
In 2017, Lebanon set parliamentary elections for May 2018, the first since 2009. Open burning of waste threatened the health of nearby residents. Prosecutions against people who criticized authorities threatened freedom of speech. Detainees reported torture and ill-treatment, but the government did not establish a preventative mechanism against torture called for in a 2016 law. Parliament passed a law criminalizing torture and repealed a law that had allowed rapists to escape prosecution by marrying the victim. Approximately 74 percent of the estimated 1.5 million Syrian refugees lacked legal status, restricting their movement and access to work, healthcare, and education. Schools discriminated against children with disabilities.

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Stop Burning Waste in Lebanon

Stop Burning Waste in Lebanon

Lebanon’s ongoing waste management crisis poses serious health risks for the country’s residents.

Despite protests calling for an end to the garbage crisis, more than 150 dumps across Lebanon are openly burning trash at least once a week. Older people and children are most at risk. Doctors say the burning leads to respiratory illnesses and could increase the risk of developing cancer as a result of sustained inhalation of smoke. The government of Lebanon can and should stop the burning and manage the waste in a way that respects health and meets environmental standards.

Parliament is finally considering a national solid waste management law that would ban the open dumping and burning of waste. Take action today and tell the government to #StopTheBurning!