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Zimbabwe: 1. Deleted. 2. Please provide information/reports on working conditions on the Mugabe family's farms and on whether there are any reports of intimidation or harassment of employees on the Mugabe farms? 3. Deleted. 4. Deleted. 5. Please advise on whether a person would be able to obtain a passport and visa to South Africa on behalf of another person, as compared to requiring personal attendance and interview etc. 6. Deleted. 7. Are there reports dealing with allegations that people are discriminated against in terms of access to education and health care because of their failure to support the ZANU-PF, or are coerced to abandon church attendance and prayers to attend ZANU-PF rallies.? 8. Please provide information in respect of the claim that in South Africa there is discrimination and xenophobic violence against Zimbabweans. 9. Deleted.

17 June 2011 | Publisher: Australia: Refugee Review Tribunal | Document type: Query Responses

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