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Slovakia: Fourth Decree of the Slovak Minister of Interior of 1996 regulating the Course of Actions of Police Departments in the Slovak Republic and the Migration Office of the Slovak Ministry of Interior at the Execution/Enforcement of the Slovak Parliament's Refugee Act No. 283/1995 of the Coll. of Laws

Publisher National Legislative Bodies / National Authorities
Publication Date 16 January 1996
Cite as National Legislative Bodies / National Authorities, Slovakia: Fourth Decree of the Slovak Minister of Interior of 1996 regulating the Course of Actions of Police Departments in the Slovak Republic and the Migration Office of the Slovak Ministry of Interior at the Execution/Enforcement of the Slovak Parliament's Refugee Act No. 283/1995 of the Coll. of Laws, 16 January 1996, available at: [accessed 27 May 2023]
Comments For the purpose of regulation of a unified course of actions of Police Departments in the Slovak Republic (hereinafter referred to as "the PZ") and the Migration Office of the Slovak Ministry of Interior (hereinafter referred to as "the Migration Office of the MV SR") at the execution/ enforcement of the Slovak Parliament's Refugee Act No. 283/1995 of the Coll. of Laws (hereinafter referred to as "the Refugee Act") This is an unofficial translation. The original Decree was published in the Official Journal of the Slovak Minstry of Interior, Volume 1996, Issue 4, 16 January 1996.
DisclaimerThis is not a UNHCR publication. UNHCR is not responsible for, nor does it necessarily endorse, its content. Any views expressed are solely those of the author or publisher and do not necessarily reflect those of UNHCR, the United Nations or its Member States.

For the purpose of regulation of a unified course of actions of Police Departments in the Slovak Republic (hereinafter referred to as "the PZ") and the Migration Office of the Slovak Ministry of Interior (hereinafter referred to as "the Migration Office of the MV SR") at the execution/ enforcement of the Slovak Parliament's Refugee Act No. 283/1995 of the Coll. of Laws (hereinafter referred to as "the Refugee Act") the Slovak minister of interior decided upon the following decree:

Article 1 Introductory Provision

Within the scope of activities of the Slovak Ministry of Interior the Refugee Act is executed/enforced by the Aliens Police Departments at frontier crossings and Aliens Police divisions, Aliens Police departments and Aliens Police corps at district police headquarters, Local Police Headquarters in Kosice, Police Headquarters in Bratislava - Capital of the Slovak Republic (hereinafter referred to as "the OCP") and the Migration Office of the MV SR.

Article 2 Commencement of the procedure for the determination of refugee status

(1) The procedure for the determination of refugee status is being commenced by showing an alien's intention of granting refugee status at the time of his entry on the territory of the republic at the OCP at the frontier crossings or 24 hours after the entry on the territory of the Slovak Republic at the OCP according to the place where the alien stays if there are no serious reasons keeping the alien from applying, or during his permitted stay on the territory of the Slovak Republic at the OCP competent according to his place of residence.

(2) The OCP is obliged:

a/ to identify the alien, it means to find out his name, surname, date and place of his birth, citizenship, nationality, the number of his travel document or another identity paper and its expiration date,

b/ to ensure the presence of an interpreter, if necessary,

c/ to check up if the alien is not registered in the list of undesirable persons, wheather he is not prosecuted or wheather his in not a person searched/watched by INTERPOL,

d/ to take up an oral or written proclamation on his intention to apply for granting refugee status on the territory of the Slovak Republic, to make out a record of such proclamation and send it off to the Migration Office of the MV SR (Appendix No. 1) together with his travel document and/or another identity papers which have been taken away from the alien,

e/ to issue a temporary card to the alien which replaces his identity paper, valid for 24 hours, it means for the time necessary for his transport to the reception centre (Appendix No. 2),

f/ to issue a transport list which entitles the alien to travel to the reception centre and which includes the rout and the means of transport. The transport list represents an integral part of the temporary card,

g/ to ensure a guidance of the alien on his way to the reception centre by a policeman, if it is in the interest of public interest.

