1 Israeli bus.
Jul 1990 During the month of July 7 Palestinians were killed.
Aug 1990 During the month of August 2 Palestinians were killed.
Sep 1990 During the month of September 9 Palestinians were killed.
Sep 4, 1990 The IDF distributed leaflets to Gaza school children that stated that the IDF would not provoke them by patrolling near their schools.
Oct 1990 During the month of October 34 Palestinians were killed.
Oct 7, 1990 In preparation for the Gulf-War, the IDF began distributing gas masks, but not to Palestinians.
Oct 8, 1990 Palestinians on the Temple Mount began throwing stones toward the Western Wall. During an effort to break up the crowd Israeli police killed 17 Palestinians.
Nov 1990 During the month of November 10 Palestinians were killed.
Nov 14, 1990 The Israeli government announced that they would halve the number of Palestinians with work permits to about 60,000 in order to provide work for Soviet immigrants.
Dec 1990 During the month of December 16 Palestinians were killed. Ten Israelis were stabbed to death by Palestinians.
Dec 12, 1990 The IDF began to use snipers to fire at Palestinians caught throwing stones at Israeli cars.
Jan 1991 During the month of January 18 Palestinians were killed and 4 were deported.
Jan 16, 1991 In response to the beginning of the Gulf War, the Occupied Territories were sealed off and placed under curfew.
Feb 1991 During the month of February 3 Palestinians were killed.
Mar 1991 During the month of March 9 Palestinians were killed.
Mar 16, 1991 Palestinian leaders announced that in order to encourage the peace process, a general strike would not be called on Land Day (March 30) for the first time since its inception in 1976.
Apr 1991 Prime Minister Shamir proposed a peace plan in which Palestinians would be given the ability to run their own affairs. During the month of April 5 Palestinians were killed.
May 1991 During the month of May 9 Palestinians were killed and 5 were deported.
Jul 1991 During the month of July 3 Palestinians were killed.
Aug 1, 1991 Prime Minister Shamir announced that Israel would participate in a Middle East peace conference if Palestinians associated with the PLO, and those from outside Israel and East Jerusalem were excluded.
Aug 1991 During the month of August 9 Palestinians were killed.
Sep 1991 During the month of September 20 Palestinians were killed.
Sep 6, 1991 US President Bush announced that Israel would only be granted 10 Billion dollars in loan guarantees (for the purposes of resettling Soviet Jews) if Israel agreed to stop build new settlements in the occupied territories.
Sep 8, 1991 Prime Minister Shamir said that new settlement would continue to be built in the Occupied Territories.
Sep 23, 1991 At the opening of the 23rd session of the Palestinian National Congress, Yasser Arafat endorsed the US efforts at promoting a Middle East peace conference.
Sep 28, 1991 By a vote of 256 to 68 the PNC authorized Palestinians to participate in a Middle East peace conference should it occur.
Oct 29, 1991 In Gaza thousands of Palestinians march in support of the Upcoming Madrid peace conference.
Oct 30, 1991 In Madrid representatives of Israel, Jordan, Syria, Lebanon, and the Palestinians attended the opening of the US-Soviet sponsored peace conference. In Gaza 7,000 Palestinians marched in support of the peace process.
Nov 1991 During the month of November 1 Palestinians was killed
Nov 3, 1991 In Madrid the representatives agreed to work toward self rule in the West Bank and Gaza Strip.
Dec 1991 During the month of December 3 Palestinians were killed and over 30 were injured in a particularly violent series of clashes between the IDF and Palestinian youths.
Dec 10, 1991 Round two of the US-Soviet sponsored peace talks began in Washington D.C.
Jan 1992 During the month of January 3 Palestinians were killed.
Jan 14, 1992 Round three of the US-Soviet sponsored peace talks began in Washington. Both the Israeli and Palestinian delegation brought proposals outlining their vision of what Palestinian self rule should look like.
Jan 21, 1992 In an effort to prevent attacks on Jewish settlers by Palestinians the IDF increased the number of soldiers stationed in the occupied territories by 20%.
Feb 1992 During the month of February 6 Palestinians were killed.
Feb 2, 1992 The IDF issued orders to shoot any Palestinian seen carrying arms.
Feb 24, 1992 Round 4 of the peace talks resumed in Washington D.C. Israel brought another proposal for Palestinian self rule which included in it the right of Israel to continue to build settlement in the occupied territories.
Mar 1992 During the month of March 11 Palestinians were killed.
Apr 1992 During the month of April 12 Palestinians were killed.
Apr 27, 1992 In Washington the 5th round of the Middle East peace talks resumed with elections in the occupied territories as the topic of discussion.
May 1992 During the month of May 7 Palestinians were killed.
May 17, 1992 About 3,000 Palestinians marched in Gaza to call for an end to the "indiscriminate killing of Palestinians by Palestinians".
Jun 1992 During the month of June 12 Palestinians were killed.
Jun 7, 1992 Hamas and Fatah published a leaflet declaring their intention to unite efforts against the occupational forces.
Jun 24, 1992 Unofficial Prime Minister elect Yitzhak Rabin announced that the Labor party would accelerate efforts toward Palestinian self rule and would freeze new settlements in the occupied territories.
Jul 7, 1992 In Gaza, for the third time in five days fighting broke out between members of Fatah and Hamas. Three died and over 30 were wounded.
Jul 14, 1992 In Nablus about 200 students barricaded themselves at al-Najah University when the IDF surrounded the University and announced its intention to search everyone inside to determine if there were any "wanted" individuals inside.
Jul 17, 1992 The standoff between the IDF and the students in Nablus ended when 6 Palestinians surrendered and submitted themselves to "voluntary exile".
Aug 1992 During the month of August 6 Palestinians were killed.
Aug 11, 1992 President Bush agreed to 10 billion dollars in loan guarantees for Israel once he had been assured that there was a freeze on new settlements in the occupied territories.
Aug 24, 1992 In Washington the 6th round of the Middle East peace talks resumed. They were the first talks since the election of the Labor Party in Israel.
Sep 1992 During the month of September 2 Palestinians were killed.
Oct 1992 During the month of October 9 Palestinians were killed.
Oct 3, 1992 Between 3,000 and 5,000 Palestinians went on a hunger strike to protest prison conditions.
Oct 17, 1992 At the end of a 2 day PLO leadership conference the central committee endorsed the seventh round of the peace talks. The DFLP, the PFLP, and most other PLO factions expressed disapproval over the continuation of the peace talks.
Oct 21, 1992 The 7th round of the Middle East peace talks began in Washington.
Nov 1992 During the month of November 11 Palestinians were killed.
Dec 1992 During the month of December 29 Palestinians were killed and 1 general strike was called.
Dec 7, 1992 The 8th round of the Middle East peace talk resumed in Washington.
Jan 1993 During the month of January 5 Palestinians were killed.
