Last Updated: Friday, 19 May 2023, 07:24 GMT

Reporters Without Borders

Reporters Without Borders is an international non-governmental organization that aims at defending journalists and media assistants imprisoned or persecuted for doing their job and exposes the mistreatment and torture of them in many countries. It fights against censorship and laws that undermine press freedom, gives financial aid to journalists or media outlets in difficulty, as well to the families of imprisoned journalists, and works to improve the safety of journalists, especially those reporting in war zones.  Website:
Selected filters: Indonesia Freedom of speech
Showing 1-10 of 26 results
RSF asks Indonesia's president to let journalists work in West Papua

31 March 2017 | Publisher: Reporters Without Borders | Document type: Country News

RSF tells Indonesia to stop flouting journalists' rights in West Papua

9 May 2016 | Publisher: Reporters Without Borders | Document type: Country News

Indonesian justice system treats two British journalists as criminals

3 November 2015 | Publisher: Reporters Without Borders | Document type: Country News

Indonesian president fails to keep media freedom pledges in first year

20 October 2015 | Publisher: Reporters Without Borders | Document type: Country News

British journalists face five years in prison for filming without permit

30 September 2015 | Publisher: Reporters Without Borders | Document type: Country News

Petition for the release of two French journalists held in Indonesia

11 October 2014 | Publisher: Reporters Without Borders | Document type: Country News

Petition for the release of two French journalists held in Indonesia

7 October 2014 | Publisher: Reporters Without Borders | Document type: Country News

Indonesian authorities urged to expel French journalists held since 6 August

5 September 2014 | Publisher: Reporters Without Borders | Document type: Country News

Two French journalists held for past five days in Indonesian province of Papua

11 August 2014 | Publisher: Reporters Without Borders | Document type: Country News

Two journalists badly injured by shots fired by riot police

19 June 2013 | Publisher: Reporters Without Borders | Document type: Country News

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