(3) As the serious reasons, which can keep the alien from adhering to the 24-hour period according to Par. 1, some obstacles on the side of the OCP such as impossibility to ensure the presence of an interpreter are considered, as well as some obstacles on the side of the alien, for example his hospitalization or extraordinary unpleasant weather conditions. The relevance of such reasons is reviewed by the competent OCP.

(4) Any alien, who stays illegally on the territory of the Slovak Republic for more than 24 hours and has not applied for granting refugee status while there were no serious reasons keeping the alien from applying, is governed by the Aliens Act (Act on the stay of aliens on the territory of the SR - hereinafter referred to as "the Aliens Act")[1][2]

(5) If an alien, who has a permit to stay on the territory of the Slovak Republic, applies for granting refugee status to the OCP, which is competent according to his place of residence, acts adequately upon Par. 2 Lets. a/, c/, d/. e/, f/ and g/.

(6) The Migration Office of the MV SR can take a decision, in some justifiable cases, that the alien is not obliged, after medical examination and some identification acts (such as taking his photographs, taking his dactyloscopic fingerprints), to stay in the reception centre any longer.

Article 3 Providing temporary protection to de-facto refugees

(1) If an alien intends to apply for providing temporary protection in the Slovak Republic, he shall submit a written application or make an oral proclamation at the registry of the OCP at the frontier crossing or the OCP according to the place where the aliens stays during the period for which he has obtained the residence permit in the Slovak Republic.

(2) Then the OCP acts adequately upon Art. 2 Par. 2 Lets. a/, c/, d/, e/, f/, g/.

(3) The OCP shall make out a record on the fact that the alien applies for providing temporary protection on the territory of the Slovak Republic and send it off immediately (without any delays) to the Migration Office of the MV SR together with his travel document and/or another identity papers which have been taken away from the alien,

(4) The Migration Office of the MV SR will ensure, after the medical examination and carrying out some identification acts, the placement of the de-facto refugee into a humanitarian centre (hereinafter referred to as "the HC")

(5) If the de-facto refugee can prove that there are conditions for his individual housing fulfilled in the country, it is not necessary to place him in the HC.

(6) The OCP keeps files (records) of de-facto refugees separately from the files (records) of refugees and aliens with long term residence permits or with permanent residence permits on the territory of the Slovak Republic. The control card of such an alien is marked by word "DE-FACTO REFUGEE".

(7) Copies of all control papers (records) related to de-facto refugees are sent by the OCP to the files-keeping department (office) of the Aliens and Border Police Department of the Police Services Administration at the Police Headquarters and to the Migration Office of the MV SR.

Article 4 Stay in the reception centre

(1) On arrival at the reception centre for refugees in Adamov-Gbely (hereinafter referred to as "the reception centre") the alien is obliged to come in the reception office where

a/ he shall hand over his temporary card and his transport list,

b/ he will be photographed and his dactyloscopic fingerprints will be taken.

(2) The reception clerk of the reception centre shall fill in the control card of the alien (Appendix No. 7) which will serve to the Migration Office of the MV SR during the stay of the alien in the reception or transit centre.

(3) The alien may apply for granting refugee status within 24 hours since his arrival at the reception centre using the form assigned to that purpose (Appendix No. 3) [3] If he will not apply for granting refugee status, his next stay in the SR will be judged in the view of the Aliens Act. After submitting the application, the alien is given a refugee card which serves as a card proving his identity during the course of the procedure for determination of refugee status (Appendix No. 4). The alien shall confirm by his signature that he has taken the card over (Appendix No. 5).

(4) During his stay in the reception centre, the alien is obliged to undergo medical examination, quarantine and adhere to the internal regime (regulations) of the reception centre (camp regulations). Leaving the reception centre for the period up to 24 hours must be approved by the head (director) of the reception centre, leaving the reception centre for more than 24 hours is under control (responsibility) of the Migration Office of the MV SR.

