
Cash offers a lifeline to refugees from Ukraine arriving in Poland

Cash assistance is allowing refugees from Ukraine to make their own decisions about what they need most after arriving in Poland and other countries in the region.

1 Apr 2022

On Oscars night, Hollywood stars show solidarity #WithRefugees

With themes of displacement and loss featuring in many of the nominated films, celebrities at the ceremony and online shone a light on refugee crises in Ukraine and beyond.

1 Apr 2022

Refugees and migrants brave jungle wilderness in search of safety

The dense jungle of the Darien Gap is increasingly becoming a site of transit for Venezuelans, Haitians and other people forced to flee.

29 Mar 2022

South Sudanese battle record floods amid rapidly changing climate

Help is urgently needed ahead of the rainy season for the most vulnerable among 835,000 people hit by flooding in the world's youngest nation.

29 Mar 2022

UNHCR partners with FC Barcelona to bring the power of sport to displaced children

24 Mar 2022

Young people in Myanmar's Rakhine State tackle ethnic divisions

Youth groups made up of Rakhine and Rohingya members are coming up with solutions to shared challenges in Myanmar's ethnically divided Rakhine State.

23 Mar 2022

Blanket delivery offers some warmth for refugees waiting to cross Ukraine border

As conflict deepens suffering inside Ukraine, UNHCR, the UN Refugee Agency, is scaling up cross-border aid from Poland with the support of partners like NEEKA.

21 Mar 2022

Polish border town welcomes refugees from Ukraine, but will itself need help

'These refugees have lost almost everything. We need to help them. Even if that means we'll have to learn to live with less,' says mayor of Medyka, a primary crossing point for refugees.

16 Mar 2022

Refugees fleeing Ukraine to Moldova find onward passage to Romania

As transfers are arranged to ease the pressure on Moldova of hundreds of thousands fleeing conflict, UNHCR staff are on hand to help refugees facing an uncertain future.

15 Mar 2022