Jan 5, 1993 Talks were held between representatives of Hamas and Fatah over whether Hamas could be admitted to the PNC.
Jan 19, 1993 The Israeli Kenesset in a vote of 39 to 20 repealed a law barring contact between Israeli and representative of the PLO.
Feb 1993 During the month of February 20 Palestinians were killed.
Mar 1993 During the month of March 15 Palestinians were killed and Palestinians were barred from entering Israel for a total of 11 days.
Apr 1993 During the month of April 8 Palestinians were killed
May 1993 During the month of May 19 Palestinians were killed
Jul 1993 During the month of July 3 Palestinians were killed.
Aug 1993 In August 2 Palestinians were killed.
Aug 30, 1993 The Israeli cabinet approved a Palestinian self rule proposal formulated in secret with the PLO. Israeli forces would withdraw from Gaza and Jericho and turn over certain administrative responsibilities to Palestinians. The rest of the territories, east Jerusalem, and the status of Palestinian refugees were to be discussed in 2 or 3 years.
Sep 1993 During the month of September 6 Palestinians were killed.
Sep 5, 1993 A Hamas spokesman said that Hamas would accelerate its armed struggle against Israel in an effort to defeat the Israel-PLO accord.
Sep 9, 1993 Yasser Arafat recognized Israel's right to exist and renounced terrorism.
Sep 10, 1993 Prime Minister Rabin recognized the PLO as the representative of the Palestinian people.
Sep 11, 1993 In 4 separate rallies over 20,000 Palestinians rallied in support of the Israel-PLO peace accord.
Sep 13, 1993 In Washington Mahmud Abbas of the PLO and Shimon Peres of Israel signed a "Deceleration of Principles" on Palestinian self rule in Gaza and Jericho. Following the signing Rabin and Arafat shook hands.
Oct 1993 During the month of October 11 Palestinians were killed.
Nov 1993 During the month of November 20 Palestinians were killed.
Dec 1993 During the month of December 11 Palestinians were killed.
Dec 2, 1993 Foreign Minister Peres announced that the Israel-PLO accord would be null and void if HAMAS won the elections scheduled for 1994.
Jan 1, 1994 During the month of January 10 Palestinians were killed and 10 more were wounded.
Feb 1994 In the month of February 50 Palestinians were killed and over 165 more were wounded.
Feb 9, 1994 In Cairo, PLO chairman Arafat and Israeli foreign minister Peres initial a 3 page document on principles of self rule, to be called the Cairo agreement, and an 8 page document that included the details and maps of security arrangements.
Feb 19, 1994 A pregnant Israeli woman was shot to death in the West Bank. HAMAS claimed responsibility for the attack which prompted widespread rioting by settlers in the West Bank.
Feb 24, 1994 In Hebron, US born Israeli settler Baruch Goldstien, a member of Kach, opened fire on Muslim worshipers in the cave of the Patriarchs, killing 29 people and wounding over 100 more. Goldstien was then beaten to death by Palestinians in the Mosque. PLO chairman Arafat called on the UN to deploy forces in the Occupied Territories and asked the security council to condemn the killings.
Feb 27, 1994 Israel issued orders for the administrative detention of 5 members of Kach and Kahane Chai movements, and announced that some settlers in Hebron would be disarmed and approximately 15 would be barred from entering the West Bank. A commission was created to investigate the Hebron killings. Israel also announced the planned release of 1,000 Palestinians prisoners by March 7.
Mar 1994 During the month of March 21 Palestinians were killed and 223 more were wounded.
Mar 13, 1994 Israel outlawed Kach and Kahane Chai, branding them "terrorist organizations", and outlawed any financial or verbal support to the groups. The Israeli Army clarified orders on the use of weapons against Jewish settlers, stating that soldiers can open fire during any life threatening situation involving either Palestinians or Israelis.
Apr 1994 Throughout the period covered by this update, the PLO (and later the Palestinian Authority) and the Israeli government are continually engaging in negotiations over Palestinian autonomy. The US and Egypt participate in many of these negotiations. These negotiations will only be noted here when a major agreement is reached. After Palestinian rule in the territories begins there are sporadic clashes between the Palestinian Authority and Palestinian citizens. Such clashes will not be noted unless the citizens clearly represent another organized Palestinian group such as, but not Throughout the period covered by this update various states and international organizations pledge money to help support the Palestinian Authority. Such funding will not be further noted unless otherwise noteworthy.only, HAMAS.
Apr 6, 1994 Palestinian Raed Muhammad Zakarieh exploded a car bomb beside a bus station in Afula, Israel, 6 miles from the West Bank. Eight people were killed and 44 others were wounded. HAMAS claimed responsibility for the attack.
Apr 12, 1994 In Cairo Israeli and PLO negotiators announced that an agreement had been reached on the deployment of a 9,000 member Palestinian police force for Gaza and Jericho.
Apr 13, 1994 HAMAS member Aremar Salah Amarani detonated explosives next to a commuter bus in Hedera, killing five Israelis and wounding 30 others. PLO chairman Arafat condemned the violence.
Apr 16, 1994 Jordan denies an Israeli charge that it is aiding members of HAMAS.
Apr 17, 1994 Israel's cabinet agrees to grant 16,000 work permits to Palestinians for humanitarian reasons and 4,000 permits to Palestinians employed in the agricultural sector. The government also approves $10 million to fund public works projects and as aid to assist Palestinians who were unable to work because of the April 7 Israeli closure of Gaza and the West Bank. Note: Throughout the period covered by this update, Israel provides funds for public works in the West Bank and Gaza. Such funds will not be further noted unless otherwise noteworthy.
Apr 17, 1994 An unidentified Palestinian attacks 2 Israelis with an axe on a bus outside Jerusalem. Israeli police open fire wounding the assailant and 2 Israelis. HAMAS claims responsibility for the attack.
Apr 19, 1994 Israeli forces arrest 362 alleged HAMAS members, reportedly in connection with recent bus attacks. Note: Throughout the period covered by this update, Israeli forces make mass arrests of Palestinians, usually suspected HAMAS members, especially after major terrorist incidents. Such arrests will not be further noted unless otherwise noteworthy.
Apr 19, 1994 Residents of the Qalandiyah refugee camp in the West Bank clash with Israeli soldiers.
Apr 20, 1994 2 Israelis are wounded by gunmen in Gaza. HAMAS claims responsibility.
Apr 21, 1994 The closure of Gaza which had been in place since April 7 is eased as 1,000 Gazans are allowed to enter Israel.
Apr 21, 1994 Israeli soldier Shahar Simani is found murdered in the West Bank. Izz-al-Din Qassam, a group affiliated with HAMAS, claims responsibility.
Apr 21, 1994 Rioting in Gaza City leaves 4 Palestinians dead.