(5) During the stay in the reception centre, aliens are provided, free of charge, with accommodation, food and basic medical care. They are also provided by pocket/spending money. Details will be set up in instructions of the director of the Migration Office of the MV SR.

(6) Permits for entry of visitors into the reception centre are given by the Migration Office of the MV SR.

Article 5 Transit centre

(1) The transit centre for refugees (hereinafter referred to as "the transit centre") in Brezová pod Bradlom serves for accommodation of aliens applying for granting refugee status after they have undergone the quarantine in the reception centre until decisions are made in their cases, as well as aliens who were granted refugee status for the time period necessary for their integration in the society, however, not longer than 6 months, if it is not decided otherwise by the director of the Migration Office of the MV SR upon the refugee's request.

(2) During the stay in the reception centre, aliens are provided, free of charge, with accommodation, food and basic medical care. They are also provided by pocket/spending money. Any alien who was granted refugee status and who is employed, conducts his own business activities or is on social benefits, is obliged to contribute to the costs related with his stay in the transit centre. Details will be set up in instructions of the director of the Migration Office of the MV SR.

(3) The director of the Migration Office is entitled to allow an alien to stay in the transit centre also in case if a prohibition of his expulsion or refoulement relates to him, as well as to aliens who were not granted refugee status for a period necessary for obtaining documents needed to leave the territory of the Slovak Republic.

(4) The Migration Office of the MV SR in cooperation with the competent OCP shall ensure the alien's leaving of the territory of the Slovak Republic, if he was not granted refugee status, and they cooperate also with international organizations especially with the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (hereinafter referred to as "the UNHCR"), the International Organization for Migration (hereinafter referred to as "the IOM") and humanitarian organizations in the SR.

(5) During his stay in the transit centre, the alien is obliged to adhere to the internal regime (regulations) of the transit centre (camp regulations).

Article 6 Humanitarian centre

(1) The HC serves for accommodation of de-facto refugees, it means aliens to whom the Slovak Government has provided temporary protection on the territory of the Slovak Republic as a protection against war conflicts prevailing in countries of their origin or in countries of their former habitual residence.

(2) During their stay in the reception centre, aliens are provided, free of charge, with accommodation, food and basic medical care. They are also provided by pocket/spending money. Any alien, who was granted de-facto refugee status and who is employed or conducts his own business activities, is obliged to contribute to the costs related with his stay in the HC. Details will be set up in instructions of the director of the Migration Office of the MV SR.

(3) During his stay in the HC, the alien is obliged to adhere to the internal regime (regulations) of the HC (camp regulations).

Article 7 Taking up the application for granting refugee status

(1) The OCP, which has received the alien's application for granting refugee status or for providing temporary protection, is obliged, in the case when the alien has the permit to stay (a residence permit) on the territory of the Slovak Republic, to pass his application immediately to the Migration Office of the MV SR for further procedure.

(2) The Migration Office of the MV SR, as a body of first instance for taking decisions in procedures on determination of refugee status, is obliged:

a/ to go carefully through the application, to collect all procurable information on the applicant and evaluate all allegations/details mentioned in the application,

b/ to carry out an interview with the applicant in the presence of an interpreter, if necessary. A representative of the UNHCR can be present, upon his request, at the interview as an observer. In case that the applicant is not capable for legal acts his legal representative or guardian must also be present at the interview,

c/ to tell the applicant that all information provided during the interview must be true. Such information will be considered as confidential. For an objective judgment of the application, the verification of the truthfulness of the provided information is to be carried out in such a way that the security of the alien's life and health would not be threatened The interview can be carried out also repeatedly.

d/ to evaluate the interview, the applicant's behaviour during the interview and to compile a record which must contain, except some recommendations for the final decisions on the matter/case, also the opinion of the officer/employee that carried out the interview.

