Last Updated: Wednesday, 17 May 2023, 15:20 GMT

Case Law

Case Law includes national and international jurisprudential decisions. Administrative bodies and tribunals are included.
Selected filters: Entry / Exit
Showing 1-10 of 14 results
CASE OF T.Z. AND OTHERS v. POLAND (Application no. 41764/17)

The present case concerns numerous refusals of the Polish authorities to examine the applicants’ requests for international protection, their denied entry to Poland and return to Belarus

13 October 2022 | Judicial Body: Council of Europe: European Court of Human Rights | Legal Instrument: 1950 European Convention on Human Rights (ECHR) | Topic(s): Effective remedy - Entry / Exit - Expulsion - Freedom from torture, inhuman and degrading treatment | Countries: Belarus - Poland - Russian Federation

R (on the application of AZ) v Secretary of State for the Home Department (statelessness "admissible") [2021] UKUT 00284 (IAC)

1. The word “admissible” must mean in the context of paragraph 403(c) the ability to enter lawfully and reside lawfully. “Admissible” does not incorporate the concept of “permanent residence”. 2. The Statelessness Convention does not impose a requirement on contracting parties to grant either permanent residence or citizenship.

25 March 2021 | Judicial Body: United Kingdom: Upper Tribunal (Immigration and Asylum Chamber) | Legal Instrument: 1954 Statelessness Convention | Topic(s): Entry / Exit - Residence permits / Residency - Statelessness | Countries: Kuwait - United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland

East Bay Sanctuary Covenant, et al., v. William P. Barr ("East Bay Sanctuary (II)")

6 July 2020 | Judicial Body: United States Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit | Topic(s): Asylum policy - Entry / Exit - Non-refoulement - Right to seek asylum | Countries: United States of America

East Bay Sanctuary Covenant v. Trump

The panel affirmed the district court’s grant of a temporary restraining order and a subsequent grant of a preliminary injunction enjoining enforcement of a rule and presidential proclamation that, together, strip asylum eligibility from every migrant who crosses into the United States along the southern border of Mexico between designated ports of entry.

28 February 2020 | Judicial Body: United States Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit | Topic(s): Entry / Exit - Illegal entry - Non-refoulement - Rejection at border - Right to seek asylum | Countries: United States of America


The question of wider importance raised on this appeal is whether rule 334(i) of the Immigration Rules requires an applicant for asylum in the United Kingdom to be present in the country at the time of the decision on the application.

6 March 2018 | Judicial Body: United Kingdom: Court of Appeal (England and Wales) | Legal Instrument: 1951 Refugee Convention | Topic(s): Entry / Exit - Re-entry | Countries: United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland

N.V.H. v Minister for Justice & Equality

30 June 2017 | Judicial Body: Ireland: Supreme Court | Legal Instrument: 1950 European Convention on Human Rights (ECHR) | Topic(s): Entry / Exit - Refugee status determination (RSD) / Asylum procedures - Right to employment | Countries: Ireland - Myanmar

A. (Eritrea) v Staatssekretariat für Migration (SEM)

30 January 2017 | Judicial Body: Switzerland: Tribunal administratif fédéral | Topic(s): Entry / Exit - Refugees - Voluntary repatriation | Countries: Eritrea - Switzerland

A. (Eritrea) v Staatssekretariat für Migration (SEM)

30 January 2017 | Judicial Body: Switzerland: Tribunal administratif fédéral | Topic(s): Entry / Exit - Refugees - Voluntary repatriation | Countries: Eritrea - Switzerland

Judgement of the 29 September 2016

29 September 2016 | Judicial Body: Belgium: Conseil du Contentieux des Etrangers | Topic(s): Entry / Exit - Illegal entry - Statelessness | Countries: Belgium

Judgment of the 8 February 2016

8 February 2016 | Judicial Body: Belgium: Conseil du Contentieux des Etrangers | Topic(s): Entry / Exit - Expulsion - Non-refoulement - Statelessness | Countries: Belgium

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