Apr 22, 1994 An agreement is reached between the Fatah Hawks and HAMAS that includes a one-month cease fire, a commitment to future cooperation and an agreement to stop killing alleged collaborators with Israel.
Apr 24, 1994 An Israeli soldier is wounded in Nablus by unidentified gunmen.
Apr 24, 1994 An Israeli Qiryat Arba resident is stabbed by 2 assailants, one of whom is killed by residents.
Apr 25, 1994 PLO member Haidar al-Shafi and 22 Palestinians circulate a petition condemning Israeli-PLO negotiations on Palestinian self-rule. Note: Throughout the period covered by this update, Palestinians, both inside and outside of the PLO, oppose the PLO-Israeli negotiations. Such opposition will not be further noted unless otherwise noteworthy.
Apr 27, 1994 In Jerusalem, a Palestinian stabs 2 Israeli soldiers. In Gaza City, Israeli soldiers wound a Palestinian woman after she attempts to stab a soldier.
Apr 29, 1994 In Paris, Israeli and Palestinian negotiators sign an economic agreement that is to govern economic relations for 5 years. The agreement grants trade, tax and financial authority to Palestinians, but does not allow for a Palestinian currency.
May 4, 1994 In Cairo, Israeli Prime Minister Rabin and PLO Chairman Arafat sign the Agreement on the Gaza Strip and Jericho. The agreement marks the beginning of a 5-year interim period for negotiating permanent solutions. The agreement includes, plans for an Israeli withdrawal for Gaza, a prisoner release, temporary international observers, the establishment of a Palestinian authority with legislative and executive powers, Palestinian control of elections and tax collection and the establishment of Palestinian banks and courts. It provides for Israeli control of international borders and the right of Israeli troops to enter the self-rule area during periods of "general hostilities." Three issues remain unresolved: Jericho's boundaries, the stationing of Palestinian officials at the Albany Bridge into Jordan, and security arrangement s at the al-Rafah crossing into Egypt.
May 4, 1994 1,000 Palestinians are released from prison. Note: Throughout the period covered by this update, Palestinian prisoners are released by the Israelis as part of the peace process. Such releases will not be further noted unless otherwise noteworthy.
May 4, 1994 4 Palestinians are wounded by Israeli gunfire after they stone Israeli vehicles near Hebron. In a separate incident an Israeli is injured when his car is stoned in the West Bank.
May 4, 1994 Demonstrations protesting the Agreement on the Gaza Strip and Jericho are held in Ashdod, Jerusalem and the Gaza Strip.
May 4, 1994 Israeli police prevent hundreds of Jewish settlers from entering a synagogue that had been the site of anti-Palestinian demonstrations.
May 8, 1994 Israeli soldiers close off Jericho, prompting riots.
May 8, 1994 117 unarmed observers of the Temporary International Presence in Hebron (TIPH) enter Hebron. The observers have no military or police powers and are not allowed to intervene in confrontations.
May 9, 1994 Riots occur throughout Gaza as Palestinians demand the arrival of a Palestinian police force. Israeli soldiers kill a Palestinian when they open fire on a group of stone throwing Palestinians. Note: Small violent demonstrations by Palestinians and clashes with Israeli forces, including stone throwing, occur throughout the period covered by this update. Such incidents will not be further noted unless otherwise noteworthy or fatalities occur.
May 10, 1994 Gunmen open fire on an Israeli bus in the West Bank.
May 10, 1994 In a speech in Johannesburg, Arafat calls for a "jihad to liberate Jerusalem," prompting protests from Israeli officials.
May 12, 1994 An Israeli soldier is wounded in Gaza by unidentified gunmen. In another incident a truck driver is wounded by gunfire. The HAMAS affiliates Izz al-Din Qassam group claims responsibility. Note: Attacks by Palestinians on Israeli forces and civilians, including shootings, bombings and stabbings, occur throughout the period covered by this update. Such incidents will not be further noted unless otherwise noteworthy or fatalities occur.
May 13, 1994 460 Palestinian policemen take over police duties in Jericho following the withdrawal of the remaining Israeli police. Israel also transfers to Palestinian control bases at Khan Yanus in Gaza.
May 13, 1994 A HAMAS demonstration in Gaza City in support of the Palestinian police but in protest of the accord turns violent. Israeli police wound 2 during the riots.
May 14, 1994 Israeli soldiers withdraw from the Jabiliya refugee camp in Gaza.
May 15, 1994 A Palestinian is killed in the crossfire between Israelis and Palestinians.
May 16, 1994 Israel completes its withdrawal form its army headquarters in Gaza City.
May 16, 1994 Armed Israeli settlers attempt to enter the Ali Baka Mosque in Hebron but are stoned by Palestinians. The settlers and Israeli soldiers then open fire wounding 18. Israel bars the TIPH forces from the area during the clash.
May 17, 1994 Israel withdraws troops from its last 5 army posts in Gaza. Demonstrators stone the withdrawing troops, who fire tear gas in return.
May 17, 1994 2 Israeli soldiers are shot dead south of Hebron. HAMAS claims responsibility.
May 18, 1994 In Jericho, 20 Israeli settlers, disregarding orders of the Palestinian police to disarm, take over a synagogue. A joint Israeli-Palestinian patrol removes them. Note: Jewish settlers stage similar protests throughout the period covered by this update. Such incidents will not be further noted unless otherwise noteworthy.
May 19, 1994 HAMAS and PFLP spokesmen announce that they would not follow the Palestinian police force's orders to disarm until Israel has withdrawn from all of Gaza and the West Bank.
May 21, 1994 Joint Israeli-Palestinian patrols begin in Khan Yanus and Gaza City.
May 22, 1994 Israeli soldiers kill one alleged HAMAS member and capture two others in a raid in Hebron.
May 24, 1994 Israel closes its borders to Palestinian residents of Jericho in response to an incident in which Palestinian police officers mistakenly disarm and detain 3 Israeli settlers. The closure is intended to allow Palestinian police time to establish policies and authority in the areas of self-rule.
May 25, 1994 Palestinian police block an attempt by Israeli army commander Doron Almog to enter Gaza, a violation of the Gaza-Jericho agreement.
May 28, 1994 2 Palestinians are found murdered in Gaza City. HAMAS claims responsibility stating that they had collaborated with Israel. Note: Throughout the period covered by this update Palestinians are killed for allegedly collaborating with Israel. Such incidents will not be further noted unless otherwise noteworthy.
May 30, 1994 An Israeli soldier is killed during a gunfight at a border crossing into Gaza.
May 31 - Jun 1, 1994 4 Palestinians are killed by Israeli soldiers in riots after Israeli border soldiers shoot dead 2 wanted HAMAS members.
Jun 11, 1994 A Palestinian is killed by Israeli soldiers during a riot in Ramallah.
Jun 16, 1994 Hundreds of Palestinian prisoners slated to be released by the Israelis refuse to renounce violence and remain in jail.