Article 8 Decisions taken within the first instance procedure for determination of refugee status

(1) Any decision on refugee status shall contain the following information:

a/ name and address of the body (section, department, group) (of the Migration Office of the MV SR) that made the decision, number of the decision and the date when it was taken,

b/ name and surname of the applicant, his birth date, nationality, the county of his origin or his former habitual residence, the accurate address of his residence in the Slovak Republic,

c/ the text of the decision which shall include how it was decided on the application with reference to the respective provisions of the Refugee Act,

d/ justification (giving reasons) of the decision with pointing out the facts which have been judged and which created grounds for taking decision on the matter/case,

e/ instructions which have to contain information on the possibility to fill/submit a remedy (an appeal) against the decision, the time for filling the remedy (time for appealing) (15 days since the day when the decision was delivered) and the address of the body (section, department, (of the Migration Office of the MV SR), where the remedy (appeal) can be submitted.

(2) The decision taken in the first instance procedure is signed by the director of the Migration Office of the MV SR.

(3) The decision on refugee status shall be issued within 90 days since the commencement of the procedure. In some reasonable/justifiable cases, for example in the view of the adverse situation in the country of the applicant's origin or former habitual residence, the minister of interior is entitled to extend that period upon the request of the director of the Migration Office of the MV SR.

(4) Every decision on refugee status is sent to the applicant, competent OCP, reception centre, and also to the UNHCR upon its request. One copy of the decisions is left at the Migration Office of the MV SR.

Article 9 Decision on granting refugee status

(1) The Migration Office of the MV SR will grant refugee status to an alien for reasons which are set up by the Refugee Act[4] according to the relevant provisions of the 1951 Convention[5]

(2) The Migration Office of the MV SR can grant refugee status to an alien on the territory of the Slovak Republic also for humanitarian reasons for example on the principle of family unit (parents and their children).

Article 10 Decision on rejection refugee status

(1) The Migration Office of the MV SR will not grant refugee status if the applicant does not fulfill conditions set up in Art. 7 of the Refugee Act.

(2) The Migration Office of the MV SR will not grant refugee status to an alien if he is covered by Art. 8 Lets. b/, c/, d/, and e/ of the Refugee Act.

(3) In case when a decision on non-granting refugee status is taken, the Migration Office of the MV SR in cooperation with the competent OCP shall return the travel document or another identity paper, which has been taken off, back to the alien.

(4) The competent OCP will stamp the alien's travel document with an exit visa with expiration period maximum 30 days. After the agreement with the alien the frontier crossing will be assigned through which the alien is obliged to leave the territory of the Slovak Republic.

(5) The OCP shall mark the front of the 2nd part of the application for visa by text "EXIT VISA" and on the back of the application the OCP shall give reasons why the visa is granted.

(6) The OCP is obliged to inform the alien that after the expiration of his exit visa his stay on the territory of the Slovak Republic would be illegal and his further stay would be judged according to the Aliens Act [6] The OCP shall inform the alien also on the possibility to apply for extension (prolongation) of validity period of the exit visa in case if he will apply the competent court for investigation of the decision by which he was not granted refugee status on the territory of the Slovak Republic.

Article 11 Termination of the procedure

If during the course of the procedure the alien will apply in writing on withdrawal of his application or he wants to leave the territory of the Slovak Republic voluntarily,

a/ the Migration Office of the MV SR

1.         will issue a decision on termination of the procedure and will deliver it to the alien, the head/director of the reception centre and the OCP competent according to the place of the alien's residence,

2.         will request the competent OCP for returning the travel document or another identity paper, which has been taken off, back to the alien.

b/ the OCP

1.         shall grant an exit visa to the alien valid maximum 30 days and after the agreement with the alien the frontier crossing will be assigned through which the alien is obliged to leave the territory of the Slovak Republic.

