X v. Staatssecretaris van Justitie en Veiligheid Case C‑69/21
The Court adopted the view that a return decision or removal order does not infringe the right to respect for the private life of a third-country national concerned on the sole ground that, if he or she were returned to the receiving country, that national would be exposed to the risk that his or her state of health deteriorates, where such a risk does not reach the severity threshold required under Article 4 of the Charter. Nonetheless, the Court ruled that the national's state of health and the care received must be considered by the competent national authority, along with other relevant factors (such as social ties, dependency, and health fragility), when determining whether the national's right to respect for private life precludes removal. 22 November 2022 | Judicial Body: European Union: Court of Justice of the European Union | Document type: Case Law | Legal Instrument: 2008 Returns Directive (EU) | Topic(s): Border controls - Freedom from torture, inhuman and degrading treatment - Non-refoulement - Right to health | Countries: Netherlands - Russian Federation |
Alekszij Torubarov v Bevándorlási és Menekültügyi Hivatal (Case C–556/17), request for a preliminary ruling
Article 46(3) of Directive 2013/32/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council of 26 June 2013 on common procedures for granting and withdrawing international protection, read in conjunction with Article 47 of the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union, must be interpreted as meaning that, in circumstances, such as those at issue in the main proceedings, where a first-instance court or tribunal has found — after making a full and ex nunc examination of all the relevant elements of fact and law submitted by an applicant for international protection — that, under the criteria laid down by Directive 2011/95/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council of 13 December 2011 on standards for the qualification of third-country nationals or stateless persons as beneficiaries of international protection, for a uniform status for refugees or for persons eligible for subsidiary protection and for the content of the protection granted, that applicant must be granted such protection on the ground that he or she relied on in support of his or her application, but after which the administrative or quasi-judicial body adopts a contrary decision without establishing that new elements have arisen that justify a new assessment of the international protection needs of the applicant, that court or tribunal must vary that decision which does not comply with its previous judgment and substitute its own decision for it as to the application for international protection, disapplying as necessary the national law that would prohibit it from proceeding in that way. 29 July 2019 | Judicial Body: European Union: Court of Justice of the European Union | Document type: Case Law | Topic(s): Administrative law - Effective remedy | Countries: Hungary - Russian Federation |
OPINION OF ADVOCATE GENERAL BOBEK in Case C‑556/17 Alekszij Torubarov v Bevándorlási és Menekültügyi Hivatal (Request for a preliminary ruling from the Pécsi Közigazgatási és Munkaügyi Bíróság (Administrative and Labour Court, Pécs, Hungary))
I suggest that the Court reply to the Pécsi Közigazgatási és Munkaügyi Bíróság (Administrative and Labour Court, Pécs, Hungary) as follows: – Article 46(3) of Directive 2013/32/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council of 26 June 2013 on common procedures for granting and withdrawing international protection, in conjunction with the first paragraph of Article 47 of the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union, is to be interpreted as meaning that a model of judicial review in matters of international protection in which the courts are endowed with a mere cassational power but in which the judicial guidance they issue in their annulment decisions is effectively being disregarded by the administrative bodies when deciding on the same case again, such as demonstrated in the case in the main proceedings, fails to meet the requirements of effective judicial review set out in Article 46(3) of Directive 2013/32 and interpreted in the light of the first paragraph of Article 47 of the Charter. – A national court, deciding in circumstances such as those in the case in the main proceedings, must set aside the national rule limiting its power to the mere annulment of the relevant administrative decision. That obligation arises when the clear assessment contained in a judicial decision annulling a previous administrative decision has been disregarded by the administrative authority deciding the same case anew, without the latter bringing any new elements that it could have reasonably and legitimately brought into consideration, thus depriving the judicial protection provided for under the invoked provisions of any practical effect. 30 April 2019 | Judicial Body: European Union: Court of Justice of the European Union | Document type: Case Law | Topic(s): Administrative courts - Effective remedy | Countries: Hungary - Russian Federation |
Saïd Shamilovich Kadzoev v. Direktsia Migratsia' pri Ministerstvo na vatreshnite raboti
Reference for a preliminary ruling from the Administrativen Sad Sofia-grad, Bulgaria lodged on 7 September 2009. 30 November 2009 | Judicial Body: European Union: Court of Justice of the European Union | Document type: Case Law | Topic(s): Asylum-seekers - Deportation / Forcible return - Illegal entry - Illegal immigrants / Undocumented migrants - Immigration Detention - Right to liberty and security | Countries: Bulgaria - Russian Federation |