Jun 26, 1994 An Israeli is killed in Tel Aviv by an unidentified Palestinian.
Jun 30, 1994 2 Israeli soldiers are wounded by gunmen in Gaza. Islamic Jihad and the DFLP claim responsibility.
Jul 1, 1994 PLO Chairman Arafat enters Gaza for the first time since 1967 and speaks at a rally of approximately 30,000 people in Gaza City.
Jul 2, 1994 A Palestinian is found shot dead in East Jerusalem. The Sword of David claims responsibility, saying the murder is in retaliation for the killing of an unspecified Israeli.
Jul 2 - 3, 1994 In Jerusalem, thousands of Israelis protest Arafat's visit to Gaza. These protests include clashes with Israeli police.
Jul 5, 1994 In Jericho, Arafat is sworn in as head of the Palestinian authority and appoints 12 of the 24 Palestinians to govern until the proposed October elections.
Jul 7, 1994 In separate incidents an Israeli civilian and an Israeli soldier are killed. The Holy Ibrahimi Mosque Martyrs claim responsibility for one of the murders and HAMAS claims responsibility for both.
Jul 8, 1994 Israeli forces enter Qiryat Arba as Israeli settlers demonstrate in protest of the two July 7 murders.
Jul 10, 1994 Following clashes between Israeli and Palestinian police at the Gaza Strip checkpoint, Israeli Prime Minister Rabin orders Gaza sealed off to allow time for the Palestinians to reorganize their checkpoint procedures.
Jul 13, 1994 Israel expels 3 Palestinians who had entered Gaza with Arafat accusing them of involvement in a 1974 attack on a school in Maalot that killed 22 Israelis.
Jul 17, 1994 Israeli and Palestinian forces exchange fire during a riot in Gaza. 2 Palestinians and one Israeli soldier are killed. Riots also break out in Ramallah and Hebron. Israeli police seal off Gaza.
Jul 19, 1994 An Israeli soldier is shot dead in Gaza. HAMAS claims responsibility.
Jul 22, 1994 Israel reopens its border with Gaza after a 5-day closure.
Jul 22, 1994 Israeli soldiers kill a Palestinian in Nablus.
Jul 22, 1994 3 bombs explode in Hebron causing no injuries but prompting widespread rioting. Islamic Jihad claims responsibility.
Jul 22, 1994 In Gaza, Between 7,000 and 15,000 Palestinians organized by the DFLP, HAMAS, Islamic Jihad, and the PFLP demonstrate to protest the Israeli-Palestinian negotiations.
Aug 7, 1994 600 HAMAS members demonstrate to protest PLO chairman Arafat's appointment of Fatah members to the Gaza municipal council. 250 PFLP members demonstrate calling for the assassination of Arafat-appointed Gaza City mayor 'Awn al-Shawwa.
Aug 8, 1994 The TIPH departs after completing a 3-month term to promote security following the February 25 Hebron massacre.
Aug 12, 1994 2 Palestinian gunmen are killed and one is wounded after opening fire on Israeli police in Jerusalem. HAMAS claims responsibility for the attack.
Aug 14, 1994 Gunmen open fire on an Israeli truck in Gaza killing one. HAMAS claims responsibility for this and another attack prompting rioting by Israeli settlers.
Aug 15, 1994 200 HAMAS members protest in Gaza against a Palestinian Authority crackdown on HAMAS in which 35 HAMAS members were arrested following 2 HAMAS attacks on August 14. Note: From this point in time onward, the Palestinian Authority regularly arrests large numbers of HAMAS members after serious terrorist incidents. Most of the arrested HAMAS members are usually released within a few days. Such mass arrests will not be further noted unless otherwise noteworthy.
Aug 17, 1994 Israeli soldiers shoot dead a Palestinian youth trying to enter Gaza.
Aug 19, 1994 The first group of Palestinian prisoners, mainly Fatah members, are transferred from Israeli to Palestinian custody in Jericho.
Aug 20, 1994 A Palestinian is killed in clashes with Israeli soldiers in Ramallah.
Aug 24, 1994 In Cairo, negotiators initial the Palestinian Early Empowerment Accord to begin transfer of the administration of schools, tourism, health and welfare services, and tax collection in the West Bank as of 29 August.
Aug 25, 1994 The Israeli army imposes a curfew on Hebron after rioting there. Riots also occur in Nablus.
Aug 26, 1994 2 Israelis are stabbed to death near Tel Aviv. Hamas claims responsibility.
Aug 28, 1994 Jericho's mayor transfers his authority to a 13-member council that includes representatives from HAMAS and the PFLP.
Aug 28 - 30, 1994 More than 450 Palestinians are arrested in Israel for working without permits. Note: Palestinian residents of the West Bank and Gaza are not allowed to work in Israel without permits issued by the Israeli government. However, it is estimated that thousands of Palestinians have been working in Israel illegally. From this point in time onward, the Israeli government actively and strictly enforces the work permits, mainly due to terrorist incidents that are perpetrated by Palestinians working in Israel. Incidents regarding the Israeli enforcement of the work permit laws will not be further noted unless otherwise noteworthy.
Sep 1, 1994 The Palestinian National Authority (PNA) opens schools in Ramallah under its control.
Sep 5, 1994 Gunmen kill an Israeli soldier in the Gaza strip. Islamic Jihad claims responsibility.
Sep 6, 1994 2 Palestinians are killed when assembling a bomb near Nablus.
Sep 14, 1994 8 Israeli settlers from Qiryat Arba are arrested and charged with plotting to kill Palestinians.
Sep 18, 1994 A Palestinian policeman is killed in clashes between Palestinian police and HAMAS members in Gaza.
Sep 20, 1994 A Palestinian is shot dead by Israeli soldiers as he attempts to cross a roadblock at al-Ram.
Sep 23, 1994 A Russian immigrant is killed in Ashdod. The PFLP claims responsibility.
Sep 25, 1994 Israeli soldiers shoot dead an attacker who stabbed an Israeli settler in the Neve Deqalim settlement.
Sep 26, 1994 The Israeli government lifts a 2-year ban on the building of new housing for Israeli settlers inside the West Bank. Israeli Prime Minister Rabin approves the building of 1,000 units at the Alfey Menashe settlement.
Sep 30, 1994 Israeli soldiers in Hebron shoot dead a Palestinian after he stabs a soldier to death. Rioting breaks out after the incident.
Oct 6, 1994 2 gunmen are killed and another arrested after they open fire in downtown Jerusalem killing an Israeli soldier. The Qassam Brigades of HAMAS claims responsibility.