2.         shall mark the front of the 2nd part of the application for visa by text "EXIT VISA" and on the back of the application the OCP shall give reasons why the visa is granted.

3.         will inform the alien that after the expiration of his exit visa his stay on the territory of the Slovak Republic would be illegal and his further stay would be judged according to the Aliens Act. [7]

Article 12 Cancellation of the refugee status

(1) The Migration Office of the MV SR will cancel refugee status if the alien committed especially serious intentional criminal offence[8] for commencing of which he was lawfully/finally convicted.

(2) The Migration Office of the MV SR is entitled to cancel refugee status if later it would be shown that the alien was granted refugee status on the ground of false/untrue information or on the basis of false/counterfeit documents.

(3) The alien is given a document on the cancellation refugee status.

(4) The Migration Office of the MV SR will deliver the decision on the cancellation refugee status to the head/director of the reception centre and the OCP competent according to the place of the alien's residence in the Slovak Republic which further proceeds according Art. 11 Let. b/ Points 1, 2, and 3.

Article 13 Suspension of the procedure

(1) The Migration Office of the MV SR can, by its decision, to suspend the procedure on the determination of refugee status for maximum 30 days upon the applicant's due to some serious reasons. During such a period of time all possible shortcomings found out in the application must be removed/cleared. If the shortcomings are not removed/cleared and as a result of that it will not be possible to take a decision on the matter/case, the application will rejected in the form of a decision.

(2) In the case when the request for the suspension of the procedure is rejected, the applicant can submit an appeal against the decision at the Migration Office of the MV SR within 15 days since the delivery of the decision.

Article 14 Accelerated procedure

(1) If granting refugee status is applied by an alien whose application is apparently unjustified, the Migration Office of the MV SR shall take a decision on it not later than 7 days since the commencement of the procedure.

(2) As apparently unjustified reasons such reasons are considered that according to circumstances in individual cases it is clear that the alien

a/ stays on the territory of the Slovak Republic only because of reasons of a purely economic character, performs profit activity, conducts unpermitted entrepreneurial activity, etc.,

b/ wants only flee from a general state of emergency or a war conflict in the country of his origin or wants to avoid military service, with reservation according Chapter V Part B/169 of Criteria for granting refugee status of the 1951 Convention relating to the Status of Refugees,

c/ gives such reasons as a ground of his application for granting refugee status which are not supported by real facts, which are contradictory or which are based on false or counterfeit evidences,

d/ submits the application for granting refugee status only in order to avoid the termination of his stay (residence in the country) which is threatening to him, especially incase when he had time enough to submit the application earlier,

e/ he has broken considerably his duty to cooperate with the Migration Office of the MV SR especially if he has refused to take part in the interview, to undergo quarantine or acts for verifying of his identity, only if he would give proofs of serious reasons why he was not able to fulfil his duties/obligations,

f/ was expelled earlier from the territory of the Slovak Republic according the Aliens Act[9] is not applicable in case if the alien is covered by the prohibition of expulsion or refoulement[10]

(3 ) As an apparently unjustified reason for the submission of the application for granting refugee status the fact shall be considered if the alien comes from a safe country of origin or a safe third country the list of which represents a part of the decree of the Slovak Government by which the Refugee Act is executed/implemented/enforced.

Article 15 Cessation of the refugee status

(1) The alien's refugee status on the territory of the Slovak Republic ceases to exist if facts mentioned in Art. 14 Par. 1 of the Refugee Act occur.

(2) The Migration Office of the MV SR will make out a decision on the cessation of the refugee status which is delivered to the refugee and to the OCP competent according to the place of the refugee's last residence. If the refugee's new place of residence is not known, the decision is delivered in the form of a public notice.

(3) At the leaving of a refugee from the territory of the Slovak Republic, the Migration Office of the MV SR cooperates, upon the alien's request, with the UNHCR, the IOM and humanitarian organizations in the SR.

