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Query Responses

Query responses are replies to focused queries or requests for Information that are submitted in the course of the refugee status determination process.
Showing 1-10 of 22 results
Cambodia: 2. Whether poor women in Cambodia without education and skills may be forced to work as a sex worker to survive; and whether they have other employment options. 3. Employment for hairdressers in Cambodia. Are there many jobs for hairdressers? What would a women who works as a full-time apprentice hairdresser, or a junior hairdresser, earn in Cambodia? Is this enough money on which to survive without also working in another job? 4. Whether a woman who worked in a nightclub in Cambodia would be at risk of violence and rape and other forms of harm (from the nightclub owners or patrons). 5. Whether the Cambodian authorities provide protection to (i) women and (ii) women who work in nightclubs, who experience violence from men.

7 March 2012 | Publisher: Australia: Refugee Review Tribunal | Document type: Query Responses

Egypt: 1. Please provide information on employment opportunities for Coptic or other Christian women in Egypt.

7 July 2011 | Publisher: Australia: Refugee Review Tribunal | Document type: Query Responses

Myanmar: 1. Please comment on the treatment of ethnic Indians. Are ethnic Indians or Anglo-Indians targeted in Burma? 2. Are ethnic Indians or Anglo-Indians denied full citizenship rights in Burma? Do they face restrictions on their travel within Burma and on their career opportunities? 3. Are Anglo-Burmese targeted? 4. Are Anglo-Burmese denied full citizenship rights in Burma? Do they face restrictions to travel within Burma or career opportunities? 5. Are Christians, including Catholics, targeted in Burma? 6. Please provide information on the kidnapping of people by the army who then force them into slave labour, especially those who are Christian, or of Indian and Anglo-Burmese descent. 7. Is Thanpyuzat located in an 'insurgent area' in Burma? 8. Are those who return to Burma from Western countries targeted?

27 September 2010 | Publisher: Australia: Refugee Review Tribunal | Document type: Query Responses

Sierra Leone: 1. What is the situation for Fulas in Sierra Leone? Are they discriminated against and/or treated as foreigners because they are regarded as Guineans rather than as Sierra Leonese? Do they face discrimination in employment, education etc and/or possible persecution from the APC government because they are not traditional supporters of the APC? Are Fulas likely to be regarded as anti-government on account of their ethnicity? 2. What is the situation for high profile human rights activists? Is it common for high profile activists to be interviewed, assaulted and or detained by the authorities? Is such a person likely to be targeted and/or harmed by APC supporters for speaking out about government policies? 3. What is the relationship between the AFRC and the APC? Following the 1997 elections, were people who opposed the AFRC arrested and detained? Do opponents of the AFRC continue to face possible harm? 4. Were there outbreaks of violence between members of political parties (SLPP and APC) during the 2007 elections? Were some people prevented from voting? 5. Would a person who is an advocate against drugs, face possible harm from drug dealers (non-State actors)? 6. What is the level of state protection provided? Does the possibility of being regarded as anti-government affect the level of protection a person may receive? 7. What are the possibilities for relocation for a person who is a Fula and/or has established a high profile in Freetown as a human rights or youth advocate?

7 September 2010 | Publisher: Australia: Refugee Review Tribunal | Document type: Query Responses

Samoa: 1. Are young single women open to problems/risks in Samoa? What are they? 2. Are there any church groups, such as Seven Day Adventists, who provide a community, protection or accommodation for single women? 3. Would it be difficult for single women to obtain employment in Samoa? 4. Are the Police able and willing to protect single women?

18 August 2010 | Publisher: Australia: Refugee Review Tribunal | Document type: Query Responses

Zimbabwe: 1. Deleted. 2. Deleted. 3. Is Soraidema is part of the Hurungwe District in Mashonaland West and that this is well known for the training centre for the National Youth Service known as the Border Gezi Youth. 4. Please provide independent country information regarding whether conditions in the National Youth Service known as the Border Gezi Youth training facilities are reported to include poor construction, frequent hunger, and sexual abuse of girls and women. 5. Is there information on whether every person within the age group 10-30 living in the Hurungwe District is forced to go to the training camp? 6. Is there information to suggest that a person would be prevented from relocating to another location in Zimbabwe outside the Hurungwe District? 7. Is there information on whether a person partially qualified in nursing in Australia is likely to find work in urban locations in Zimbabwe?

1 July 2010 | Publisher: Australia: Refugee Review Tribunal | Document type: Query Responses

China: 1. What proportion of the Chinese population (or workforce?) are party members? 2. Is it known if citizens are asked to join, even if indicating their unwillingness to do so? 3. Does party membership improve treatment in the workplace and enhance promotion prospects? 4. Is it likely that refusal to join the Party would be a reason for dismissal and refusal of other employment opportunities?

17 December 2009 | Publisher: Australia: Refugee Review Tribunal | Document type: Query Responses

Zimbabwe: 1. Please advise what level of medical care is available for type 1 diabetics in Zimbabwe? Is insulin widely available? 2. What is the unemployment rate in Zimbabwe in general and for someone who is a young white farmer with an ongoing medical condition?

3 September 2009 | Publisher: Australia: Refugee Review Tribunal | Document type: Query Responses

Australia: 1. Please advise whether a person must hold a NT licence to work as a general plumber [ASCO 4431-11] in the Northern Territory? 2. A submission suggests that an employee is able to work as a plumber if he works under the supervision of an advanced tradesman or a journeyman. Is this the case? 3. If so, are there any restrictions on how the supervised workers do their tasks? That is, can they still undertake all the tasks of a licensed plumber? 4. If a person is from Vietnam, has no qualifications, speaks little English, and is in Vietnam, what would he need to do to get a licence? 5. Please advise whether plumbers in Vietnam are regulated, and if so, what the licensing requirements are.

30 March 2009 | Publisher: Australia: Refugee Review Tribunal | Document type: Query Responses

Jordan: 1. Please provide information on the discrimination and the severity of the economic hardship faced by Palestinian refugees from Gaza; their chances of securing employment in the private sector and any harassment they might face or restrictions imposed on them by the authorities

6 January 2009 | Publisher: Australia: Refugee Review Tribunal | Document type: Query Responses

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