Oct 11 - 14, 1994 The Qassam Brigades of HAMAS announce that they have kidnapped Israeli soldier Nahshon Waxman and would kill him on October 14 unless Israel releases several prominent Palestinian prisoners as well as all other Qassam prisoners all female Palestinian prisoners and 200 other prisoners. Israeli Prime Minister Rabin tells PLO chairman Arafat that he holds him personally responsible for Wachsman's life. Waxsman is shot dead by his captors when Israeli forces storm their hideout in Bir Nabala in the West Bank. Three of the kidnappers and an Israeli soldier are also killed.
Oct 11 - 16, 1994 Israel seals its borders with Gaza due to the kidnapping of Israeli soldier Nahshon Waxman.
Oct 14, 1994 The Nobel Committee announce that PLO Chairman Arafat, Israeli Prime Minister Rabin and Israeli Foreign Minister Peres will receive the 1994 Nobel Peace Prize. Nobel Committee member Kare Kristiansen resigns to protest Arafat's selection.
Oct 17, 1994 Over 5,000 HAMAS supporters demonstrate in Gaza City over a Palestinian police crackdown on HAMAS in connection with the kidnapping of Israeli soldier Nahshon Waxsman.
Oct 19, 1994 A bomb explodes on a bus in downtown Tel Aviv killing 23. The HAMAS affiliated Qassam Brigades claims responsibility. Gaza and the West Bank are sealed off.
Oct 20, 1994 HAMAS member Hasan 'Abd al-Rahman al-Suway', in a video, claims responsibility for the October 19 bombing. This is confirmed when his body is found in the wreckage. Israeli forces evict his family from their home in Qalqilya and announce it will be demolished. Note: Israeli forces commonly demolish the homes of Palestinians who commit terrorist acts. The practice is intended to deter such acts but creates considerable resentment among Palestinians.
Oct 20, 1994 The Israeli cabinet votes to bring in 15,000 foreign laborers to replace Palestinians, and passes stricter measures toward HAMAS members, including arrests, deportations, demolition of homes, tougher detention and interrogation, expansion of the police force, and preemptive raids.
Oct 23, 1994 In Hebron, a Palestinian is shot dead by an Israeli soldier after he stabs another soldier.
Oct 26, 1994 Israel and Jordan sign a peace treaty which gives Jordan's King Hussein a special role in administering Jerusalem's Islamic sites. This prompts a general strike in East Jerusalem sponsored by the DFLP, HAMAS, Fatah and the PFLP. 2,000 Palestinians in Nablus and Hebron demonstrate in support of the strike.
Oct 31, 1994 The PNA takes control from Israel of the Rafah border crossing from Gaza into Egypt.
Nov 1, 1994 Israel allows 8,000 Palestinian construction workers and married men over 40 into Israel to work.
Nov 2, 1994 Islamic Jihad leader Hani' Abid is killed in a car bomb. The Islamic Jihad blames Israeli intelligence.
Nov 3, 1994 At the funeral of Islamic Jihad leader Hani' Abid in Gaza City PLO chairman Arafat is denounced as an Israeli collaborator and forcibly removed from the Mosque.
Nov 3, 1994 A Palestinian journalist releases a videotape on which an Israeli soldier killed a Palestinian as he lay wounded in Hebron. Israeli officials state that the Palestinian had threatened the soldier with a knife.
Nov 7, 1994 Israel reopens the Cave of the Patriarchs Mosque in Hebron with added security measures.
Nov 8, 1994 10,000 additional work permits for Palestinians to work in Israel are authorized making the total 23,000.
Nov 8, 1994 Israeli troops kill a Palestinian protestor in Ramallah.
Nov 11, 1994 A Palestinian suicide bomber kills 3 soldiers at an Israeli checkpoint near Netzarim. Islamic Jihad claims responsibility.
Nov 13 - 14, 1994 Israel turns over control of tourism and social services in Hebron and Bethlehem as well as the social affairs departments in Tulkarm and Jenin to the PNA.
Nov 17, 1994 4,500 entry visas for Palestinian workers are approved.
Nov 17, 1994 An 82-year-old unidentified Israeli woman is found murdered in Kfar Sava in Gaza with a note claiming HAMAS responsibility for the murder.
Nov 18, 1994 In Gaza City, Palestinian police open fire on a crowd of 2,000 alleged Hamas and Islamic Jihad members killing 15. Each side claims the other fired the first shot. The PNA imposes a curfew on Gaza City following the clashes. Rioting also breaks out in Netzarim and Rafa.
Nov 19, 1994 3 Palestinians are shot dead by Israeli soldiers in 2 separate incidents.
Nov 19, 1994 An Israeli soldier is killed in a drive-by shooting in Netzarim. HAMAS claims responsibility.
Nov 20, 1994 Israeli Prime Minister Rabin orders additional troops to protect Israeli settlements in Gaza and to prevent riots in the West Bank.
Nov 21 - 23, 1994 As many as 10,000 Fatah supporters demonstrate in support of PLO chairman Arafat on several occasions.
Nov 26, 1994 The Voice of Palestine (Jericho) announces that the DFLP, Fatah, the PFLP, the Palestinian Democratic Union (FIDA) and the Palestinian People's Party sign an agreement to stop inter-factional violence in Gaza.
Nov 26, 1994 In Gaza City, between 20,000 and 70,000 HAMAS supporters hold a rally.
Nov 27, 1994 The head Rabbi of the Otmeil settlement in the West Bank is shot dead near Hebron.
Nov 28, 1994 The Israeli army announces that it has arrested 40 HAMAS members thwarting planed suicide attacks in Peta Tikva and another West Bank settlement.
Nov 30, 1994 A HAMAS member kills an Israeli soldier with an axe in Afula. Israelis riot to protest the murder.
Dec 1, 1994 An agreement is signed transferring taxation and health services in Ramallah and Nablus to Palestinian control.
Dec 11, 1994 The PNA assumes control of the health departments for Bethlehem, Ramallah and Tulkarm.
Dec 16, 1994 HAMAS holds a rally in Gaza City celebrating HAMAS's 7th anniversary.
Dec 18, 1994 At the Sufa checkpoint in Gaza, a Palestinian policeman opens fire on Israeli soldiers.
Dec 21, 1994 A Palestinian is found murdered in Hebron prompting clashes between Palestinians and Israeli troops.
Dec 22, 1994 Three Palestinians are killed in separate incidents.
Dec 22, 1994 A Palestinian is killed while constructing a bomb.
Dec 24, 1994 A former Palestinian policeman who had joined HAMAS kills himself and wounds several others in a suicide bombing at a bus station in Jerusalem.
Dec 26, 1994 The Israeli Knesset passes a bill that bars the PNA from operating in Israel and authorizes the Israeli government to ban "political or governmental" activities in Israel.
Dec 27 - 30, 1994 Palestinians and anti-settlement Israelis protest new construction at the Efrat settlement in the West Bank.
Dec 31, 1994 In Gaza City, PLO chairman Arafat leads a rally attended by 10,000 to celebrate the 30th anniversary of the Fatah movement.