Article 16 Appeal

(1) The regular remedy against the decision on refugee status on the territory of the Slovak Republic is an appeal. The notice of appeal is given by a person / the applicant for granting refugee status, his legal representative or guardian at the Migration Office of the MV SR within 15 days since the decision was delivered to the applicant.

(2) The remedy against any decision taken within an accelerated procedure is an appeal. The notice of appeal is given by an entitled person at the Migration Office of the MV SR within 3 working days since the decision was delivered to the applicant.

(3) The Migration Office of the MV SR is entitled to take a decision on the appeal only in the case if they will completely satisfy/comply with the applicant's wishes.

(4) If the Migration Office of the MV SR will not take a decision according to Par. 3, the appeal will be sent for a decision together with the respective file (documents/records) to the Slovak minister of interior within 30 days since its delivery.

(5) The decision taken in the second instance procedure can be investigated, according to the Civil Procedural Code, by the Supreme Court of the Slovak Republic.

Article 17 Delivery of decisions

(1) Any decision on an alien's application for granting refugee status on the territory of the Slovak Republic is delivered to the applicant's own hands who will confirm its receiving by his signature and the date of receiving on the advice of delivery. Any decision, related to an alien who is deprived of his right for legal acts, is delivered to the alien's legal representative or guardian.

(2) In case that the applicant's place of stay/residence is not known, the decision is delivered by the Migration Office of the MV SR in the form of a public notice[11] on a place which is accessible to the public, it means either in the premises of the reception centre or in the area of the seat of the OCP competent according to the applicant place of residence if the applicant applied for granting refugee status during his legal stay on the territory of the Slovak Republic.

(3) If a decision on refugee status is delivered in the form of a public notice, the day of its delivery is the fifteenth day since the date when it was made public.

(4) The date of delivery of a decision delivered in the form of a public notice is after the fifteen-day period marked on a copy of the decision which has been addressed to the applicant together with an imprint of the stamp of the Migration Office of the MV SR with the state coat of arms (the national emblem) and the signature of an appointed employee.

Article 18 Residence permit for an alien who was granted refugee status on the territory of the Slovak Republic

(1) If an alien is finally/lawfully granted refugee status, the competent OCP shall issue/give a residence permit for the alien where in the section "The kind of residence" the word "PERMANENT" shall be written. In the section "Individual/special records" the names, surnames and dates of birth of all alien's children up to 15 years of age who were granted refugee status together with their parents are to be written. The control card of the alien is marked in the right upper part by word "REFUGEE".

(2) The OCP keeps and collects information on the refugee, evaluates it continuously and in case that some legal reasons are found out for cancellation of refugee status sends it to the Migration Office the MV SR.

(3) Files (records) of refugees are kept separately from the files (records) of aliens with long term residence permits or with permanent residence permits on the territory of the Slovak Republic.

(4) The copies of all control cards related to refugees are sent by the OCP to the files keeping department (office) of the Aliens and Border Police Department of the Police Services Administration at the Police Headquarters and to the Migration Office of the MV SR.

Article 19 Travel documents for refugees

(1) If an alien who was granted refugee status will request in writing the OCP competent according to his place of residence for issuing of a travel document, the OCP is obliged:

a/ to receive the request for the issuing of a travel document filled in the form of the Ministry of Interior No. 536 with two photographs of the applicant on the basis of which the OCP will verify the applicant's identity. If the issuing of a travel document is applied by a minor up to 15 years of age, the OCP will request for the written consent undersigned by his legal representative/guardian with the verification/attestation of his signature. The verification/attestation of the signature is not required if the legal representative/guardian will express his consent with the issuing of the travel document and will sign the application in the presence of an employee of the OCP,

b/ to verify the applicant's identity, to collect records and to find out if the applicant's refugee status has not been cancelled,

c/ to notify in writing the Migration Office of the MV SR of the issuing of the travel document to the alien,

d/ to issue/give the travel document to the refugee within 30 days since the application was submitted,

e/ to keep records (a file) on issued travel documents in order according to their numbers, that order is not closed at the end of a calendar year.

