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Canada: Immigration and Refugee Board of Canada

The Immigration and Refugee Board (IRB) is Canada's largest independent administrative tribunal, responsible for making well-reasoned decisions on immigration and refugee matters efficiently, fairly and in accordance with the law. It consists of three divisions: the Refugee Protection Division; the Immigration Division; and the Immigration Appeal Division. The Refugee Protection Division decides claims for refugee protection made by people already in Canada. Website:
Selected filters: Trinidad and Tobago
Showing 41-50 of 95 results
Trinité-et-Tobago : violence conjugale, y compris les réactions de la police aux plaintes (2001 à avril 2003)

2 May 2003 | Publisher: Canada: Immigration and Refugee Board of Canada | Document type: Query Responses

Trinidad and Tobago: Domestic violence, including police responses to complaints (2001 to April 2003)

2 May 2003 | Publisher: Canada: Immigration and Refugee Board of Canada | Document type: Query Responses

Trinidad and Tobago: Racial problems faced by persons of Chinese descent, and state protection available against racially-motivated harassment or violence (1999-2002)

19 March 2003 | Publisher: Canada: Immigration and Refugee Board of Canada | Document type: Query Responses

Trinidad and Tobago: Whether provisions of the 1999 Domestic Violence Act are in effect; effectiveness of the Act; enforcement of the Act by police

17 October 2002 | Publisher: Canada: Immigration and Refugee Board of Canada | Document type: Query Responses

Trinidad and Tobago: Update to TTO20988.E of 23 June 1995 and 20544.E of 8 May 1995 on treatment of gays, gay lifestyle, support groups, and enforcement of sections 13 and 16 of the Sexual Offences Act and of Section 8, paragraph 18/1 of the Immigration Act

17 October 2002 | Publisher: Canada: Immigration and Refugee Board of Canada | Document type: Query Responses

Trinidad and Tobago: Government services available to minors who have been sexually abused and/or neglected by their parents

16 April 2002 | Publisher: Canada: Immigration and Refugee Board of Canada | Document type: Query Responses

Trinidad and Tobago: List of Ministers in the government from 1998-2001, and changes particularly in the Ministry of Public Utilities and whether minister is being investigated on suspicion of involvement in money laundering or drug trafficking

23 August 2001 | Publisher: Canada: Immigration and Refugee Board of Canada | Document type: Query Responses

Trinité-et-Tobago : information permettant de savoir si une citoyenne de Trinité-et-Tobago qui a obtenu par mariage la citoyenneté d'un autre État avant le 29 juillet 1988 perd d'office la citoyenneté trinidadienne; information sur la discrétion dont jouissent les autorités trinidadiennes pour rejeter une demande de réintégration dans la citoyenneté trinidadienne

7 August 2001 | Publisher: Canada: Immigration and Refugee Board of Canada | Document type: Query Responses

Trinité-et-Tobago : information indiquant si un citoyen trinidadien peut reprendre sa citoyenneté trinidadienne après l'avoir perdu en devenant citoyen d'un autre État avant 1988

25 June 2001 | Publisher: Canada: Immigration and Refugee Board of Canada | Document type: Query Responses

Trinidad and Tobago: Update to TTO23379.E of 9 April 1996 regarding ethnic or racial strife, tensions or attacks and the response of the authorities

18 September 2000 | Publisher: Canada: Immigration and Refugee Board of Canada | Document type: Query Responses

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