Jan 2, 1995 The Israeli government orders a halt to construction at the Efrat settlement but agrees to let the Israeli settlers build a 500-unit apartment complex nearby.
Jan 2, 1995 Israeli soldiers for the Erez crossing shoot dead 3 Palestinian police after crossing into Gaza to look for gunmen who had fired on them.
Jan 2, 1995 2 HAMAS members are killed by Israeli soldiers in Bayt Sahur in the West Bank.
Jan 3, 1995 An Israeli military court convicts Muhammad Salah, a US citizen of Palestinian origin, of channeling funds to HAMAS.
Jan 4, 1995 Israeli soldiers kill 4 alleged PFLP members who fire on them in Bayt Liqya in the West Bank.
Jan 5, 1995 Gunmen fire on an Israeli car in Ramallah killing one. The PFLP claims responsibility.
Jan 9, 1995 Israel agrees to recognize passports issued by the PNA.
Jan 11, 1995 Israeli soldiers fire stun grenades at 200 Palestinian demonstrators who are demanding a freeze on building at the Israeli Alei Zahar settlement. Note: Up to this point this update has primarily relied upon chronologies published in the Middle East Journal. From this point onward, this update relies primarily upon information from Facts on File compiled from the Lexis/Nexis server.
Jan 22, 1995 2 Palestinian suicide bombers kill 21 Israelis and themselves in an attack on a military transit point in central Israel. Islamic Jihad claims responsibility. Israel imposes a closure of the territories.
Jan 25, 1995 The Israeli cabinet approves the building of 2,200 housing units in the parts of the West Bank described as "Greater Jerusalem."
Jan 26, 1995 Jordan and the PLO sign a cooperation accord.
Feb 14, 1995 Israeli troops kill one during widespread demonstrations on the West Bank on the anniversary, according to the Islamic calendar, of the Hebron massacre.
Mar 19, 1995 A sniper, believed to be a HAMAS member, kills 2 in at attack on an Israeli bus in the West Bank.
Apr 2, 1995 A bomb factory in Gaza explodes killing 8.
Apr 9, 1995 2 Palestinian suicide bombers kill 7 Israelis and a US Jewish student in separate bombings near Israeli settlements in Gaza. Both HAMAS and Islamic Jihad claim responsibility. This raises to 125 the number of Jews who have died in attacks by Palestinians since the beginning of Palestinian self-rule in May, 1994.
Apr 10 - 11, 1995 Gunfire is exchanged between Islamists and PNA security forces in Rafa.
Apr 15, 1995 Eight Israelis killed in suicide bombing in Jerusalem. (Economist)
Apr 16, 1995 Israeli security agents disguised as Arabs kill 3 HAMAS agents in Hebron.
Apr 16, 1995 1995 interrogator form the Shin Bet who caused the death of a Palestinian prisoner in April will not be criminally prosecuted but face an internal disciplinary hearing. (ABC CLIO)
Apr 25, 1995 A Palestinian dies in Israeli custody. It is alleged he died from torture.
Apr 27, 1995 An Israeli government announcement that it plans to confiscate 135 acres of mainly Arab-owned land in East Jerusalem as a site for Jewish housing units and an Israeli police station draws criticism. Israel eventually suspends plans for the land seizure.
Apr 28, 1995 Major General Ilan Biran, Israel's senior army officer in the West Bank, acknowledges that undercover Israeli units operating in the West Bank had been authorized to kill Palestinians on the Israeli wanted list.
May 22, 1995 An Israeli soldier fires hundreds of bullets and throws several grenades into a church in Jaffa.
Jun 1 - Jul 31, 1995 3,500 Palestinian prisoners in Israeli jails and 30 senior PLO officials stage a hunger strike demanding their release.
Jun 2, 1995 The Israeli army kills a suspected HAMAS militant.
Jun 14, 1995 Israeli undercover soldiers kill 2 Force 17 (an elite force charged with protecting PLO chairman Arafat) members and a Palestinian fugitive while the Force 17 members are trying to smuggle the fugitive from Egypt into Gaza.
Jun 22, 1995 2 masked gunmen kill a leader of the Islamic Jihad. The group blames Palestinian collaborators employed by the Mossad, Israel's intelligence service.
Jun 25, 1995 Israeli soldiers open fire on Palestinian demonstrators in Nablus killing 2. The protesters demand the release of Palestinians from prison.
Jul 12, 1995 Israeli police arrest 38 ultra-nationalist Jewish settlers who had blocked the main Jerusalem-Hebron road in the West Bank. At the same time, hundreds of other settlers reoccupied abandoned houses on the West Bank.
Jul 18, 1995 2 19-year-old Israeli hikers are shot dead by PFLP gunmen.
Jul 20, 1995 Israel announces that it released 1,000 Palestinian prisoners. AN estimated 5,500 remain in custody.
Jul 24, 1995 A HAMAS suicide bomber kills 6 when he detonated a bomb in a public bus in Tel Aviv during rush hour. Israel closes its borders with the West Bank and Gaza for nearly a month.
Jul 31 - Aug 3, 1995 Jewish settlers in the West Bank erect unauthorized encampments and clash with Israeli security forces.
Aug 8, 1995 An Orthodox Jewish group called This is Our Land stages demonstrations against the expansion of Palestinian rule by blocking major motor vehicle arteries in 19 locations during morning rush hour.
Aug 20, 1995 Israel reopens its Gaza border to Palestinians with work permits valid in Israel.
Aug 21, 1995 A HAMAS suicide bomber kills at least 5 when he detonates a bomb on a bus during rush hour in Jerusalem. Several hundred right-wing Jews demonstrate at the bomb site.
Aug 23, 1995 Israel captures 30 members of a HAMAS bomb cell that it claims is behind the August 21 bombings.
Aug 25, 1995 Israeli police kill 2 presumed HAMAS members during a gunfight in Hebron.
Sep 1, 1995 Libyan leader Qaddafi announces his intention to expel all 30,000 Palestinians living in Libya in protest against the PLO's efforts to achieve peace with Israel.
Sep 8, 1995 5 masked assassins from the militant anti-Arab group Eyal, an offshoot of the late Meir Kahane's Kach movement, posing as Israeli army soldiers shoot dead a Palestinian man and terrorize others in the village of Halhoul, just north of Hebron.
Sep 10, 1995 Jewish settlers in Hebron enter a Palestinian girl's school to take down a Palestinian flag displayed there. The settlers beat the school's headmistress and injure 4 students during a demonstration later in the day.
Sep 28, 1995 Israel and the PLO reach an accord, which becomes known as Oslo II, on a West Bank military pullout and expanded Palestinian self rule.
Oct 2, 1995 Israeli residents of the Jordan Valley protest the transfer of areas near Jericho to the control of the PNA. Hundreds of protesters block roads in the valley, try to block the Alenby Bridge and observe a day-long strike.