(2) In a travel document for refugees no exit visa is given (granted).

(3) At issuing of a travel document the OCP will inform the refugee about his obligation to obtain a visa of the state where he wants travel if in relation to such a state the obligation to have a visa is required for the Slovak Republic.

(4) The OCP will inform the refugee on his duty to notify the OCP of the loss or stealing of his travel document.

(5) The travel document is issued to the refugee for a two-year period.

Article 20 Not issuing of travel documents

The issuing of a travel document to a refugee can be rejected by the OCP if:

a/ it is in contrary with the state interests or public order[12]12,

b/ an execution of a decision for not fulfilling his liability to pay alimony or other financial liabilities has been ordered against him,

c/ a persecution was brought against him or he has not undergone a custodial/prison sentence imposed on him by a court if the sentence has not been forgiven or if the execution of the sentence is not out-of-date,

d/ such circumstances have occurred for which it is needed to cancel his refugee status

Article 21 Withdrawal and withholding of the travel document

(1) A travel document issued/given to a refugee can be withdrawn by the competent OCP if some legal reasons occur to do so[13]

(2) The body which withheld the travel document is obliged to issue a confirmation on it to his holder and within 48 hours to pass it to the competent OCP with giving reasons why it was withdrawn.

(3) The OCP will decide on withdrawal or return of the refugee's withheld travel document within 15 days since the day when a notice on the withholding of the travel document was delivered to the OCP.

Final Provision

Article 22

Order No. 7/1994 "Directive on refugees" of the head of the Aliens and Border Police Department of the Police Headquarters is cancelled.

Article 23

This decree becomes valid on the day of its publication.

No.: MU-68/95

Ludovít HUDEK

Distributed to: M, ÒT, VÚ, ÚLK, Police Headquarters, Aliens Police Departments at frontier crossings and Aliens Police Departments of the District Police Headquarters, Local Police Headquarters in Kosice, Police Headquarters in Bratislava - capital of the SR and the Migration Office of the MV SR, A PZ SR, SOÒ PZ

To the attention of: the Office of the Slovak Parliament, the Office of the Slovak Government, the UNHCR

[1] According to the Resolution of the Slovak Government of 11 April 1995 No. 231, Point 1 Let. d/ such an alien shall be placed in the reception centre for aliens who illegaly stay on the territory of the Slovak Republic.

[2] Act of the Slovak Parliament No. 73/1995 of the Coll. of Laws on the stay of aliens on the territory of the Slovak Republic.

[3] Act of the Slovak Parliament No. 73/1995 of the Coll. of Laws on the stay of aliens on the territory of the Slovak Republic.

[4] Art. 7 of the Refugee Act of the Slovak Parliament No. 283/1995 of the Coll. of Laws.

[5] Art. 1 Par. 2 of the 1951 Convention relating to the Status of Refugees.

[6] Act of the Slovak Parliament No. 73/1995 of the Coll. of Laws on the stay of aliens on the territory of the Slovak Republic.

[7] Act of the Slovak Parliament No. 73/1995 of the Coll. of Laws on the stay of aliens on the territory of the Slovak Republic.

[8] Art. 41 Par. 2 of the Penal Act.

[9] Act of the Slovak Parliament No. 73/1995 of the Coll. of Laws on the stay of aliens on the territory of the Slovak Republic.

[10] Art. 33 Par. 1, 2 of the 1951 Convention relating to thestatus of Refugees.

[11] Arts. 26 and 27 of Act No. 71/1967 of the Coll. of Laws on the administrative proceedings.

[12] Art. 28 of the 1951 Convention relation to the Status of Refugees.

[13] Arts. 17 and 18 of Act No. 216/1991 of the Coll. of Laws on travel documents and traveling abroad in wording of later regulations.

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