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Security Council resolution 300 (1971) [Complaint by Zambia]

Publisher UN Security Council
Publication Date 12 October 1971
Citation / Document Symbol S/RES/300 (1971)
Reference 1971 Security Council Resolutions
Cite as UN Security Council, Security Council resolution 300 (1971) [Complaint by Zambia], 12 October 1971, S/RES/300 (1971), available at: [accessed 22 May 2023]

Resolution 300 (1971) of 12 October 1971

The Security Council,

Having received the letter of the Permanent Representative of Zambia contained in document S/10352[1] and also the letter from forty-seven Member States contained in document S/10364,[1]

Taking note of the statement of the Permanent Representative of Zambia concerning violations of the sovereignty, air space and territorial integrity of Zambia by South Africa,[2]

Taking note of the statement of the Minster for Foreign Affairs of the Republic of South Africa,[2]

Bearing in mind that all Member States must refrain in their relations from the threat or use of force against the territorial integrity or political independence of any State,

Conscious that its has the responsibility to take efficient collective measures to prevent and eliminate threats to peace and security,

Concerned by the situation on the borders of Zambia and Namibia, in the vicinity of the Caprivi Strip,

1. Reiterates that any violation of the sovereignty and territorial integrity of a Members State is contrary to the Charter of the United Nations;

2. Calls upon South Africa to respect fully the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Zambia;

3. Further declares that, in the event of South Africa violating the sovereignty or territorial integrity of Zambia, the Security Council will meet again to examine the situation further in accordance with the relevant provisions of the Charter.

Adopted unanimously at the 1592nd meeting.


1 See Official Records of the Security Council, Twenty-sixth Year, Supplement for October, November and December 1971.

2 Ibid., Twenty-sixth Year, 1590th meeting.

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