Oct 5, 1995 Approximately 30,000 Israeli demonstrators protesting the Interim Agreement with the Palestinians gather in Jerusalem's Zion Square as the Knesset debates the document.
Oct 11, 1995 The Israeli Civil Administration in the West Bank hands over to the PNA administrative buildings in the villages of Kabatiah Yata and Charabata.
Oct 18, 1995 Israeli Defense Forces intelligence reports that the PNA and HAMAS have reached an agreement under which HAMAS will halt terrorist activity against Israel from inside areas of self-rule and from inside Israeli territory. Negotiations are currently under way on converting HAMAS terrorist activity to political activity.
Oct 20, 1995 Several small demonstrations are held protesting the destruction of Palestinian farm land by the building of Israeli roads in the West Bank that bypass areas populated by Palestinians.
Oct 24, 1995 Palestinian throw petrol bombs and rocks at Israeli troops in Jenin as military convoys move equipment out of the West Bank town.
Oct 25, 1995 Palestinian police arrive in Jenin, Beginning the PNA's control of cities in the West Bank outside of Jericho. Note: The expansion of the PLO's control over new areas of the West Bank continues through the January 29, 1996 elections. Such expansion of control will not be further noted unless otherwise noteworthy.
Oct 25, 1995 Palestinian opposition groups and the PLO condemn the US Congress' decision to move the American embassy to Jerusalem.
Oct 25, 1995 Libyan Leader Qaddafi suspends further expulsions of Palestinians for 3 to 6 months but demands the right of return for all refugees of the Palestinian diaspora.
Oct 26, 1995 Islamic Jihad leader Fathi Shaqaq is assassinated in Malta. Palestinians blame Israeli Mossad (foreign intelligence) agents. The Islamic Jihad threatens revenge.
Oct 26, 1995 About 30 settlers from Efrat return to the disputed Dagan hilltop and establish an outpost. The Israeli Army declares the area a closed military zone and prohibits additional residents from ascending the hill.
Oct 31, 1995 Palestinians and Jewish settlers clash in Hebron at the Gordoba Girls' School.
Nov 1, 1995 Gunmen shoot a Jewish motorist in the West Bank.
Nov 2, 1995 2 Palestinian suicide bombers strike in Gaza. The Islamic Jihad claims responsibility.
Nov 4, 1995 Palestinians clash with Israeli troops in Ramallah in response to accusations that a local youth was killed by an Israeli settler.
Nov 4, 1995 Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin is assassinated at the conclusion of a rally in Tel Aviv supporting the peace process. The assassin is a right-wing Orthodox Jewish settler from the West Bank named Yigal Amir. Whether Amir acted alone or was part of a larger conspiracy remains in dispute at the time of the writing of this update.
Nov 6, 1995 Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin is laid to rest in Jerusalem. Many world leaders and diplomats, including some from the Arab world, attend the funeral. Palestinian leader Arafat does not attend due to fears of a violent reaction by Israeli right-wingers, however a delegation of Palestinian officials does attend.
Nov 6, 1995 Reuters reports that PLO officials suppressed public expressions of pleasure over Israeli Prime Minister Rabin's death.
Nov 10, 1995 Arafat enters Israel for the first time ever in order to pay a condolence call to Rabin's widow.
Nov 10, 1995 In a rare joint protest about 25 Israeli settlers join a like number of Palestinian land owners from the southern West Bank town of Halboul to protest Israeli government plans to destroy vineyards to build a road for Israelis in the West Bank.
Nov 15, 1995 Palestinians in Gaza and across the West Bank celebrate the anniversary of the 1988 Palestinian declaration of independence. The celebrations are peaceful except for clashes between Palestinians and Israeli troops in Nablus.
Nov 15, 1995 Israeline reports that Palestinian security authorities have arrested 5 Palestinians associated with Abu Nidal's terrorist organization who are suspected of planing to assassinate PNA Chairman Arafat.
Nov 16, 1995 Israel transfers responsibility to the PNC in the West Bank for in the fields of transportation and employment.
Nov 17 - 18, 1995 About 3,000 Jews congregate in Hebron and attend Sabbath services at the Cave of the Patriarchs on the Sabbath on which the portion of the bible describing Abraham's purchase of the Cave is read during Sabbath services.
Nov 19, 1995 Reuters reports that HAMAS is forming a political party called al-Khalas (Salvation) National Islamic Party to take part in the upcoming Palestinian elections.
Nov 21, 1995 Dozens of Palestinians protest the destruction of vineyards for the construction of an Israeli road in the West Bank.
Nov 22, 1995 The Israeli Knesset approves a new government headed by new Prime Minister Shimon Peres.
Nov 22, 1995 A Palestinian terrorist is shot dead while attempting to cross into Israel from Jordan.
Nov 26, 1995 Reuters reports that the Islamic Jihad has chosen to boycott the upcoming Palestinian elections.
Nov 27, 1995 Palestinian police arrest the editors of 2 Islamic opposition newspapers in Gaza on charges of incitement.
Nov 28, 1995 Israeli soldiers kill a suspected HAMAS guerrilla in a shootout.
Nov 28, 1995 Israeli Prime Minister Peres announces that if the PLO does not cancel the sections of the Palestinian Covenant calling for the destruction of the State of Israel, the peace "train will stop."
Nov 30, 1995 Israeli soldiers are attacked by Palestinians near Jenin.
Nov 30, 1995 2 Fatah members kidnap 2 Israeli soldiers. The PNA immediately arranges for their release.
Nov 30 - Dec 1, 1995 A Palestinian is killed in clashes between Palestinians and Israeli troops in Nablus.
Dec 2, 1995 The PNA approves an election law for a poll on January 20 1996.
Dec 11, 1995 Israel pulls out of Nablus. (ABC CLIO)
Dec 27, 1995 Israel pulls out of Ramallah. (ABC CLIO)
Jan 5, 1996 Hamas leader known as the engineer who was responsible for orchestrating suicide bombing against Israel resulting in 50 dead and 300 wounded. (ABC CLIO)
Jan 10, 1996 Israel frees 812 Palestinian prisoners. (ABC CLIO)
Jan 27, 1996 On January 20 Palestinians voted for the new Palestinian Council and for the President. Arafat won with 88%of the vote. (The Economist)
Feb 11, 1996 Palestinian roadblocks set up in Bethlehem in response to the security work conducted by Israel around Rachel's Tomb. (ABC CLIO)
Feb 13, 1996 Israel closes off the West Bank (ABC CLIO)
Feb 19, 1996 Israel allows PLO exiled to enter the territories. (ABC CLIO)
Mar 13, 1996 Israel relaxed part of the closure order that had been in effect. (ABC CLIO)
Apr 1, 1996 Peres vows to hold vote on final pact with Palestinians (ABC CLIO)
Apr 15, 1996 Eight Israelis killed in Suicide bombing in Jerusalem. (Economist)
Apr 22, 1996 Palestine National Council met in Gaza for the first time to amend the Palestine National Charter to remove the calls for the destruction of Israel. (ABC CLIO)
Apr 24, 1996 Palestinian Charter amended and the sections calling for the destruction of Israel removed. (ABC CLIO)
May 31, 1996 by a fraction of a percentage point, Benjamin Netanyahu, leader of the right wing Likud wins election to the Prime Ministers office. The new Prime Minster is pledged to continue the peace process but has promised to bring a much harder line to the negotiating table. (ABC CLIO)
Jun 10, 1996 two Israelis killed by Palestinian terrorists. (ABC CLIO)
Jun 16, 1996 settler killed and wife injured in drive by shooting. (ABC CLIO)
Jun 24, 1996 there is a 20% decline in the economic output of the West Bank and the Gaza strip. (Business Week.)
