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Bosnia to shut down radical Muslim groups after imam threatened

Publisher Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty
Publication Date 27 February 2016
Cite as Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty, Bosnia to shut down radical Muslim groups after imam threatened, 27 February 2016, available at: [accessed 5 June 2023]
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February 27, 2016

Bosnia is moving to shut down radical Muslim groups after the Islamic State issued a death threat against Grand Mufti Husein Kavazovic.Bosnia is moving to shut down radical Muslim groups after the Islamic State issued a death threat against Grand Mufti Husein Kavazovic.

Bosnian authorities said they will shut down Muslim groups that advocate extremism and refuse to affiliate with the state-recognized Islamic Community organization by March 1.

The move to shut down extremist groups on February 26 came after IS issued a death threat earlier in the week against Bosnia's top Islamic cleric, Grand Mufti Husein Kavazovic.

Dozens of groups have formed outside the official structure in recent years, attracting an estimated 3,000 followers mostly in rural areas. Some pursue radical interpretations of Islam not traditional among Bosnia's nearly 2 million Muslims.

Police say such illegal groups have become hotbeds of Islamic radicalism, sending an estimated 150 members to Syria to join the Islamic State (IS) group.

Moreover, police estimate that more than 50 IS fighters have returned to Bosnia, where they could carry out missions on IS's behalf.

The Islamic Community on February 26 urged members of such groups to abandon self-proclaimed imams who are luring people into a "monstrous" ideology. Last month, the community sent envoys to the groups urging people to switch to an official congregation.

Based on reporting by AP and Reuters

Link to original story on RFE/RL website

Copyright notice: Copyright (c) 2007-2009. RFE/RL, Inc. Reprinted with the permission of Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty, 1201 Connecticut Ave., N.W. Washington DC 20036

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