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UNHCR chief highlights Ecuador's commitment to solutions for refugees

Publisher UN High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR)
Author Sonia Aguilar
Publication Date 5 July 2016
Cite as UN High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), UNHCR chief highlights Ecuador's commitment to solutions for refugees, 5 July 2016, available at: [accessed 19 May 2023]

During his first visit to Ecuador, UN High Commissioner for Refugees Filippo Grand highlighted Ecuador´s humanitarian commitment towards Colombians fleeing conflict for decades.

At a time when the process of Havana generates much hope to future peace in Colombia, the High Commissioner stressed the importance of Ecuador as a host country and the need to jointly invest in solutions for refugees.

Despite expectations raised by the peace process, many Colombian refugees in Ecuador, 95 per cent of the 60,000 total refugee population, have expressed their desire to stay and contribute to the development of the country that has provided asylum:

"We want to stay in Ecuador. We have much to offer to this country that has welcomed us," explains Yenny, a 21-year-old mother of two who fled Colombia one year ago.

In this context, offering solutions for refugees remains critical.To foster a comprehensive response to the needs of this population, the greatest in Latin America, UNHCR, in coordination with its partner HIAS and State and private institutions, are working to help refugees rebuild their lives and provide for themselves.

Last year, they launched an innovative poverty reduction programme, the Graduation Model. Aimed at supporting the most vulnerable households to find sustainable and dignified livelihoods, the Model, which is in line with government poverty-reduction programmes, expects to lift 7,500 families out of poverty in 2016.

In an international context where forced displacement has been causing adverse and at times extreme reactions, Grandi emphasized that Ecuador can provide an example to the world.

In this sense, he signalled the upcoming Law on Human Mobility to be debated in the National Assembly as a further opportunity for Ecuador to be in the avant-garde of refugee protection, updating its immigration legislation dating back from the early 1970s.

"People don't want to be a refugee forever, so we need to invest in solutions for them. The Human Mobility law can be a powerful tool to change the lives of refugees and others 'on the move,'" he said. "We hope this law will be soon approved, assuring refugees and asylum seekers access to proper documentation and rights."

María del Mar, a 22-year-old refugee mother of a child of three who studies medicine in Quito thanks to a scholarship, confirms that Ecuador is her desired option. "Here in Ecuador I have learned to be independent, to be self sufficient and provide for my family."

Grandi visited Ecuador as part of a two-week mission to Latin American, his first to the region since he was appointed in January, reassures the maturity of the cooperation between UNHCR and the Andean country.

"As UNHCR, we believe Ecuador can become a global reference in terms of hosting and finding solutions for refugees. We're committed to work hand in hand with the country in this process", said Grandi during a press conference with Foreign Affairs Minister Guillaume Long.

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