Jun 26, 1996 Three Israeli soldiers killed in the West Bank (ABC CLIO)
Jul 26, 1996 West Bank closed after two Israelis killed in a drive by shooting (ABC CLIO)
Jul 29, 1996 Construction of settlements approved by Israeli government in the West Bank. (ABC CLIO)
Aug 2, 1996 Israel lifts freeze on Jewish settlements in the West Bank. (ABC CLIO)
Sep 4, 1996 Netanyahu and Arafat meet to revive peace plan for the first time. (ABC CLIO)
Sep 19, 1996 new homes for Jewish settlements planned for the West Bank. (ABC CLIO)
Sep 25 - 28, 1996 In widespread fighting and rioting after the opening of a door to a tourist tunnel near the Temple Mount containing the Al Aksa mosque resulted in the death of 67 Palestinians and Israelis as Israeli soldiers and Palestinian police exchanged gun fire. (ABC CLIO)
Nov 14, 1996 High court rules that 'moderate physical pressure 'can be used against a Palestinian detainee because he had information about future terrorist attacks planned against Israel. This overturned a previous injunction on the use of force by the court. (ABC CLIO)
Dec 10, 1996 Israel to build in Arab neighborhood in Jerusalem. (ABC CLIO)
Dec 28, 1996 Hebron University reopens after being closed for 10 months by Israel. (ABC CLIO)
Jan 1, 1997 Israeli soldier known to be mentally unstable opened fire and wounded 6 Palestinians in Hebron. (ABC CLIO)
Jan 10, 1997 Thirteen people are wounded by two pipe bombs in Jerusalem. (ABC CLIO)
Jan 15, 1997 Netanyahu and Arafat close a deal on an Israeli partial withdrawal from Hebron. (ABC CLIO)
Feb 11, 1997 Israel releases 30 Palestinian women from Prison. (ABC CLIO)
Feb 26, 1997 Israeli government approves a plan to build Jewish housing in East Jerusalem. (ABC CLIO)
Mar 7, 1997 Israel agrees to withdraw from 9% of the West Bank in the next withdrawal. The Palestinians are demanding a 20% withdrawal. (ABC CLIO)
Mar 22, 1997 80 Palestinian youths are treated for injuries after clashed with Israeli troops and settlers.
Mar 29, 1997 One Palestinian dies in West Bank clash with Israeli soldiers. (ABC CLIO)
Apr 8, 1997 Three Palestinians were killed in unrest in Hebron. (ABC CLIO)
Aug 3, 1997 Israel arrested over 100 Palestinians since a bombing on July 30 that left 16 dead. (ABC CLIO)
Aug 20, 1997 Arafat threatens another Intafada in response to Israeli economic sanctions. (ABC CLIO)
Aug 27, 1997 Israel lifted the four-week closure of Bethlehem. (ABC CLIO)
Oct 1, 1997 Israel released the jailed leader of the Hamas, Sheik Ahmed Yassin, where he had been serving a life sentence and he was flown to Jordan. (ABC CLIO)
Oct 14, 1997 Israel released Palestinian Tax revenues that it had withheld since the July 30th bombing in Jerusalem. (ABC CLIO)
Oct 29, 1997 A main road in Hebron, closed since the February 1994 massacre of Palestinians at the Cave of the Patriarchs, was reopened by Israel to Palestinian traffic. (ABC CLIO)
Nov 9, 1997 Palestinian boy killed by rubber bullets fired by Israeli soldiers. (ABC CLIO)
Nov 13, 1997 Arafat plans to establish a Palestinian state by 2000. (ABC CLIO)
Jan 1998 unemployment as high as 70% in Gaza and 50 % in the West Bank is reported. (Current History)
Jan 13, 1998 Israeli government delays West Bank troop withdrawal indefinitely until they see reciprocity. (ABC CLIO)
Mar 10, 1998 Three Palestinians were killed at an Israeli roadblock on March 10 and has resulted in several violent clashes between Israeli soldiers and Palestinians. (ABC CLIO)
Apr 15, 1998 Israel freed a Palestinian writer held for five years without trial after increasing pressure by human rights groups. Two hundred other Palestinians continued to be held under administrative detention that can be renewed every six months without trial. (ABC CLIO)
May 17, 1998 Five Palestinians were killed in clashes with Israeli soldiers stemming from protests marking the 50th anniversary of the Catastrophe (the Palestinian Phrase for the establishment of the State of Israel). (ABC CLIO)
Jul 20, 1998 High level of corruption and inefficiency reported in the Palestinian Authority. (Time)
Oct 7, 1998 Netanyahu and Arafat met in continued negotiations. (ABC CLIO)
Oct 19, 1998 Palestinian grenade attack injured 67 Israelis at a bus terminal in Beersheva. (ABC CLIO)
Oct 23, 1998 Netanyahu and Arafat broke a long impasse by signing the Wye agreement which provides for the next phase of Israeli withdrawal from the West Bank and the release of Palestinian prisoners held by Israel. Israel will withdraw from 13% of the West Bank and a Palestinian airport will be opened. (ABC CLIO)
Nov 16, 1998 Many anti Palestinian Authority riots amongst Palestinians. Arafat rounds up 100s of Hamas supporters and places them under arrest. (Time)
Nov 20, 1998 Israel stages phase one of the West Bank redeployment. (ABC CLIO)
Nov 24, 1998 Opening of the Palestinian airport in Gaza. (Wall Street Journal)
Dec 14, 1998 President Clinton visited Gaza. (The Economist)
Dec 20, 1998 Israel states several conditions for the continued implementation of the Wye accord, which are denounced by the Palestinian Autonomy. (ABC CLIO)
May 8, 1999 After threatening to declare a state of Palestine on May 4, Arafat decided to postpone the declaration at least until after the elections in Israel. (The Economist)
May 17, 1999 Israel elected Ehud Barak, from the left wing Labor Party as the new Prime Minister. He has promised to move ahead quickly on the peace break the deadlock of the last several years. (The Economist)

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