Title | UNHCR Executive Committee Conclusions related to Statelessness |
Publisher | UN High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) |
Publication Date | July 2010 |
Topics | Denial of nationality | Right to a nationality | Statelessness |
Other Languages / Attachments | Spanish |
Cite as | UN High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), UNHCR Executive Committee Conclusions related to Statelessness, July 2010, available at: https://www.refworld.org/docid/4c499c022.html [accessed 24 May 2023] |
Comments | This compilation contains relevant extracts from conclusions adopted by the Executive Committee of the High Commissioner's Programme (ExCom) with the exception of conclusions exclusively dedicated to statelessness: Conclusion No. 106 on Identification, Prevention and Reduction of Statelessness and Protection of Stateless Persons from 2006 and Conclusion No. 78 on Prevention and Reduction of Statelessness and the Protection of Stateless Persons from 1995 |